Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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A True Story

The Shoemaker is Barefoot and the Knitter is Undressed[28]

A bold idea was shining in his mind.

“I am the most famous pharmacist in my village, and all the inhabitants harbor respect and reverence for me, but what do I gain from that? The profits from the pharmacy do not fulfill the needs of my family, and I have no other craft. I must put together a medicine that is needed by the majority of people, and advertise it in order to bring in profits… So what should I make?!”

He sat there, thinking and thinking all night, and asking himself: “What will I do? What medicine shall I make?” Early the next morning, he rushed quickly to his pharmacy and brought various chemical materials back to his home, where he entered his special laboratory joyfully and happily. He sat there working for about an hour, humming his favorite songs to himself. His son, who was barely fifteen, heard his voice and he entered the laboratory saying:

“Daddy, it is not usual for you to be so happy in the morning. What's going on with you?!”

The father answered: “It’s true, my son, I'm very happy, because I have invented a medicine which will produce great profits for me, and we will live a life of ease and comfort, and I will buy you everything you need and everything you desire”.

“What medicine is it, Daddy?”

“You don't know it, son. It is made up of complex chemical compounds, and I am going to write on its label that it is made in foreign parts, yes… that it is imported medicine”.

“What are its benefits Daddy? I want to know so that I can tell my friends at school about it, so that it will become popular and well-known?”

“It is to treat baldness, my son. It strengthens the roots of the hair, and supports the growth of the hair. There will be no more baldness after today.”

The boy replied with a smile: “And what shall I tell my friends when they tell me that my father is bald and has no hair on his head?!!”

The inventor had never expected such a reply, which blew out the blaze of the glimpse of his hope… He became embarrassed and bowed his head in front of his young son, finding that he had no reply.