You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter nine



Have you ever picked a book with a forward? Not all books have a forward. But some do. The forward is always written by the author. He is trying to describe the reason for the book. There is an intended message the author is trying to pass across in the book. The author uses the forward to inform the reader the source of inspiration upon which the book was written. As a book, there is a source of inspiration that molds the personality you. Something propels and motivates you to the life you live. The person you are trying to act out is a result of a divine inspiration. You are trying to show that your source of inspiration is not human but from God himself.

In the forward, the author tries to express what propelled the work. He tries to bring out issues that the book seeks to resolve. You as a book are no different. Something propels your work called you. Many issues around you have caused this book. You are the result of the many mountains climbed, many oceans crossed, many thorns and many minds. As much as they have tried to pull you down, your characteristics have been built up because you strove to overcome them. The “You” you are is a result of your victory. The rise to the top has not been an easy one and the book called you is a fact to show that your rise is no fluke. Your great position is not mistaken. You strived and fought had to achieve it. You are an epitome of the strings you have managed to create feet off.

The forward is like an appetizer. The essence is to ensure the readers are drawn to the book. The description is to increase your thirst and desire till you begin to gulp the book. You as a book have a forward that goes ahead to attract people to your life. Like the word “forward”, your attributes, hard-work, perseverance go forward as the testimony upon which many are reading. They would say the young man is hard-working. I do not doubt that he is ahead at this time. For those without a forward, their rise always seems doubted. Some may feel such a person obtained his or her wealth through fraudulent means. This is because they had not seen attributes upon which they could base their success upon. Begin to develop the right qualities if you never did. Your success rise would be related to those times of hard work and pain.

Forward is moving towards only one direction. There is no reason to look back. You just have to keep going. The road will not be an easy one. The route is quite rough. But you must ensure your book continues to acquire more readers. However challenging it is and would be, you cannot renege on this path of onward journey. The least you can do is stand. But you can’t turn back. Go forward. Continue to shine the light. No retreat now! Any retreat means surrendering. It is forward ever. Keep running ahead. There is much to conquer.

Don’t lose sight of the goal. Stay firm to it. Get the right inspiration. Be motivated and let your motivation move you on. No matter what comes along, you’d be satisfied knowing you made the right input that will be giving you the kind of success you will be climbing into. That book called you will have to be read and it’s great to know you lived its forward already. Now the pages are being written. Ride on.