Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Studying Magic

Concerning their contention that the study of magic is a class or a branch of science:

Seeking to understand science objectively is a noble demand that is in accordance with God’s saying: “Are the wise and the ignorant equal?”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 39, Az-Zumar (The Groups), verse 9

However, in reply to their claim about the scientific basis of magic, we say that such statements hide poison inside fat, delicious food, and confuse a harmful and damaging type of science with a type that is profitable and serviceable; for the messenger (cpth) says: “O, God of all! I take refuge in You from getting science that avails nothing.”[24]

There is also his saying (cpth): “Sometimes science may be ignorance in its reality.”[25]

After we know and have defined magic as a hidden and harmful black profession, because its reality involves dealing with the world of devilish jinn, we can say the following:

We can see from the previous research that the upshot of such magical science is to separate the wife from her husband as a means to spread adultery. This will leave their children without control, as their divorced mother will not be able to bring them up adequately. In the case that she is not completely occupied with her new husband, the problem is that her ex-husband – the divorced father – will be involved with his new wife and so will neglect the supervision of his children. They will then become subjected to wretchedness, and acquire their morals and vulgar manners from the street. What will the street provide them with? It will certainly present them with meanness and vices, and this is the utmost wish of the devil: to find a wretched evildoing errant idle generation so that they will grow up abounding with obscenity, vice, and misery, just as children today are adults tomorrow.

God the Almighty has revealed to us the status of those who learn this black art, and what result they will arrive at. This is clear from what He says: “…they knew full well that anyone who engaged in that traffic would have no share created for them in the life to come…”: that is, nothing will be created for such people in the hereafter; they will have lost access to the heavens and eternal life in exchange for the passing transient vanities of this world. Moreover, the magicians themselves know that magic ends up in destroying its practitioner; they know the truth, but they deviated from the right path because their low whims defeated them. “…Vile is the price for which they sell their spirits, if they only knew it”: what will afflict them later? Had they believed, they would not have done what they have done; they were defeated by their whims because they did not believe and witness the reality of the words: “there is no God but Al’lah”; had they believed, they would not have been beaten: “Had they believed and seen by Al’lah’s light, far better for them would his reward have been, if they but knew.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 2, Al-Baqara (The Cow), verse 102-103

If they had believed in Al’lah, they would not have been abandoned, and Al’lah would have granted them all their desires by means of a high straight way, without their being diminished. This worldly life is temporal, but the hereafter is endless, and the science of magic results in eternal defeat and destroys its practitioner.

This fabricated Hadith “Learn magic” and those similar to it (which were invented by conjurers and magicians) justify the learning of magic for people. They are like an appeal to the wish to seek knowledge or to confirm the correctness of Islam by way of wonders, although the Holy Qur’an definitely disapproves of giving signs in God’s saying: “Nothing hinders us from giving signs except that the ancients disbelieved them…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 17, Al-Isra’ (The Night Journey), verse 59

This is because after the miracle, as we mentioned before, comes inescapable and utter destruction, unless people believe. As for the seekers of wonders who are immersed in their blind spirits’ whims, no matter how many wonders they see many times over, they do not repent. How can they believe in Al’lah since they do not think of his signs and favors, but amuse themselves with vices?!

In old times, people saw miracles but still did not believe. People who had asked their messengers (ptt) to show them miracles to prove that they had been sent by Al’lah still did not believe, and failing to believe in miracles made them more deserving of death since they had accused these messengers of being magicians. They said to our master Moses (pth): “You, magician, pray to your Provider for us and invoke the promise He has made you; then we shall follow your guidance.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 43, Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments of Luxury), verse 49

One who regards such actions as proof that confirms the correctness of Islam is wrong, and one who believes that learning these actions is necessary is also wrong.

Did God’s messenger (cpth) – far be it for him – stab himself with a skewer, or tread on fire, or eat glass, or release the dead from a furnace, brought to life again having been put inside it, or do any other such deceptive actions??

Here are the results of such science: you will find that its practitioners graduate from the insane asylum and from hospitals of psychiatric diseases, or you see them in places where sweepings of dirt are gathered.

Is there any person with even a whit of mind or thought who wants to lose their abilities and their dignity and sit in such places to access this harmful knowledge from the devil?? Of course, there is not. God’s messenger (cpth, far be it for him) did not do such deeds, and neither did the noble companions, their followers in charity, the leaders of Muslims or the common people: they neither learnt magic, nor did they teach it. Would they really have chosen to learn at the hands of the magicians, who are the enemies of Al’lah and the servants of devils?

Such actions and wonders can be carried out by many non-Muslim hypnotists, and even by pagans, adorers of cows and fire, and by the infidels, so would they be considered as supernatural for these people?

Finally: Islam is a faith of logic and sublime rules which uplifts all the worlds to the level of humanity, so that all people become brothers and sisters to one another, feeling sorrow for the sadness of others, feeling glad at the gladness of others, and feeling grief at the distress of others: “…they prefer the others to themselves, though they are in want…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 59, Al-Hashr (Creation-Gathering), verse 9

These rules include that there should be no breaking of the magnificent strict cosmic disciple, which, if you think deeply upon it, will generate true faith in your spirit. Then, when you truly contemplate creation, you will be led to know the Creator to whom might and majesty belong, and then you will trust in Al’lah and yield to Him after you yourself believe in Him through thinking about the cosmic favors and signs, and after knowing for certain that you will die and leave this worldly life, thus becoming afraid of this inescapable end.

This is the way that was followed by the prophets and the messengers, and it leads to straightness, loftiness, and sublimity.

The educational qualifications for learning magic

Concerning one who wants to learn magic, it is preferred that they have a religious background so that when they graduate as a magician, they will be known to be a person who is attracted to God, or one with supernatural powers, so that then people will trust them and give them their reins, which is when they will start causing harm. For the devil, there is no use for an adulterer who separates a wife from her husband, or a homosexual person who brings up an immoral generation, or a wine-drinker who becomes like a donkey for the devil, who rides and steers them wherever he wants, so that this person may commit forbidden things unconsciously.

The desired one is one with a slight imitative faith, whose spirit spreads in the darkness to imagine prohibited actions. An example of such a person is as follows. He releases his sight to enjoy temptation, and relishes hearing of exciting matters, and as he prays, his heart is thinking of beautiful women and of the cinema or television screens. He is a waster who does not preserve the graces. He oppresses the weak who are under his leadership (his brothers, his students, or his workers), and inclines to harm all of the animals, especially cats, just to oppose God’s messenger’s direction (cpth): “Be kind and generous with the cat (the male and the female).”[26]