Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Excerpts from the Inspired Science of the GreatHumane Scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho

Many people turn to augurs, fortune-tellers and conjuring magicians for help, driven by curiosity, or by the desire to uncover hidden matters and inquire about their prospects for the near and far future.

While having their morning coffee, they like to read their horoscopes in the newspapers before going to work and entering the whirligig of daily life, stimulated by an insistent desire for optimism and good omens, and longing for a day full of hope and delight… but…!

Some of them continue to search for one who spits over knots, or who will write a spell for them, or for an exorcist who gathers and stirs up discord among people.

We also find those who want to cause harm to their enemies by means of those conjuring magicians – because of envy, through cursing them with the evil eye. And there are others who want to see wonders, or watch supernatural trickery – as they suppose it to be – for example, stabbing oneself with skewers, spiritualism, and the telling of unseen things through augury, fortune telling and necromancy.

Others covet accumulated hundredweights of gold, and wish to find golden treasures hidden beneath the ground without making any effort, and so they resort to magic and magicians.

And there are those who aspire to kingship and superiority over humanity by adopting the principles of the devil. “…I am better than him (Adam)…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), verse 12

These people seek mastery and to tower over others.

Others desire adultery, but in secret, so they resort to the magicians, and at their hands they learn to join those who commit hidden sins.