You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter eighteen



The appendix is usually a section giving extra information at the end of the book. Writers usually write the appendix when they want to stress the meaning of certain terms or phrase or further explain certain idea. Like the appendix in a book, there are persons around you who are sources of extra information about the book called you. You might have heard someone say; you do not know Mr. John like I do. I’ve lived with him for many years so I know him. This statement is very familiar.

There are persons who make a claim to knowing so much about you. Perhaps they grew with you during your growing days or they were once your friends, mentors, teachers or neighbors. They tend to have a picture of what you were and who you currently are. They can provide extra that you do not know about your past self. A mother knows that many years after a child is born, that child’s capacity to remember only grows with the age. A man usually will find it hard to remember what had happened when he was five years old but his mom can always give that information anytime he wants it.

Sometimes in the course of employing someone in an establishment, the company would send people to ask about the intending employee. They do these because they want to know more than the intending employee or applicant would readily give out. The appendix provides more knowledge for those who want to know more. Those persons are providing more knowledge.

There is a need, therefore, to write our books in truth knowing that even if you do not care to check up; someone else will. The question you should be asking is “how do my neighbors view me”? When extra information will be asked from them concerning me, what will their response be?

There is a need to give up frivolities and double standard life and pursue truthful lives. A life worth living at all is worth living well.

In pursuance of great readership and attracting great reviews, there is a constant need to ensure, there is no vacancy between what our appendix says and what the book says. The appendix has to support the book. Your life and what the people around you knew about you must correlate and support each other. Before long, the top where you ought to be will be reached.

Keep the concord, be you within and without. Trust God and push your way through the best you can be.