Unveiling the Secrets of Magic and Magicians by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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When do the magicians appear?

Throughout the ages, concentrated amounts of spiritual waste and human failure appear in certain societies as a result of an aberration of manners and a deviation from morality and from the right way (which we call the ‘straight path’ in Arabic). Such practices lead their perpetrator to the gulf, where they sacrifice their humanity for enjoyment that is destructive and momentary, and that is inevitably followed by great torment. Such a person becomes devoted to their whims, and aims to fulfill their lusts in a hellish, dirty, vile way, so that they turn into an enemy of everyone else, whoever they might be: their son, their brother or even their mother.

Such people seek to destroy others and dispossess them of their characters.

They dedicate their existence to depriving others of their will until they become obedient to them. To achieve this evil aim, they veil their face behind a humanitarian mask, faking the ability to do wonders, or claiming to possess wisdom and science, or even to practice spiritual medicine and physical or spiritual therapy.

Verily, these are the magicians and conjurers, and as long as people do not think deeply, they will follow them and believe in their abilities and ideas.

These magicians will find a good market among such simple-minded people, especially those who are possessed by a love for money that dominates their life.

So, it is necessary to reveal to our gentle readers the reality of these magicians and conjurers in consecutive sections. They hide themselves behind religious clothing such as palliums and jubbahs, or behind turbans and beards, or other false faces, and include: hypnotists, spiritual doctors, magicians who spit over knots, astrologers, trick swordsmen who stab themselves with skewers, those who eat glass, who walk over fire, or who stay underwater for a long time, mediums, augurs, fortune-tellers, necromancers etc. Their masks are multiple but their hearts are alike: they are tricksters. They are all melting in a single crucible and drinking from a stagnant spring.

Only the scholar’s learning unveils the secrets of the magicians

So, he or she who wants to show the lies and disprove the falsehoods of these practitioners of magic has no means to do so except by resorting to the Holy Qur’an and the sacred Sunna of the prophet (cpth),[2] because these will unveil their hidden knowledge and their unseen statues.

Only these two holy sources frustrate these magicians’ statements and refute their destructive beliefs. The Holy Qur’an is a book that “falsehood cannot reach from before or behind…”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 41, Fussilat (explained), verse 42

A strange phenomenon circulates among people nowadays and spreads through different educational, cultural and social classes.

It is the faith in those people who deal in magic, and who pretend that they have the ability to harness the world of jinn in order to fulfill people’s hopes and wishes, and to solve the hard problems that people face.

Considering the importance and gravity of this subject, we wanted to discuss it according to a set of rules that are aimed at disclosing the purpose of this magic in order to acquaint people with the facts surrounding its current credibility and influence. We found no one to reveal its reality correctly except the great humane scholar Mohammad Amin Sheikho – his soul has been sanctified by Al’lah.

Therefore, we borrowed the following elements of research from his thoughts and knowledge, which are inspired by the Holy Qur’an, in which the Almighty does not neglect anything.

Thus, the humane scholar is the vanquisher, unveiling the reality of this field of conjuring, and clarifying its reality in detail, with logical and scientific proof, supported by verses from the Holy Qur’an.

So the tongue of the heart addresses those who believe in their enemy, as mentioned in the noble verse: “…would you then worship that, instead of Al’lah, which can neither help you nor harm you? Shame on you and on your idols! Have you no sense?”

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), verse 66-67