Words of Love by Aneta Cholevova - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Follow Me and I'll take you wherever you want

and, moreover, to places that you’ve never dreamed about.

I am always with you,

so stop doubt about it.

I lead your hand and foot,

and even ideas that are running through your head.

I am all the good and all the bad that happens to you in life.

And why?

To make you turn around and recourse.

STOP for a moment and THINK about what do you really want in your life?

And why are you doing all that you do?

Where are you actually heading with all this?

And are truly going straight to Me?

Because I am the path, the truth, the love and life

and there is no different way in life. But all roads lead to Me. And it's only up to you how those roads will look like.

What roads do you choose

for I will lead you.

Across the seas, mountains and rivers,

you will be always lead by Me,

because I am such, because all I care is you.

Believe me,

I care about you more than about all the others,

and for Me you are more important

than all that you do.


There is just one thing I'd rebuked you for,

if you killed your brother.

You would killed Me, you would killed My part.

Do not do it.

Not because I would not have the power over the life

and the death.

I can revive anyone, anytime,

no matter whoever he is.

But I gave you a free will to do

whatever you want.

Do not be afraid to go My way.


This applies to animals too,

this applies to all living creatures.

Plants have a special place in My kingdom.

They are here for you.

Eat them.

But not more.

Neither fish nor animals are here for you to enslave them,

but are here for you to rejoice.

So that everyone would have just as much as he needs,

but no more.

Here are people who have nothing

and others who buy and throw away more

than they can ever consume.

It must end.

Start by taking into account yourselves and each other.

Because I lead you.

You are my mirror, the example of Me

and thus act according to it.


Be always with Me

and do not be despondent.

I have already forgiven you all,

even what you haven’t done yet.

I know your steps,

but these little things do not matter for Me.

The only thing I want

is to be with you

and to have you near Me.


And now let’s talk about the Kingdom of Heaven,

about the God’s kingdom.

It's not possible for you to imagine it using your own imagination.

It's a great love that is so intense

that can even kill a person

because it’s so huge,

that it can’t be compared to your normal feelings.

It is so huge that it overshadows and stuns everything

it touches.

Even the Sun.

Therefore, there was a solar eclipse,

when I died.

It was such a huge love

when I was going back to Father,

that even the Sun abandoned its sunshine for a while,

so that it could live that moment with Me….

and it always happens when a great person is coming back to Me

for all heaven rejoices when you are coming back to Me

and I welcome you and always will

with open arms.

Because you belong to here

and I will never let anything or anyone

to tear you apart from Me.

Even if you did anything.

Everything will be forgiven.

I love you so much.

There is nothing and no one that could separate us.


Do not hesitate to do what I tell you,

I know why I do it

and if you want to follow Me,

do it too.

It is always for your highest good,

even if today you do not understand it.


Even when I gave you the big fear

that you could lose your money

in time when you haven’t expected it

and you were not ready for it,

I also took it off from you.

Do you get why I did this?

Because I wanted to bring you again a bit closer to Me.

To make you believe

that you are never alone

in any situation,

but I am always with you

and always hear each of your desires.

I mean it,

I do hear EACH of your desires.

The little and the big one.

The one that you say only once

and the one you keep repeating every morning and night.

And for Me there is nothing greater and better

than to meet and fulfill you

your dreams.

Because of this, I sent you here.

So you too can enjoy it all,

allowing you to shine and glaze for a while

in the light of My love,

just as the Sun does during its eclipse.

But I always save you from everything,

from the good and the evil,

to let you realize

that you're here for Me

and you are here with Me

and both together We are One.

And nothing else in life really matters

and do not count on anything else in life.

It is unnecessary and a waste of time.

Rather dedicate your time to finding me,

so you can fully enjoy all that I am giving you.

So that you can fully enjoy your own glory,

your own life

and everything what you came here to realize.

Believe that then nothing will be good or bad.

As in Me,

in My kingdom,

everything is perfect.

So that there is nothing to worry about.

Everything is good,

because the truth is in Me and I am the truth.

Look for Me

and you will find the Father.

And you will never lack a thing in your life.

You'll always be ready for everything

and nothing will catch you unawares.

Be with Me,

I'm telling you that all the time,

but you're not listening.

For a moment try to break away from all

that you were taught.

Take a vacation from all of your thoughts,

prejudices and obligations.

This does not mean that you must stop doing your job

and take care of your family.

This means that when you come home

and fulfill all your obligations

then You come to Me in a silence

and together with Me

you will think about Me and God's Kingdom.

And I'm telling you,

I'll let you understand everything

and soon I’ll change your life.

But my time and your time

does not always correspond to your time scales,

therefore be patient too

and believe that nothing happens without a reason

and by everything that happens

I slowly teach you how to receive My kingdom,

and soon before you even know it,

you'll find out

that you are living in God’s kingdom,

and that I lead every of your steps,

even your breath

and every single minute of your life.

For Me it is the most precious thing I have

and I give it to you through My entire love,

so that you could live this with Me

and I do not want anything else other than

that you would really fully enjoy it all.


So stop worrying and denying things

which you desire from all of your heart

and go after them.

And I'm guiding you through it all.

Do not worry if it should mean that you will have to leave someone,

someone you care about.

In the Kingdom of Heaven you will meet them again.

In addition, I'll give you thousands other loves,

friends, families and hugs

because you have left him/her because of My kingdom,

and I will NEVER forget it.

