You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter fourteen



Books are always reviewed. Normally students in the academia are often asked to review one book or the other in the English course. The students have to read in detail. Every dot and tittle are considered and acknowledged. The reviewer normally would analyze and often time seek to the notice of any future reader a familiar statement or error or may appraise the work. You have to realize that your book called “You” is constantly in the view of constant review from known as well as unknown persons. They are watching out for any faults and errors you’ve made. They are also the ones who are appraising your every effort to live a good book in their hands.

Reviewers are the judges of every book. They are the valuers of the content and they are forever appreciative of quality. Like good teachers, their best grades go to the best writers and authors. You know what? You deserve to get the best. The highest grades should come to you. That is why you must strive to ensure it’s the best book that is written and transferred into the hands of the readers. Always remember that your book is not meant for your readership alone. You are striving to pass across a message and someone must receive it. You must strive to get through the examination of those strict reviewers. You may not see them or you might live just close to them. All the same, they are reviewing you and will be the ones to show how much you’ve scored. You may not know the grades but they know their grades and your success in their eyes is dependent on how they see you.

Surely, you want a great score. You want to be seen in the best light. You want to be passing across the right message. You want to build for yourself a great reputation. It’s natural to build for yourself a great reputation. It’s natural. Our natural instincts must be fed with the best desires. Strive and earnestly pursue a great book. You have to be an epitome of success, breakthrough and hope. You have to be passing across to people words of encouragement, hope and security in God. You have to build dreams, steer the wheels of change and propel people to reach inevitable heights.

The reviewers have a mandate. They don’t want to fail in this mandate. Theirs is a mandate of ensuring great books get into great hands. Theirs is ethical. They will be failing in their duty if they don’t. Your reviewers know they would have failed in their responsibility if you are not well groomed. And you know your reviewers? They may be your parents, loved ones, neighbors, and acquaintances; those persons that constantly speak about your appearance, attitude, character as well as attributes. They are the ones God has placed around you to give a score card of all your events. You won’t want to disappoint your reviewers because they believe your attractive cover shows a great content inside.

Reviewers know that sometimes a great cover does not, however, mean a great book. They understand man’s fallible attributes and regard this attributes as normal. That is why they will always look out for those faults and encourage the authors to consider making some changes in regard to their observations. You must realize that sometimes too, the reviewers are fallible. Sometimes the reviewer may observe and give what he thinks is the best advice but this might be countered by some other. However, there is one reviewer that stands ahead of the pack. He is constantly reviewing lives. His utmost desire is to have you have his kind of life. He desires your book cover comes through the best he would want it to be.

God – the great reviewer wants your best book. He just does not want a great account, he wants a great you. He has you in his palms and is sketching the best of you. He is positioning you around his line of sight to ensure he carries you along with him to the top. God knows the best of you is around his conscious peeking at you. Your best is around God’s persistent review of your life. 

There is no limit to the grades you can get when you offer yourself to be reviewed by God. Because God wants your best, that best cannot be defined by you but it can only be measured by your faithfulness to God’s review. As you push forward.

You may not get the right grades or a check from the reviewers yet you do not have to give up. You have to persist, work on the areas of reviewed weakness and of course, the scores will change. Every great soccer team knows that their best is not in their eyes as players but in the spectators who are watching. The spectators and commentators review the team just like the coach does. They see faults and would advise for inputs in certain sections.

Don’t shy away from reviewers. Accept their remarks, celebrate their marks and desire to attain success under God’s review.