Why Did They Become Muslims? by Huseyin Hilmi Isik - HTML preview

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[21] Allah is the greatest.

[22] Mahayana Buddhism is practised mostly in China and Tibet today. The second form of Buddhism, Theravada, is based on the teachings of Buddha recorded in the Pali Canon. It is practised in Kampuchea, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.

[23] Shintoism is an ancient religion of Japan. It includes the worship of gods that represent various parts of nature, and of the souls of people who died in the past.

[24] Sixty- eight years ago, as of today

[25] Compassion, mercy.

[26] Abundance, blessing.

[27] A group of Christians called Society of Friends. They are known for their opposition to violence and war. They perform their religious services in silence, and call them Meetings.

[28] A Christian religious group, who believe in the unity of Allah.

[29] One of the heretical sects founded for the purpose of demolishing Islam from within. For further information, please see Endless Bliss, Second Fascicle, 36th chapter.

[30] Please see the fifty-eighth paragraph in The Religion Reformers in Islam, for the Tablîgh-i-jamâ’at.

[31] Endless Bliss, fifth fascicle, first chapter.

[32] Endless Bliss, fifth fascicle, seventh chapter.

[33] Please see chapter 36, Corrupt Religions, in Endless Bliss, Second Fascicle, for heretical groups.

[34] A corrupt religious cult, which is seen chiefly among Indian people, and which is believed to be a sub-continuation of the Zoroastrian sect. It is also transcribed as Parsi.

[35] Also Gujarati, an Indo-Iranian language of the Indo-European family, spoken in Gujarat, a northerly-west coastal state in India. Quite a number of people living in today’s Britain are the descendants of people from this region, and they still speak Gujerati.

[36] Please see The Sunni Path; Endless Bliss, first fascicle, 5th, 6th, 26th and 27th chapters; and Endless Bliss, second fascicle, 33rd chapter.

[37] The beautiful, pure face of the Messenger of Allah.

[38] Allâhu ta’âlâ.

[39] Allâhu ta’âlâ.

[40] Telling about the Messenger of Allah.