You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter thirteen



It is the joy of every writer that his/her book finds its way into the waiting hands of the reader. Whether as a personal property in a house library or as a community property, the author desires to pass across that message contained in the book to as much reader as soon as possible. Your book too is a collector’s property. They are waiting to read you. The libraries want to have you. Now who are the libraries? The libraries are the many companies of interest who are desirous of seeing what and who you’d become. They are very desirous of having you in their collection. They want you to work in their society, company or organization. They think you best suit them. They want to be the ones to brag about having you as their customer. You know why? That is because you are a special book.

The library is open to all. Many come in do business in the library and the library is discovering that there is just one book that they are so desirous to read. It is you. That organization knows the best attraction they can get for their company is to get you well positioned for many to see. They are making you the ambassador of the company because you epitomize the qualities of a great ambassador. As your book strives to get a continuous publication from the publishers, the libraries want to be first to pull the attraction to themselves by ensuring someone reads it.

It is remarkable how many people have been exposed to your book and is quite impressed about the organization skills, inspiration, technical depth and ability, transforming and truth fullness with which you work. Every impression is another reason to keep you well positioned. Well, you are that book that keeps the informers coming. The organization is afraid they would lose you and like the library protects its finest collections, the organization is striving to keep you while they know you are the center of attention of the many possibilities that you can attract.

It is very certain that not all books are positioned equally in the library. Some books are placed in the general library while some are placed in a special collection called the reference library. Have you ever wondered why? Yes, there is a demarcation because some books are highly guarded because of the high need for them. Those books are precious. You too are very precious indeed. You are placed in a well-guarded position so that as much as you are needed you do not wear out or get lost in the crowd. You have to remain relevant and the secret is to position you amongst the persons who are relevant. As you push ahead, in life, you will observe a growing division between you and others. This is because as much as many want to get to the top, only a few actually get there. Only this special few scream at how much relevant they become and how protected it seems the security detail around them is. Now you see reasons why the president has so many guards around him. Your book too is this precious.

There is no limit to how far your book can be read. The library welcomes many readers and in your place as a reference, you will have many referencing your work. They are absorbing your work and are glad you are working with them. They know you have this stuff up there. They salute your courage and tenacity and desire to achieve just like you have. You’d never know how far your story would go. You can never tell but those many readers will pass across your message of hope for a generation you love. That enthusiasm that you carry with you is being passed along from one reader to another. I picked that book in the library and I really loved it. That’s what they are saying. They are sharing your flame and before long you’d be at the top where only men are made to sit.

No matter the form a library is, whether electronic or in the normal book form, the ability to align your book with the library form thus ensures it is relevant to both electronic readers and the paper book readers. Your ability to adapt to changing readership and need is necessary to ensure many more persons get the opportunity to read. You have to be in a central position that is capable of reaching out to every need.

As you dash your way into a library, what do you think about those books in the library? Have you ever thought about the authors? Yes, the authors! You can’t tell if they are dead because the library keeps them alive and burning. That’s the kind of person you too would be. Even in your absence, your presence is ever felt, ever acknowledged. Now you know that you’ve got the right book. Now pass it on to the libraries. Leave your mark on the sands of time.