Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A True Story

Psychic Domination

The instructions had been issued to him from the government: “Be careful! You must be armed, and on the highest degree of alert!”

The news of the crimes of criminal gangs and thieves had become widespread across the country, and it was clear that they were very active at this time.

Imagine the position of the financial accountant of a big company, who has a huge monetary sum to be cashed every month. This would definitely arouse the attention of these criminal elements. Indeed, one of these gangs was watching him, studying his character, his nature, his equanimity and his bravery.

They did not want to kill him; they only wanted the money.

They knew that he used to wear a protective bulletproof vest, and that he also carried a gun which he always kept loaded and without the safety on.

At any moment that he felt in danger from thieves that he did not know, he was always ready to shoot. What would their plan be?? The sum of money was very seductive, but the criminals did not want any of their own group to be killed, or to be wounded and then arrested, for the accountant would certainly inform against all of them, and then their activities and identities would be uncovered.

The day arrived that was fixed for the receipt of the money. The financial accountant came out of the gate of the bank, holding a bag containing millions of dollars in one hand, with the other hand in his pocket, where he had hidden his gun…

At that moment, the thieves ran out in front of him, fighting one another as if it was a real battle. They used all the kinds of fighting in which they were skilled, such as: karate, judo, tae kwan do, etc.

It really was an extremely exciting scene.

But the great event that overwhelmed everything was when one of them took out a knife and used it to stab his friend in the chest at the site of his heart, below the armpit. Oh, how terrible was that scene which captivated the hearts of the people watching, as well as the accountant himself!

The victim shouted in a voice filled with pain that dismayed hearts, then blood poured out onto the ground, and the murdered man fell down on the ground, lifeless.

When the accountant, who had been so shocked by the enormity of the scene, regained his awareness, he could not find his bag, and nor could he find any of the people who had been fighting. There was neither killer, nor killed person, nor anything else to be seen.

The criminals had employed the warfare of psychic domination in order to distract the accountant from everything, even from his body. Thus, they took the bag from his hand while he was unaware of what was going on around him and what was happening to him. He did not even feel them drawing the bag out of his hand, because he was astounded by the shock that had struck him when he witnessed the stabbing of a knife into the chest of the supposedly murdered man.

This kind of robbery was repeated many times, but the American security apparatus failed to identify the thieves or uncover their successful manner of carrying out their theft. This continued until the gang of robbers was arrested by chance, and some of its members confessed to the robberies and revealed the secret of their devilish success.

Explaining the Criminal Plan which made use of this Psychic War

One of the quarreling thieves would tie a container of blood under the jacket of his waistcoat and would put a special mark on the outside of his clothing that indicated the whereabouts of the hidden packet of blood. In this way, they identified the place where the packet containing the blood should be struck, so that the packet of blood could be burst open, allowing a great deal of blood to flow from inside the thief’s clothing. Thus the people who saw this phenomenon would think that the blood that poured out was from a deadly wound to the heart of the criminal. Then, the criminal would fall down to the ground, acting dishonestly and writhing in supposed pain, displaying all the outward signs of a man undergoing the violent sufferings of death. This would mean that any onlookers who were watching this drama of false killing would be shocked in their spirits. On this occasion, while the accountant’s spirit was in this state of shock and was directed entirely to the apparently murdered man who was writhing in pain and covered with blood, another member of the gang stretched out his hand and quickly took the bag from the hand of the accountant, who was still stupefied by the sight of the flowing blood and who let the bag slip from his hand, totally unawares. Then the member of the gang took the bag and put it into a car which immediately sped away as fast as possible.

After the horrible accident, something amazing happened. The murdered man who was drenched in blood suddenly got up and ran away in a hurry, quickly disappearing from the sight of the onlookers. Because of this, at whatever time the accountant discovered that the bag of money had been lost, it would be too late. Only then would he shout and call for the help of the police, who would surround the nearby people in force to search for the accountant’s bag, but in vain. In this way, the truth behind the criminal plan was finally discovered.

Here is another incident through which the reader can notice the extent of the spirit’s influence on the body: