You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter seven



Every great book has a great preface written about them. A preface is a text written to corrugate a book by an authority or someone important. The preface gives support to the work written by an author. Authors take their books to authorities who read them through and write their comments also calling for others to read the book too. The preface is very important to many readers who consider the writer of the preface before considering any book for reading. Have you ever asked yourself why prefaces are written? They are written to give an authority’s view of the book. As a book, who else would be the authority to write the preface other than God? There is no other authority. God is the definite authority to write on you. You can’t give that part to the devil because he would write a distorted view of your book. He does not see you perfectly and so would describe you in a most unclear version.

God has written the final preface for our books. He had pictured you right from your mother’s womb and knew that you would end up great before long. God is the only one that can testify truly to your living wholly on earth. He made you and championed the cause of your life.

God can describe every detail of you. Of course, that special title you bear is his gift to you. He gave you the title and decided that better gift than to describe the Excellency of his creation. Remember God said of his creation that He had made all things well. He made a final statement of the wellness and goodness of his creation. He put the hammer on the nail. If God can state categorically that you are well then what another preface would you need to describe you? He fashioned you in His own image and gave you heavenly features. Wow! God perfected his wonders in you and He could proclaim that He made you well indeed.

Great authors do not have problems finding an authority to write the preface because he is great. The authorities would have to write the preface about these books. They want their names to be associated with a great book. God himself knew what He had made. He was certain he had completed and perfected a wonder that he sure always wants to be associated with the wonder you. God does not feel good when he is not associated with his perfection. His desire is to always be around every time we need him. His passion to complete his work is an encouragement to us. He is a father who cares for his children for he says what he has begun, he would indeed complete it. When you allow God take charge, be sure he would give a perfect report.

What a great joy to know that God can give the best description of you. Remember Job? God could testify of the righteousness of Job. God was proud of Job that he made it clear, there was none as righteous as Job. He described Job as a righteous man; one that eschewed evil, upright and faithful. He gave the preface to Job’s book. God was so proud of Job that he bragged even when the devil came to accuse Job before Him. If you look at the language style used by preface writers, they tend to describe the book in such a way as to ensure the reader stay glued to read the book. That was God’s strategy when He wrote the preface and Satan decided he would take a look at the book. Satan was himself shocked when he began reading the book to discover that God had written the preface well. Every preface God writes is a perfected write-up, a testimony you cannot doubt. You don’t need to look any further. Let God do the preface, be sure you hand over the book to him. He cannot force the preface on you; you have to hand him the book. Give God the opportunity to finish his creation.

A preface writer wants to be associated with a good book. He or she could want to attest to something of quality. A writer won’t just write some rubbish and demand someone of repute to write the preface. It would be a grandiose waste of energy and time. God too wants to be glad of you. He wants to be proud of you. Be the real you. God is desirous of a great you. God wants to work with a success not a mediocre. Reach for greatness. God will perfect the wonder in you.

Prefaces do not have to be too long. A short preface can do the entire job. God did not need a full page to describe Job or describe Moses. Just a few words were enough. The little opportunity you give God will help you reach the top the faster. Be celebrated, be renowned. Let God write the preface. Just ensure you give him enough space. 

Just pick up the papers and wow! The world is reading! Even the least of publishers will naturally make it a bestseller. And yes “that book” will be the cynosure of all eyes. Something will make someone pick it up and never want to let go. That book is in the making and its being perfected by God. That book is “You”.