Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A True Story

Psychic Execution

Once some psychologists and psychiatrists went to a man who was sentenced to death. They asked the government to let them execute the capital sentence that had been passed against him by subjugating him to psychic experiment to the point of death. They said to him: “We feel pity for you so we want to execute the death sentence in the easiest way.

“You will not feel any pain. We are going to cut one of the veins of your hand and make you bleed until you are dead, and through this, you will not suffer the torment of painful suffocation that goes along with hanging. We will do that only out of mercy to you”.

In the place that was prepared for the operation, they blindfolded the man’s eyes so as to allow him to see nothing of what was going on at all. On his hand, they cut a simple scratch from which blood did not flow, but they made him believe that his hand was bleeding. At the same time, a flask filled with warm water was fixed above his hand. They opened the flask’s tap to allow water pour forth over the position of the scratch, so that it would feel as blood was flowing. When the water began to fall into a container and the sentenced man heard the sound of the falling liquid, he thought that this sound came from the blood flowing from his hand. Thereby, little by little, the criminal’s face began to turn pale and it was not long until his blood pressure dropped and his heartbeat began to decrease. All the medical apparatus showed that the body of that deceived man deteriorated, until his face became lifeless. A short time after that, he fell down dead after living under the spiritual illusion which had befallen him.

The same method of waging spiritual war was applied by some of the greatest commanders known in the past, such as Timur bey or Timurlenk, who gained most of his victories in this way. He would give a false impression of the number of his soldiers by distributing fire, raising the dust, drumming and making noise, all of which made his enemies think that his army was large. As a result, when battle began, his enemies were soon running away in fear, defeated, seeking only to save themselves no matter what their materials and strength of numbers.