You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter three



Jesus Christ gave the word and great was the company that published it. Jesus had a systematic order of publishers; first his disciples, then the apostles and then as many as believed. Christ was dazed with enormous publishers; he had so many of them. Everyone, both Dick, and Harry wanted to be associated with the words of Jesus. Jesus left a perfect example that we current inhabitants of gory earth must emulate. Your words, life, conduct can go ahead to be the testimony that people can attest to. Take for example a brilliant student who had schooled under a professor and happens to find that professor on the bench of an interview panel. He’d certainly find favor because his professor will publish the worthiness of that student even without the student having to do so much to impress.

In the book writing process, the publishers are positioned to ensure the book is available to readers. The publishers advertise the book and have an interaction with the bookshops that would do the final selling. They have very wide reach in many nations especially the very renowned publishing houses like Lantern, Tyndale etc. When people read your life, they make comments and they’d give recommendations to others who should take a cue from you.

Why and how do you think recommendations are made? They are made because the person being recommended has been found to have the virtues worthy of recommendation by the person making the recommendation. Every man who wants to achieve so much must realize that there are publishers who are looking to find you worthy of publishing.

Publishers of books don’t just publish. They take their time to ensure the books they are publishing are worth their effort. All the eyes watching you are silent publishers. You may not see them but they are noting your worthiness. Paul exhorts that our moderation is made known to all men. Everything we do should be considered in the light of God and man also. A songwriter puts it this way “let your light so shine that men will see your good works and deeds and glorify your father which is in heaven”. When you have the kind of life God desires, it brings glory to God.

The final nod in the making of a book is the publishers. They take the time to proof-read the work and considered it worthy of publishing. Like the literal book the final nod in the book called “You” is from the silent publishers around you. You may not hear them give their approval, but they acknowledge every good deed. And when you miss a step they shake their heads about it. Every true successful book was well scrutinized and be sure you are being scrutinized.

Every publisher wants to be associated with a great book. They want to be proud they published your work. It is obvious because you’d observe how much time they’d put into ensuring each book succeeds. The persons around you want to be proud they associated with a success. They want to be part of the success story you are creating. They want to know they played a role in your iconic success rise. They are assured of the success you carry along with you and are blowing your horns announcing your arrival.

If you’ve seen political campaigns, you might have observed that the politicians tend to have many supporters around them trying to give them support. These persons acknowledge the benefit the politician been touted for elective position carry along with them and so they would blow the horns, beat the drums and dance to show they support the candidacy of the politician. The politician has been able to get for himself a good position upon which these many other persons are desirous to support.  As you climb the success ladder, you’d have people who are ready to support you through it all. They would love to give a hand even when it seems you do not want. They know you’d naturally sell because you’ve garnered a good reputation. They know that a good name is better than silver and gold and they cherish your hard-earned name. Earnestly pursue and protect your good name, it is priceless. Soon you’d have many publishers in most countries of the world.

Publishers do not have problems competing to publish the Bible because it will naturally sell whether it is the King James Version, American Standard Version or any other. You also have no reason to fear. Why? Because there are many who are publicizing and publishing your rise. They are not fighting to be seen, not at all. They are putting in their resources to ensure in the little corners where they are, they are ensuring you rise, the star the world wants to see. Remember God’s word says; “whatever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things.” Surely you won’t have problems getting to the top.