You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter ten



In every period of life’s time, the people are adept at appreciating a certain type of knowledge. Writers within a sphere are prone to writing based on what is in vogue. Books written prior to Christ entry are nonexistent. Those that were written at the time of Jesus and the apostles are near obsolete. Books written towards the last years of the last millennium are hardly able to meet the yearnings of a very desiring information age. What the world wants to read at a certain age is different from what another age would desire. To keep a book current for every age, it has to be edited and re-edited as information changes, the reason why we have new and latest editions

However, one Book has continuously stood the test of time, The Bible. The Bible has weathered the storm, the torpedoes, the tsunamis and the earthquakes. There is only one secret. It is God’s Book. It remains relevant to every age. God is such a wise being. He knows that the world is changing. He defined the world and insisted on a system of things in which everything in this world will pass away. He made the world in a cycle in which nothing is new and everything goes round. In inspiring the Bible, he made it of universal acceptance and ageless, not subjected to a changing system of the world. That’s the kind of book he wants to make of you; an ageless, universally accepted book.

God wants to keep you current with a storyline that is unchanging. At death, he wants your effect to be felt years after. All he expects is you walking under his eagled eyes. God knows his created time will pass away and thirst and desires will change but he wants to keep you valuable. Consider this example. Just a year ago, the clothes being worn and seen as stylish are no longer stylish. They are now old school. Why? Because like the waters of the seas move from place to place so the things of this world will pass away but God promises that he will keep us steadfast till the end. God is assuring you of continuous relevance even in a changing world.

Knowledge changes, men of substance come and leave but they that know their God shall mount on wings as an eagle. He knows the kind of impact he would love you have; a timeless impact. Contemporary examples are not farfetched of peopled whose lives will continue to be blessings many years after they have gone. While we have had many philosophers who have been forgotten because they have lost relevance to this present phase of life some others have climbed the mountains of eternal relevance. Our master Jesus remains phase less. People who had believed on him have remained phase less. Abraham Lincoln the renowned well known American president has continued to impress minds many years after he suffered in the cold hands of untimely death because he chose to live a life written by the greatest author. All the reputable ministers that have gone before for over 300 years are still remembered in this age. Constantine the roman ruler who tried to unify Christianity is still renowned today. King James of Britain who ordered and permitted the writing of the English Bible in a standard orderly version remains in the hearts of generation born after him. Martin Luther who created the protestant in Christianity and who stood against the perceived unbiblical inconsistency of Papal Catholicism remains known by many worldwide, for without him, the new evangelicals, Protestants, Apostolic and Pentecostals  being enjoyed today won’t have been.

Every person who has allowed his or her life to be written by God certainly achieves even beyond the expectation his mind can arouse. God knows the value he puts in you and believes he can make the best of you. In this generation, you can be that Book everyone wants to read. As you trod every step of faith, you will reach Faith Mountain where everyone becomes heroes. You may not be a writer, but like a songwriter posits “your life is a book before their eyes and they are reading it through and through”. They are engrossed in it and wondering how they would pattern their life with yours. Many years after you are gone, you’ll still be remembered for that deed you did. God’s authored life is the best life you can live.

It’s being said earlier how irrelevant what seems in vogue today becomes just a few years later. Against this rule, your life is relevant when you have Jesus. Your comportment, modesty, lifestyle etc. is constantly being watched. Our predecessors were first called Christians in Antioch. They were called Christians i.e. Christ-like because the retinue of observers observed that Christly nature in them, a characteristic they had only seen in Jesus Christ.

There are no regrets in handing over your life to the best writer yet. One minister puts it this way, “ever since I came to know God as my author and father, I have had no reason to regret.” Paul the apostle with all the philosophical and aristocratic knowledge he had had under Gamaliel, could not boast of one book he had written because though Gamaliel was great and renowned, he could not be a source of inspiration. In being drawn to Christ, Paul’s perception changed and his brain developed from a dead untapped talent to a voraciously learned writer. We know that Paul’s works and letters will be best sellers any day, a confirmation made by the premier pope Peter who himself could not comprehend the degree of Paul’s cognizance.

You can have relevance beyond your immediate sphere, nation, continent etc. and be read in every nation. For God indeed has not given us the spirit of fear but of a sound mind. And about all those wisdom that cometh from above and from the Lord, Father of Lights; It is to make us relevant in every sphere. Our book has relevance for God like Job says will use us to lift the hands of many. 

Christ told his disciples, ye are the light of the Earth. The world is glued towards your direction, to gain direction. The message you are passing across is a source of direction to many persons. Persons desirous of life look up to you as the guide led by Jesus. When they need direction, they know where to get it. That’s from you. They search for you to get it. God’s word alludes that where a prophet is, there is attraction and attention. So you cannot be hidden. God - the Author and Finisher has finalized the Book, just live the words and enjoy God’s fame.