Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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How do Devils Appear to People?

I say that the way that the devil deals with people is based on cheating and deception, for if they know that he is a rebellious devil, they will not believe him and they will be safe from his injurious and evil effects.

The Holy Qur’an mentions the devil’s wicked intent to cause harm to Adam’s sons with the following words: “Then will I come to them through their hands and from behind them, from their right and their left…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 17

This affects the simple-minded people whom the devil approaches “…from their right…”, that is, by pretending to have faith, by reading the Qur’an, and by simulating blessings and charity. He comes to them under the cloak of religion so as to deceive them and make them submissive to him, and to defame religion and the people of religion.

So, if someone appears and claims to be a believing jinni, know that he is none other than a mutinous devil. He pretends otherwise in order to have influence and power over the spirits of the people that he wants to cheat, and then he achieves his malicious and evil wishes by destroying them.

This false call works with many simple-minded people. In many countries we see magicians hiding themselves and disguising themselves by being colored with an Islamic stain. They have with a false stamp of religion, although true religion is very far from them and the Qur’an warns of them and unmasks them.

A Saint is somebody who observes the boundaries of Al’lah

If a religious man says words that are contrary to those of God, a true believer should not follow him. God says: “No mortal to whom Al’lah has given the Book and whom He has endowed with judgment and prophethood would say to people: ‘worship me instead of Al’lah’...”: that is, neither a prophet nor a messenger would say to people “obey my words” or tell them things that are not mentioned in God’s Book. So, this verse refutes any statement that is in conflict with the Qur’an. The believers do not say: “We are people of honor, not the people in charge, so it shall be no offense for us to do whatever we want because we are preferred above other people by virtue of our miracles. We do magical marvels. Even if we committed things that are forbidden for our own sake, they will be considered to be obedient actions”. Such are the sayings of the magicians who are among the devils of humanity.

The statements of a believer are in agreement with what is mentioned in the Qur’an: “…be devoted followers of the Provider…”, that is, apply the Provider’s words to your life.

This is what a believer says. A believer will say: “Obey my saying which is derived from God’s Book, and follow God’s instruction (i.e. follow the Holy Qur’an)”.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 3, Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), verse 79

“Nor would he enjoin you to take the angels and the prophets as providers…”: you say: “An angel has appeared to me and said to me so and so, although this saying is contrary to God’s saying!” This is polytheism.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 3, Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), verse 80

Do you call it inspiration? No, there is no inspiration. All inspiration is within God’s Book. If something is in agreement with it, it is true. Even the sayings of the noble messenger (cpth) should be compared with God’s Book. If you find that they correspond to the words of the Qur’an, they are surely from God; if they do not, you can be sure that the prophet (cpth) did not say these words at all and they are nothing but an invention that was made to discredit him.

The messenger (cpth) told us that he would be unable to protect himself if he disobeyed God (far be it for him). How then could he protect others who disobey God’s orders?

This can be seen clearly in the noble verse: “Say: ‘I will never disobey my Provider, for I fear the torment of a great day’.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 6, Al-An’am (Livestock), verse 15

Thus, only God the Almighty, should be obeyed. Polytheism is to follow a saying that is in conflict with God’s sayings, even if the scholars document it and certify it.

A real religious person is one who acts according to the truth and what is right, and according only to what emanates from the Qur’an and its sublime precepts and teachings, whereas he who commits any breach of the Qur’an is not truly a religious person at all. He is nothing more than a herald of the cursed devil; moreover, he is one of his company and troop (so no jinni that approaches our world is a faithful jinni at all).

The Qur’an has never cited such a thing at all; on the contrary, it warns of devils, as mentioned in the noble verse, when God addresses His noble messenger (cpth): “Say: ‘Lord, I seek refuge in You from the promptings of the devils. Lord, I seek refuge in You from their presence’.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 23, Al-Muminun (The Believers), verse 97-98

Apart from that, the word ‘jinn’ in its Arabic-language meaning reveals this point, as has been shown before, for the world of jinn-kind is veiled from us and God has separated them from us. Therefore, any breach that changes that situation, and any time that a jinn emerges from the world of jinn-kind into the world of mankind, this can certainly be regarded as disobedience and a deviation from truth and what is right.

Similarly, no human can descend in spirit to the world of the jinn unless they are a follower of the devil, that is to say, a person that has no faith, and such a person is absolutely not a believer.

The Almighty warned us of these devils when He said: “Sons of Adam! Let Satan not tempt you as he got your parents out of paradise. He stripped them of their garments so as to show them their shameful deeds that made them lose trust in themselves. He and his minions see you whereas you cannot see them. We have made the devils guardians over those who do not believe.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 27

So, their only wish is to cause damage and harm and to incite us to commit evil and partake in acts of indecency, both overtly and covertly. Some people brag of their viewing of the jinn-kind and the jinns’ appearance to them. They think that they are angels bringing down Godly orders to them.