I will never forget anything you have voluntarily left

because of Me,

to find Me and rejoice in My glory.


So next time you hear your favorite song,

listen to its rhythm and words.

Because through it I'm talking to you.

Play it right now and come to Me

and follow Me,

because in life only the best things are waiting for you,

nothing more beautiful than My love and closeness.

Follow Me,

and you will get everything in this life

and in the life to come you will get eternal life.

Because I'm eternal

and eternally I am near Father

and with Father

and so it will be with you,

because as I said,

I will never leave you.

I am giving you the power to overcome everything in life

and to achieve everything.

None of what you have achieved so far you haven’t done alone.

I've always been there with you

and you have never experienced any of your grief or fears in life alone.

I've always been there with you

and always will.


I will never let your foot slip,

never a single hair on your head will fall

or turn grey without Me knowing about it

and giving My consent.

So much you are DEAR to Me.

Even your nerves do ask Me every day on

how they should work

and how should they manage your body

because everything is happening as I want

and nothing happens unless I know about it

or would not have given My consent.

There is nothing you could lose

unless I want to take it out of you.

And believe Me that I know perfectly and exactly

why am I taking that thing or that person out of you.

So do believe Me.

Do not worry and follow Me.

I still think only about you,

I am never concerned with anything else

and so believe that I am leading you in the right way

in every time,

weather and age.


And now came the time when you all

will go back to Me gradually.

I'll take you all back to Me gradually.

And I will give you My kingdom.

I'll give you the Kingdom of Heaven.

Do not look for and do not want anything else.

Because this is the greatest thing.

I'll give you a glory which by Father has the begotten Son.

I want to give that glory just to you,

so that you can live it with Me

and through Me.

Prophets were looking for this glory

and found it.

Including Mohamed and Buddha

and all those others who were here before Me,

and after Me.

We all are here for one God

and for one thing.

For that love which He gives us

through Himself and through ourselves.

And that we also can live this love for a moment

and shine in it.

Shine through this love

or shine through Me

and I will be with you,

because I am the love,

the truth and the life,

and no other way leads to Father

except through Me because I am the love,

the truth and the life.

The truth of life does not lead through any other way

except through Me.

And in Me

there is always you and Me.


I'll take you

and together we'll be walking again on stormy oceans

and silenced oceans

and we’ll go wherever you've always wanted to go.

In America,

to the East,

to the West

or to another planets,

wherever you’ll want to go,

you will always get there through Me and in Me.

Amen I say to you,

we are already there,

because I'll always fulfill everything what you wish for

before you even say it.

So just rejoice and come to live that joy with Me

right now.

JUST now.

The time has come

so that you all gradually and suddenly will go back to Me

and I will guide you.

Because there is only one way into the Kingdom of God

and it is through Me.

Amen I say to you,

if you choose,

today you will be with Me in paradise.


Because the paradise is in Me

and the paradise is all that I patiently and carefully give you

from My hand

and all what you decide to experience fully and fully with Me.

Then you will know not only the paradise,

but much more,

you will experience

and you will know everything

that is behind the paradise.

You'll know the infinite love

that only Father has

and that is in Father …….that is Me.


And one more thing I’ll tell you.

Do not ever leave me.

I also never leave you.

I say this for your own good,

because this way you can experience all much better

and have much more pleasure from everything you do,

because I will guide you

and give you such a joy that your mind has never even thought about, but which your heart knows very well

and longs for it,

because it comes from Me.

So get up and come to experience this joy too

and enjoy being just with Me.

And I will give you to drink the water of an endless life

that is only at Me

and so you will never thirst again

for love, friendship, freedom, for money or goods.

You all will live in peace,

Your soul will be fulfilled with silence and calm

and you will never go to war against each other

because I will be among you

as a shining and a pure pillar

as pure as snow-white snow-flakes

that fall from the sky

and from which you once rejoiced

when you were children.

Now please begin to rejoice from them again,

now you can,

I ask you to do so,


because I will give you not only that,

but I'll give you a lot more.

But everything comes gradually

and has it’s time

and for everything I have to slowly prepare you.

Therefore, get up and come just now,

so that we do not waste our time.

Not that there is not enough time.

I am the eternity and all the time is in my hands.

But I say this

because I want you to rejoice right now through Me

and with Me now,

as soon as possible.


Because I can’t wait to meet you again.

Once when you again understand

that I am always with you

and when you start to rejoice our love again with Me

and with each other.

Be with Me and you will never encounter anything bad again,

because I myself will always save you from everything

and protect you from everything.

So I said,

so I do it constantly

and forever

every day and minute,

and every second of your time

for always.

And I am waiting just for you,

and I am only with YOU.


Love knows no rules.

Love knows only itself.

One day you will realize

that you do not need in your life any rules.

But in the meantime,

follow the rules.

Live according to those rules

that are useful

and serve the welfare of the whole society

and the harmony of all living people,

such as rules of law of a state,

rules of education,

but slowly do change them

and adapt them

to make them fit to your needs

(because the rules are there for you)

and your path to Me.


One day

and that day is quite close,

you will realize

that actually you do not need any rules

and that the only thing in life which you need to follow

is the love

and is Me.


One day I will give you and open you senses,

which you haven’t known

you have them.

I'll give you sight

so that you could see for miles,

and I will give you the sense of hearing

thanks to which you will hear everything

that utters in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Because I want you to know about everything,

and I want you to follow Me.