You Are A Bestseller by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter four



Every book is registered with a number. This number is known as the International Serial Book Number. It is a special number given to every book identifying it as been sealed. Every book not having this number is not protected. This invariably means it could be copied. The publishers get this number for every book they publish. You too have a special identity. God in his creation process made you a special, wonderful being. Your face, gene and everything about you are different. You even have a special name. God has given you the seal of authorization when he made you and confirmed that he had made you well. You are a perfection of his creation. God placed his seal on you; a seal of protection from external intruders such as Satan, sin, and sicknesses. Every child of God has this seal that differentiates them from the children of the world. The children of Israel on the Passover night in the land of Egypt were asked to place a seal of blood over the lintels of their homes so that when the Angel of Death passes he would cross over them. God has placed a seal for as many who are called his children. When you accept Jesus as Lord and savior he automatically places upon you the seal that differentiates and demarcates you from the rest of the world.

For a book to have the right ISBN number, it means the book has been certified to be an original work by the author of the book and, therefore, could be placed in any library for viewing. The seal that God gives us when we accept the lordship of his Son Jesus gives us the opportunity to open our hearts to the throne of grace. The doorway to heaven is open for an interaction between you and God. You have a heavenly identity; a special identity that ensures the blessings of heaven is poured down to you directly. To ensure you get this blessing, you have to get the identity to pass through Heaven’s gate. Every God dependent success have this identity which ensures whenever they require God’s blessing, they can easily reach out to them. God is the author of success and indeed, every true success is obtained from God’s Grace Gate of which the pass and identity have been obtained.

No matter how worth reading a book is, if it does not have the ISBN, it is considered not a book. To be cataloged in renowned libraries of the world, this number is a prerequisite. So it is with our heavenly resource. If you must be recognized in Heaven and get the same recognition on earth, you must have the heaven identity. Now imagine you a great book yet you cannot make the shelves of destiny? It is ludicrous right?

 Get God’s identity. You won’t need to stress yourself for success is a sure guarantee. There is no better path to success; there is no other path to real success. Every other path to success remains vain and hopeless.

The identity you have is not shared. Heaven acknowledges you because you are you not because of someone else.

The ISBN number is always placed in a conspicuous place where everyone can see it. It is always placed on the front page or cataloging page and at the back cover of the book. It is never hidden from readers. Why? This is because the publishers want to pass the message that the book is protected by that registration. So it is with the heavenly identity that is given to you. It is seen clearly by the world. It is clear for all to see. If your identity is not seen, then you are no believer. Your heavenly identity is a seal that is found all over you. The devil is afraid to temper with the book called you because he sees the God-given mark of identification. As you walk daily with God, he identifies with your book and ensures you pursue a definite purpose driven life.

Your identification is the doorway to your true success. A book cannot lose its ISBN identification but the heavenly identification can be lost that is why you must seek to protect your identification. The devil is constantly looking for loopholes through which you’d be able to lose this identification. The devil knows this is your only success secret. He knows what you can do with this identification and his quest is to ensure you lose it. But God’s word says that he that trusts in God shall mount on wings as an eagle. Trust in God to help you. Trust in Him to be the guiding light for your life. As you move ahead in the battle for readership, this seal will do much. Let your light so shine and be the salt of the Earth upon which you are called to be read.

 Remember the testimonies of those reading your life is as important as your onward journey to success. As you get along in this pilgrim journey to Heaven and true success, you won’t lose this identity in Jesus Name. Amen.