Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Offering to Learn Magic and the Conditions of Membership, the Principles and the Beliefs of Followers of Magicians Loyal to the Cursed Devil

The conditions that must be fulfilled in magician to be long to the cursed Satan’s school are summarized in the following points:

1.      It is necessary for the membership to exclude thought so that they become exactly like animals, even to the point where an animal may be more conscious than these people.

2.      Their faith will never be accepted unless they are known by people to be crazy, so they act as if they are like this in order to let people say of them that this is so, in order to allow them to carry out disgraceful actions and then to escape from the punishment of the law. There are different ways for people to achieve this – to do so, one may be required to run bare-footed through the streets, or shout loudly, using repulsive words, or curse people and annoy them by making shameful movements with their body. They may even blaspheme against the Godly presence, the messenger (cpth), and religion, so as to get a reputation as a lunatic, and thus to avoid blame, so achieving the status of a representative of the devil. Sometimes they raise their voice in a strong, loud cry in the streets, using words of deception such as, “communicate with the prophet, and then you will gain”. They may repeat this many times.

3.      Their first teachers are their devilish companions, and after this the magician, to whom they will go frequently, and head for with their spirits. This is one who supports and aids the devil, and spares no effort in bringing about the destruction of others.

4.      Places for studying: first, they need privacy in graveyards and deserted places, where they fast from water for a long time, and associate themselves with severe feelings of hunger so that the spirit can become transparent and put the body aside in order to couple with these evil spirits who aim to engage this student in hidden adultery, where the mechanism of the brain becomes entirely inoperative and all thought comes to an end. Later, they stop caring about people and what they say, and so they leave the practice of profitable work, as they are made to feel covetous of imaginary treasures and fanciful possessions through their desire (for example, they are told things such as: you don’t need to work, because Al’lah is the Provider).

5.      They take an interest in the water closet (W.C) as that is the place where the devils appear to them, and they boast of how their science is gotten from the W.C.

6.      With hidden vices, they distract their students from supervising their children and from taking care of their responsibilities so that they will be destroyed. They deceive them with vain hopes and dreams in order to make them neglect their children, who become street dwellers and derive many vices from this life. However, despite their damaging actions, this student of the magicians will not be considered to be a sinner by most people, because they will have become one of the greatest and most famous personalities around, and their stars will blaze brightly in their immediate future.

7.      Their spouses will commit adultery, but because the adulterer magicians are close to the devils, the students pay no attention to this so as to be nearer to their masters. Besides, nobody will believe the resistance of the victim since they are insane, and such a follower, indulging in their lusts, has no power to repel such forces.

8.      They will lose all their money and trade until they are without a penny, and by such methods, they will reach the apex of allegiance. The patient followers before them will have already been afflicted with such outcomes. They will take bread from the sweepings and eat it after washing it.

9.      Their bodies will collapse and their strength dissipate until they become as lean as a ghost, and unable to say comprehensible words. The lanes, the deserted corners, and the dunghills will witness their struggle and their continuous presence.

10.  They will not leave any paper or nylon or newspaper in a place where they might see it with their own eyes lest it should contain the Name of Al’lah, but instead they take them and put them in the cracks of the walls as a sacrifice all throughout the time of their study. No one will understand what they do, nor will they themselves. This is just blind and absolute obedience and worshipping.

11.  People will sympathize with them. Their beloved son or their wife will throw them in the insane asylum, or in a psychiatric hospital, where they will forget them until they graduate and get their certificate. Their stinking smell will never be forgotten by those who have smelled it once, and that is how they enter the gate of glory.

12.  During this stage, they will discover their inability to return to their ordinary life, for their spirit’s whims will have overcome them. They will have lost their life to come as they will have no belief in it by this stage, so that, for them, this lower life is the hereafter and everything.

13.  The devilish oppression and pressure from which they suffer increases more and more until their spirits obey and yield to them, and it then transpires that they like the evil, harm, and cruelty that they like, and hate the virtue and perfect qualities that they hate. Thereupon such a person becomes one of the majestic ones, ascending to the highest rank so that they are given a title from the accepted military grades such as a captain, a brigadier general, or a general, although they beg and wear clothes that are old and ragged.

14.  When the flow of knowledge or the assistance ceases, they will head for the W. C to get further aid.

Notice: the dead-hearted ones who are not conscientious, who are consumed with evil thinking about Al’lah, and who tend to harm and cruelty deserve such a humiliating meeting to submit to the command of the devils, and these people will soon be led into a situation where they care about nothing except fulfilling their hellish pleasure in secret. They will be led into this situation by following their destructive whims.

In the circles of magicians and their followers, there is an organized school which holds divans (work meetings) which they attend, according to their ranks. If somebody is a servant of the devil (whether this devil is of humankind or jinn-kind), they must continue to attend such divans. May God protect us and you from obeying the devil, the open enemy of humanity, and from sitting with the enemies of religion lest their damage should afflict us; instead, we should keep the company of those who are loyal to Al’lah, and be guided by His straight Holy Book, wherein God says: “You, who believe, see by Al’lah’s Light and be with the true men.”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 9, At-Tawba (Repentance), verse 119

God’s Envoy (cpth) was truthful when he said: “Indeed, the virtuous companion and the evil one are like the musk carrier and the bellows blower. Concerning the musk carrier, either you buy from him, or you find a sweet smell from him; but as for the bellows blower, either he burns your clothes, or you find a foul smell from him.”[27]

The following section presents two factual tales proving the quackery of magicians and conjurers who pretend to have the ability to heal people of their diseases, and who allege that the magical actions in which they take part are kinds of wonders that confirm the rightness of Islam, although Islam is quite distant from them.