Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Is it Possible to Use Believing Jinns in the Service of Good Deeds?

Here, we should deal with a question that has been raised by many simple people. It relates to something that is claimed to be true by many evil people who work in the field of magic. This question is:

Is it possible to use believing jinns in the service of good deeds? Does the believing jinni show himself to his believing brothers and sisters from among humanity?!

The absolute fact is that believing jinns never come to the world of humanity at all, either in body or in spirit. Any jinni from among jinn-kind that appears before people is surely and certainly one of the disbelieving jinn-kind; that is, he is a rebellious devil.

Their allegations which say that there are believing jinns that appear before people indicate that all they want to do is to deceive simple-minded people.

How can a jinn be a believer when it penetrates a woman??

The Almighty says of the devil: “He but enjoins you to commit evil and indecency and to allege about Al’lah what you do not know.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 169

The phrase “…what you do not know” refers to things for which you find no basis, no source, and no indication in God’s Book; moreover, this refers to things which are contrary to His sayings. So, this should not be accepted because it is one of the infractions of your enemy, the devil, which would only lead to your total loss.

In His Book, God openly warns us of this when He says: “Sons of Adam! Let Satan not tempt you, as he got your parents out of paradise. He stripped them of their garments so as to show them their shameful deeds (that displeased them)...”: this is God’s saying: “Beware not to incline to what the devil displays”, because his purpose was but to strip our Father, Adam, and our Mother, Eve, of their states of entering into closeness with God by showing them something that displeased them. “…he and his minions see you whence you cannot see them. We have made the devils guardians over those who do not believe.” That is, the Almighty made them the leaders of those who have wicked spirits so as to bring out such wickedness in them.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 27

But why did God make them so? I say, the patient should be treated. Indigestion requires a laxative, and the furuncle needs to be cleaned to get rid of the pus.

So, when it comes to one whose spirit has been filled with wickedness, the devil would be like a cure for them. The devil would bring out the ill desire that is in existence within their spirit, and then the Almighty would treat them by means of the distress that they feel, or with an affliction so that they may repent.

Thus, Satan and his companions, who are definitely devils, are the ones who see you. They are the friends of those who are without faith. You will not find people who believe in God and who, at the same time, also make friends with ones that are so far from God and far from His messenger.

If they were true believers, they would not be friends with the unbelieving devils.

So there is absolutely no believing jinni that will ever appear to humanity.