Tribulation Timeline by Michael Dean Haller - HTML preview

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Adam                   4004 BC      

Enoch                  3000 BC      

Abraham            2000 BC

Solomon            1000BC      

Jesus                  4BC-30AD      

Second Coming      2030AD


I am not the first, nor the only person, who has arrived at this rather simple mathematical conclusion:


I describe in detail why I believe that 29 A.D. is the date of the resurrection in my book: Christian Exodus Out of Babylon. I am very convinced that 29 A.D. is the correct date of the resurrection, but there are many fine Bible scholars that put the date of Jesus Christ’s resurrection anywhere between 27 A.D. to 33 A.D.; therefore, I will be the first to admit that I might be off by a few years.

This book is purely speculation and conjecture…NOT divine inspiration by God. I do not claim to be a prophet, nor do I claim that Jesus, or an angel, or any other divine messenger, has visited me and given me a direct message or revelation.

My greatest desire is to perhaps wake up the Church to the real possibility that the LORD Jesus Christ is at the door, so that as many people as possible will be ready when He arrives to take his bride home to heaven!

That being said, I recently came across the ancient Book of 2 Baruk, which appears to give a timeline of the tribulation period. Therefore, counting backwards from the Fall of 2029, I have created a timeline of a twelve (12) year tribulation period as described by 2 Baruk.

2 Baruk 25:4 And it will come to pass when they say in their thoughts by reason of their much tribulation: EL ELOHIYM no longer remembers the earth yea, it will come to pass when they abandon hope, that the time will then awake. Eth CEPHER Bible.


I recently purchased an Eth CEPHER Bible, and to say that I was excited is an understatement. It includes several apocalyptic books that have been excluded from the King James Bible. I am especially excited about “2 Baruk (2 Baruch)” because it includes a timeline of the tribulation period. If anybody is interested in purchasing this unique bible, it can be found at the following website:


According to the Book of Jeremiah, Baruk was a scribe that was given the task of writing down all the words of Jeremiah when he prophesied directly from the LORD.


Jer 36:4  Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah: and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the LORD, which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll of a book. 


In the eth CEPHER Bible preface there are short histories of the various Books including the history of 2 Baruk:


(T)he Apocalypse of Baruk, also known as Baruk Sheniy (2 Baruk) stands out as vital. A.F.J. Klijn writes: “Until recently the Apocalypse of Baruk was only known from a Syriac manuscript dating from the sixth or seventh century AD. Since the beginning of this century two fragments have come to light in Greek (12:1-13:2 and 13:11-14:3) from the fourth or fifth century. Small fragments of the text, again in Syriac, have been discovered in lectionaries of the Jacobite Church. However, no fewer than thirty-six manuscripts are known because it once belonged to the canon of Scriptures in the Syriac-speaking church. Eth CEPHER, 3rd Edition, Cepher Publishing Group, LLC, 2017.


First, I want to mention that 2 Baruk is doubly hard to study and understand because it is mainly being translated from Syriac, a language related to Aramaic and only spoken by a small ethnic minority of Assyrians/Syriacs in the Middle East. Therefore, at best it is a translation of the original Hebrew, and it is probably the translation of a Greek translation of the original Hebrew…or a translation of a translation.


Fortunately, I would also like to mention that this tribulation “timeline” of Baruk appears to track closely with the sequence of end-time events outlined by Jesus in the Book of Matthew Chapter 24, when Jesus talks about the events preceding His second coming, and it is also similar to events outlined in the Book of Revelation. Therefore, we might be able to “fill in” the gaps, or clear up any confusion about the “meaning” of the sequence of end-time events.


I find the Apocalypse of Baruk (2 Baruk) extremely fascinating because Baruk specifically asks the LORD how many “years” will the tribulation continue???and the LORD seems to tell him TWELVE!


2 Baruk 26:1 And I answered and said: Will that tribulation which is to be continue a long time, and will that necessity embrace many years? Eth CEPHER Bible.


The LORD tells Baruk that the time of tribulation is divided into twelve (12) parts. Baruk had asked God how many “years” that the tribulation would last and God tells him it is divided into twelve “parts”…Could the tribulation actually last twelve (12) years from the start to the finish?


2 Baruk 27:1 And he answered and said unto me: 2) into twelve parts is that time divided, and each one of them is reserved for that which is appointed for it. Eth CEPHER Bible.

If my calculations are correct, and Jesus Christ returns to resurrect/rapture His saints on the Feast of Tabernacles, September 24, 2029, then the beginning of Baruk’s twelve (12) year tribulation would have begun sometime during the Fall of 2017 A.D…LAST YEAR! If you want to see my calculations for the Second Coming of Jesus read my FREE book “Christian Exodus: Out of Babylon”. I have taken the liberty to break down Baruk’s tribulation timeline into twelve (12) years… beginning with the Fall of last year.