Words of Love by Aneta Cholevova - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


When I once said I'd be here for everyone,

it is so

and it will be.

Everyone who comes to Me

will drink from the pure and endless waters

that are just by Me

and who I am.

I am the never ending one

and together with Me are you

who always looks at Me.

Will you build your house on sand

or build it on the rock?

Amen I say to you,

you've already built it on a rock

and that rock is Me.

There is no need to worry,

because everything is already done

and everything is already performed.

And I know everything,

I know everything

and have everything,

because I have everything at Father

and from the Father.

He gave you to Me to lead you,

you to love Me

and Me to love you.

For through Me,

the whole heavens rejoice,

and everything belongs to Me

and belongs to you.

Follow me.


You do not need anything else in life

and you even do not want anything else.

Until you see me again,

you will understand

and recognize

that I´ve been here always.

That I´ve been here always for you

and with you

and that there has never been a single day

when I haven´t been here for you

and with you.

Only you didn’t realize it.


I love you so much

that you can’t imagine it,

but you can experience it.

You can experience the love

that descends from heaven at people

and those who decide to recognize it,

then the love will open their eyes and hearts…..


Open your hearts

and I will fill them with love

and wealth that do not rust.

I will fil your hearts with a treasure

that only heavenly children have by the Father.

The Father is ours and we are in Him,

as I am in the Father.

And I put my love into your hearts

and you will rejoice once again from Me and in Me.

So as the kids do

before they grow up

and gradually forget everything.


Stop to deal with your problems

and their shortcomings

and look at Me,

look at the beauty around you,

look in the mirror

and believe

that I am there.

Who else would have otherwise given you all of this?

Who else would gave you so much of everything

without asking

and without pleading

if not my beloved and only Father

who sees you and knows exactly and always what you need

and what you want

and also I do see it

and I know it too

and I am giving you all this today

and every day.

Unfortunately only you do not realize it.

But this will end up soon.

You will again realize

that I am there,

that you belong to Me

and I belong to you

and you are in Me

and in Me we are together one

and the One is at the Father

and in the Father.


You are the only thing I have

and what I look at every day.

I have so much love, and yet

so many people don´t want it,

so many of you reject it,

and so many of you are trying to suppress it.

You live in a sin or in a fear,

but only in that love you do not live.

If you lived in that love you wouldn´t have nor sin or fear,

nor passions which you are trying to cope with

but without success.

I do not condemn you for that

you condemn yourself.

All this time,

all these years,

you just quietly condemn yourself

and destroy yourself and Me.

You are destroying the love

that you should have for Me

till you have no love at all

and then you try to find it somewhere else

where it is not.


If you have turned and believed again

then you  would cease to be prisoners in yourself

and finally you would be free

and while being free

you could meet again with Me

and you could rediscover the Father

and restore everything again.

Restore yourself

and discover Me.

I'm telling you that all the time,

but you are not listening to me.

You are not hearing what you don´t want to hear,

and you are hearing what you don´t need to hear.

But neither of these does not make sense to you

and neither you will believe in

because you do not understand

it does not make sense to you

because you are missing Me.


Because you really do not know Me at all

because you have completely forgotten Me

throughout the years.

I do not condemn you

but you condemn yourselves and each other.

You condemn yourselves to a life of loneliness

and abandonment

and in the meanwhile you are saying

that you are looking for Me.

But you do not know Me

unless you really turn

and start seeking for Me again

truly and wholeheartedly.

I will allow you it

and someday

when you discover and discern Me again

you will understand the meaning of all of my words

and the sense of my words will be no longer hidden to you.


Everything is given to Me

and I want to give everything to you.

I want to give all to the world

to recognize Me again

and realize

where it is going

and what is its purpose.

I will not lose either one of you.

Sooner rather the heaven

and earth will pass away,

but I will never lose a single one of you,

so close you're to Me,

and yet you do not know about it

and do not even dream about it.

You should be more dreaming about Me

and be more vigilant,

do more of what makes you happy,

you shall be more seeking for Me on your journeys,

Me in your life,

Me wherever you look,

whether in good or in bad.

In what you hate

and in what you love.

Because both of it gives you my Heavenly Father.

Since both of it I give to you,

patiently and still

I am giving you everything

and I am just waiting until you start to come back to Me

and when your hearts will blossom again

and recognize again what is love,

what am I

and who am I,

and finally cease to have doubts.

Doubt is the worst thing.

Doubts are killing even the smallest

and the largest

as well as the first

and the last,

doubts are wrong,

and yet even doubts

come from Me.


I do not condemn this world

this world will soon condemn itself,

if they do not start looking for Me again.

I am there.

I have regrets for all those multitudes

which seek but do not find.

One day all will come

and fall to their knees

in front of Me

and they will repent of their sins

and I will make them free.

One day all will come

and fall to their knees

in front of Me

because I am the only sovereign over everything

and right,

the only who is with the Father

and the only who sees the Father

and does the Father´s will very day.

Do you think that I am not doing His will?

Do you think that when I left,

I stopped doing the Father's will?

And what am I doing every day?

Who is leading you every day?

Isn´t it Me who leads you daily

slowly back to the Father?

Amen, I say to you,

one day we'll meet again.

Today we´ll meet again.

Because we are meeting together daily.

I am in each of your breaths,

I'm in everything you have ever done

and in everything what they've ever decided for,

it is Me,

and I'll always be there.


Give Me everything you have

and I'll take it

and turn it.

I will change it again

as I changed myself.

Do not keep anything for yourself,

nothing on then,

give Me everything

and I will turn it all

and I will change it all.

I will show you the light that is in Me

and which illuminates everything that touches.

And that light is Me.