You Can Be Free From Fear by John Corin - HTML preview

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This rise of fear around the world has resulted in more than one in ten American women on anti-anxiety medication and about half that statistic for men, and while I have already addressed a core reason for this (demonic spirits), other factors need considering for a more comprehensive solution. Spiritual powers have fomented this epidemic of anxiety, worry, and fear by taking advantage of certain societal trends, and even if some are well known, they need to be identified.

But first, and this is self-evident; the ‘fear’ is the result of humanity coming under the sway of the ‘wicked one’ (1Jhn 5.19) as the outcome of the cosmic event of our original fall into sin. Every soul is now born with an inherent ‘system incompatibility’, a vulnerability to ‘fear', and with the numerous threats able to aggravate this weakness it doesn’t take much to erode our peace. Even if it is only the general corruption and violence within society, but this anxiety can increase to a debilitating level in the face of natural disasters—be it a hurricane, a flood, an earthquake, or failing crops— and until we enter the perfect state of glory, we must find ways to manage these triggers. However, mitigating such threats alone will not be enough now that the human race is approaching the time of

‘critical mass’ when ‘ men’s hearts (are) failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth’ (Luke 21.26). If these future threats are not to generate a 20

level of ‘fear’ beyond what can be absorbed or repulsed, a viable solution must include mechanisms so we cope with it all.


Now, since the ‘cosmos’ is not a closed ‘mechanical system’, I trust you appreciate it is more than realistic to see the

‘spiritual’ component will be a major contributor to this new level of ‘fear’. If we ignore these evil powers inter-penetrating our world it only ties one hand behind the back in this war with

‘fear’. Of course, the curse suffered due to sin is another

‘spiritual’ factor at work—it was why Adam and Eve became afraid (Gen 3.10)— and is the one constant determinant of ‘fear’

each generation faces. The scale of which waxes and wanes in severity over the millennia according to the prevailing climate of sin and, no doubt, reaching a peak in the ‘days of Noah’ when

‘violence and corruption’ ripened to be a nauseating stench in God’s nostrils. (See Gen 6.11,12)

Are sin and moral degradation (and associated fear) once more approaching the level seen in the time of the flood? Who knows? What is beyond dispute is the current high level of crime and corruption impacting the cost of law enforcement and securing justice for culprits and victims. Surely, no one doubts the ‘fear’ troubling so many, in some way, is the result of this serious decline in morality and righteousness. And by this, I don't only mean serious crimes like robberies, DUI driving, identity theft or personal assaults, etc., there is a rise in apprehension about personal safety from increased belligerence in general (e.g., motorists with ‘road rage’). A level of anxiety compounded by the ‘feral’ behavior seen everywhere on display.


Even the trusted mainstays of society—doctors, lawyers, scientists, priests, etc.—are now a source of anxiety. (In polling the public, Readers Digest magazine found people trusted a Hollywood celebrity the most!!) Many now struggle with strong misgivings about the future from the worry or at least qualms about the general lack of integrity in these and other professions.

An uncertainty worsened by the decline in general decency, especially in a lack of loyalty to the truth as is evident in the media, politicians, bureaucrats, etc.. Of course, not all this wickedness is on display, much of it is hidden in amoral attitudes and motivations not overtly breaking any laws. But even if not criminal, hatred, witchcraft, envy, greed, etc., are serious sins in God’s sight.

‘In spite of this they still sinned, and did not believe in His wondrous works. Therefore, their days He consumed in futility, and…in fear’ (Ps 78.32,33). Much of this book, then, centers around the connection between ‘fear’ and unrighteousness; dismiss it and it will be difficult to appreciate the strategies proposed. As touched on already, Adam and Eve only became afraid after sinning, almost certainly a ‘fear’ felt about what their relationship with God would be from then on; the question of divine protection perhaps being uppermost in their minds.

This same cause and effect is often at work with what we battle; our ‘fear’ is the consequence of sin, either that of Adam and Eve (‘original sin’), our own, or even the sin of close ancestors.

Surely, no one doubts the guilt, shame, and the alienation from God as a result of sin contribute to ‘fear’? In fact, the disobedience of our first ‘parents’ had another more serious consequence, the entanglement of the human race with Satan 22

and the kingdom of darkness. An enmeshment that did not exist previously, but is now making us vulnerable to its ‘hellish’

milieu. Sad but true; by squandering the privilege of living in an idyllic domain under God’s jurisdiction, Adam and Eve left us this mess.