This is mostly true of certain women. They talk about these visitations, and consider each to be a kind of revelation, while, in reality, whether they are aware of it or not, stinking water has begun to flow beneath them and the devil has deceived them and trapped them. Though one may claim to be a believing jinni or even an angel, in actual fact, he is none other than a devil and an insurgent enemy that wants to subvert such women, to create discord between them and their husbands, and to lead them to a bad end.

Here is our lady, the pure Virgin Mary. She felt confused on one occasion when she saw the shape of a man inside her private room.

God says: “She retired away from her people to a blessed place and put a veil between her and them. We sent to her Our Soul in the semblance of a real human being. She said: ‘I seek refuge from you in the Compassionate...’ ”: i.e. I have sought protection and have resorted to the Compassionate because of you. “ ‘…Who are you?’ He answered: ‘I am an angel…’.” But she continued: “…‘(even) if you were a pious one’ ”: that is, even if you were an angel, why have you entered my room? – and so, God’s rules and boundaries have precedence over everything.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 19, Maryam (Mary), verse 17-18

She did not accept his entry to her secluded room in the semblance of a man until she realized that he was a messenger sent by Al’lah, for the angels had foretold of this beforehand in relation to our master Jesus (peace is through him).

Then our master Gabriel sent the spirit of our master Jesus through her mouth during the conversation.

Astounding surprise

What a difficult moment is coming when the facts manifest themselves, and those who thought they were doing the right thing by following those they believed to be angels suddenly discover that they had actually been following their enemies, the devils, who were leading them into wrongdoing and ultimately into the blazing fire! They had thought that they were following the orders of God which had been sent to them by the angels, but in fact, they were sinking into polytheism, betrayal and vice. God says: “On the day when He gathers them all together, He will say to the angels: ‘was it you that these men worshipped?’ ”; and the angels will answer: “ ‘Glory to You, You alone are our guardian. They worshipped only jinns, and it was in jinns that most of them believed’.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 34, Saba’ (Sheba), verse 41-42

And He says: “…they had chosen the devils for their guardians instead of Al’lah, and deemed themselves on the right path.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 30

At that time, there will be no return to this life and no more opportunity for good deeds. There will be only despair and failure attendant on them, which will make them seek refuge in hellfire so that it may alleviate the horrible spiritual pains they will be suffering because of their commitment to the abominations and the offenses to which they were led by the devil.

Thus, we should not believe that there are any believing jinns which can approach our world, even if they claim, falsely and dishonestly, that they are angels. None of the jinn-kind come into our world except those that are with the devil (that is, who have deviated from the right path), and thus, they are certainly unbelieving jinns.

So, beware that you do not sow bad seeds, and be sure to obey your Provider before the inevitable day arrives. On this day the Almighty will address the followers of the devil: “Sons of Adam, did I not covenant you never to obey Satan, who is a plain enemy to you, but to worship Me? Surely that was the right path. Yet he has led many of you astray. Had you no mind?”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 36, Ya Sin ‘Ya-sin‘ (Safe & Pure), verse 60-62


The magicians’ first intention was to misrepresent the heavenly religions. That was their painstaking custom: to keep their pledge to their cursed father, Lucifer, who promised to waylay people and lead them away from the straight path. Therefore, we do not find that those who say they have supernatural powers and those who perform preternatural acts are active only among Muslims. There are also ‘antichrists’ and ‘anti-prophets’ elsewhere; our master Jesus (peace is through him) identified them as such when he said: “They present imaginary miracles and wonders in order to mislead even the chosen, if it is possible for them.”[10]

He (peace is through him) advised extreme caution in relation to them when he said: “Beware of the anti-prophets who come to you in the semblance of lambs while in secret they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you can recognize them. Do thorns yield grapes?”[11]

As for those who perform miracles and supernatural and preternatural acts; as for those who claim to be saints and claim that they call people to the right religion under the name of the mission of Islam or as helpers of the Messiah master; as for those who allege that the masters of the enchanters are messengers and prophets, when in fact they are nothing but sly libertines: how will they end up? The Holy Qur’an unveiled their secrets and the results of their deadly deeds as well as the everlasting suffering that will befall them.

This is what we have mentioned previously. The sayings of our master Jesus (pth) also acquaint us with the fruits of their deeds, which will draw destruction upon themselves firstly and finally.

About the Day of Reckoning, he (pth) says: “On that day, many people will say: ‘Have not we prophesied in your name? Have not we ejected the devils in your name? Have not we shown many miracles in your name?’

But I will declare to them: ‘I did not know you at all. Go away from me, wrongdoers’.”[12]

That will also be what is said by all of God’s apostles to these lying impostors, these slanderers of religion.