You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter seventeen



After every book is written, it is handed over to many persons who would read it and qualify the book. You would have been opportune to see recommendations made of the bodies or organizations with the ability and knowledge in the area in which the book was written. These organizations or individuals are appraising the book. Many writers and authors usually send their books to these knowledge individuals or organizations who usually would test the substance of the book viz-a-viz what is known in that area. These individuals are normally experts who have experience and are seen by a well-acclaimed audience as knowledgeable in those areas. Why do the authors do this? They want to show the final readers that experts’ advice was sought. There is a sure substance in an expert’s advice.

The book called you has this same attributes. For its true value to be revealed there has to be a panel of expatriate’s eyes. Everyone does not see from the same perspective so certainly the differing views may make the nature of the recommendation differ but they will be positive all the same. Just imagine you are before a panel of judges who judge the quality of your life’s book and the effect it would have. Can your book be recommended as having influenced life positively? What will be the ruling of the judge?

While living our lives there is a conscious need to realize that there are eyes glaringly watching and they are making recommendations. There is a need to absolutely model our lives so that it could get great ratings.

Many persons do not read a book because they love the book, they read because of what expert A has said about the book. They are trusting that expert A’s judgments about your book is correct.

The recommendations are indeed selling points. That is why they are always well positioned for easy viewing of the readers, all those persons recommending you, God has placed in strategic positions to market and advertise you to the world of persons who would desire your service.

To be highly recommended and recommendable you, therefore, have to develop selling and sellable virtues. When you acknowledge you have to sell, you will have to package yourself in such a way as not just to sell but to sell profitably. Those marketers and advertisers know that it’s always very easy to market a great product when a very popular personality has spoken volumes about the product. They would normally state around the product what that personality was said. It’s much easier when you’ve gotten the best rating from those who matter.

On your way up, since you may not have the hindsight, others are around you ready to do the dirty task for you. They are ready to market and sell your book but in a condition that you get a special recommendation from certain quarters. There are positions in the government that require the recommendation of persons in influential status. Normally the government would ask that these persons attest to your credibility and authenticity. This is not only done in government, but also in major firms. They do this because they want to substantiate the quality of your being. They want to have someone they can look up to just in case there is a need.

Those persons who give recommendations normally get the books free from the authors. The author finds joy in offering their book to the authors. Why? They know they’d sell to recover the cost of these books once this person recommends them. Open your mind to share with people. Let them find joy in knowing they can bask in the aura that you create. Give them the chance to acknowledge the person called you. There is an assurance that this will yield fruits before long.

No matter how little it seems you are today, there is so much you can do and will achieve. It’s only a matter of time, build yourself, and get the recommendation. Find your place at the top.