Why are you persecuting Me? by Sabrina De Muynck - HTML preview

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Pastor Stephen Phillips

Jesus warns the Disciples that in the last days there will be many false prophets and their power of persuasion will be so great that even the elect may be deceived would that be possible (Matthew 24:24). The fact that we are now living in the last days has become blindingly clear to me for some time now. For me it is not a matter of “are these the last days?” but “how long do we have left before the catastrophic tribulation period begins?”

Sabrina is a woman who I know personally to be a faithful, God fearing and righteous sister in Christ whose only desire in life is to serve the Lord faithfully. Unfortunately, she was deceived by a powerful controlling spirit and false prophet who stole everything from her including her husband. At the time of writing this false prophet is still at large. This book was written as a warning to how bad it can get and to give guidance on how to discern the patterns that lead to “cultism” and ultimately what to do to escape.

Some reading this will say “how is it possible to be drawn in to such heresy, surely it is obviously false?” To those I say that this is easy to see when on the outside but not so easy when on the inside. The false prophet usually begins very convincingly, believe me I know. Then the deception creeps in gradually and by the time you realise it is all wrong you are trapped. The mental and spiritual binding is so great that it takes a monumental effort to escape. Most people think it could never happen to them. Until it does!

Others reading this might say “that happened to me” or “that is happening to me right now!” To these I say read and take comfort. This book was written specifically for you to help you to discern the techniques that may be used to entrap you and to give you hope and a way out.

The key tool we have in our defence against false prophets is, of course, the Bible. God gave us the Bible for many reasons but one important reason is so that we can discern the truth from a lie. Paul commended the Bereans for not accepting him until they checked what he said with scripture (Acts 17:11). The Bible says that a prophet will be known by their fruit (Matthew 7:15–20). So they will be known for what they say and what they do. The Bible also says that if their prophecies do not come to pass then they are a false prophet and to not be afraid of them (Deuteronomy 18:22). I have come across a number of people who say that they do not need the Bible anymore because they receive their instructions directly from the Lord. The Lord says this and the Lord says that. This is a big red flag to me and it has never been very long before these “Oracles” start to contradict scripture and introduce deception and confusion into the body of Christ. They are often very ready to correct others but accept no accountability or correction of themselves.

The answer then, is to know your Bible, otherwise you will not be able to discern the truth from the lie and their deception will entrap you. In these dark days I cannot recommend it highly enough. Read it as often as you can. The Bible talks about putting on the “Armour of God” and describes scripture as the sword in that armour (Ephesians 6:10-18). So a weapon, if you like, to wield against the false prophets and powers of this dark world so that you cannot be deceived.

I am convinced that God will never contradict the Bible, will never change his mind, all his prophesies will come true and that the Word of God is inerrant. His word is the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)

Pastor Stephen Phillips
Freelife Ministries, Stevenage UK