It is indisputable, we are all prisoners to some level of fear until our escape from every connection to this evil kingdom. An

‘exodus’ impossible with man, but possible with God! By repenting of sin and putting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we become ‘translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His beloved son’ (Col 1.13). A transference of citizenship restoring our allegiance to what it is meant to be, and the most significant transaction anyone can make to gain freedom from ‘fear’. I trust you have taken the step and can testify to the reality of the change, no matter how small. But remember: this escape from the dark kingdom and its jurisdiction is primarily ‘forensic’ in nature; a legal standing you have in Christ. Complete emancipation from it is only realized by growing in grace and pursuing holiness, and you forfeit some of this freedom by failing to live a righteous life.


To ensure I am understood, I need to restate something important about being ‘born again’. It is this: though the ‘new birth’ makes us a ‘new creation’ in Christ and this breaks the primary connection with darkness (2Cor 5.17), it doesn’t automatically cancel every tie to this evil kingdom. This is especially true if an active ‘curse’ is still in play because of vile sin. Such a ‘curse’ must be broken off for complete 23

emancipation. Now, to be clear; this is not a factor with everyone suffering ‘fear’, only where certain specific standards of righteousness were violated. Namely, the egregious sins Scripture forbids because they bring a breach in the ‘spiritual wall’ heaven providentially provides to protect against attacks by dark spirits.

Now, if this concept of a ‘curse’ from forbears seems absurd, remember the ‘original sin’ of Adam and Eve has for millennia continued to affect every human born. It is more than reasonable, then, to conclude a ‘curse’ from vile sin can remain active. Especially when our emancipation from the dark kingdom is essentially forensic in nature (legally true), with full freedom only realized by growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Though rightfully yours, full emancipation usually requires enforcement through special ‘warfare prayer’—

sometimes over a lengthy period— even if a curse is not in play.

The bottom line: the outcomes of a ‘curse’ can continue for many years if not specifically broken.

In point of fact, ‘fear’ is not the only outcome of a breach in this protective wall. Chronic sickness (mental or physical), loss of financial prosperity, personal instability, and conflict in relationships are all possible outcomes. (See Deut 28). But ‘fear’

is one of the more serious outcome, with the severity determined by the vileness of the sin. The sins heinous enough in God’s sight to elicit a ‘curse’ are classed as ‘abominations’ in the O.T, and include gross immorality (e.g. bestiality, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, and perverted heterosexual sex), violence and murder (e.g. physical abuse, martial arts, and abortion), 24

gross rebellion (e.g. against parents), and involvement in the occult arts.

If you think none of this could apply, don’t be too sure.

Naively crossing these forbidden boundaries (e.g. the occult)—

as a child or an adult—does not exempt from the consequences.

If heinous enough, a ‘curse’ can even pass down to the tenth generation (See Deut 23.2). In theory, perpetuated even for hundreds of years, for instance, if the family line continues with occult involvement. If inordinate and intractable ‘fear’ is a problem, do not dismiss the possibility of an active curse. Ask the Lord to reveal if this is indeed the reason.


‘When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God is giving you, you shall NOT learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall NOT be found among you anyone that makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.’ (Deut 18.9-11) Because it brings a greater ‘curse’, I need to elaborate on involvement in the occult.

A more severe judgment because the connection with evil spirits becomes strengthened. Even if the involvement is only passive or indirect, e.g., bringing a cursed object into a home, the association connects the owner with the world of demons. To actively solicit the help of these dark forces, of course, only asks for trouble! The bottom line: no matter how minor or even if done out of ignorance, enlisting the aid of evil spirits incurs a

‘curse’ of some strength.


Besides the occult practices listed in the above passage (Deut 18), prohibited also are any kind of divination, e.g. horoscopes, tarot cards, fortune telling, etc.; witchcraft, e.g. using magical powers for healing, for personal success, or to hex others, and manipulating the spiritual realm using ‘new age’ techniques or similar to alter the state of consciousness (e.g. yoga and transcendental meditation). Even reading, viewing, or listening to material with occult themes flirts with dark powers, almost assuring ‘fear’ as an outcome in the ultra-sensitive, particularly young children.

Now, it is entirely possible to annul the consequences of a

‘curse but it requires an honest commitment to repentance. That is, after expressing both genuine remorse and penitence for the sin, forgiveness can be sought and specific prayer made to break the curse for both our own sin and any committed by forebears.

Usually, done by someone ‘standing in the gap’ who can ‘apply the blood’ (of Christ’s sacrifice) to atone for the sin and secure cleansing from all guilt. It often, though, requires the help of those with prophetic discernment; but if done properly, the person affected can also break it. However, even after a ‘curse’

is broken, severing the tie with evil usually needs ongoing renewal and reinforcement for some time afterward. At least until there is a noticeable change in the level of ‘fear’.


I want to say something now about the dynamics of the modern family as it relates to ‘fear’. As one impacted by this and who has counseled others also affected, I quickly concluded the family situation plays a significant role in ‘fear’. The 26

breakdown in this societal entity fundamental to a child’s emotional health has, in fact, done more damage than we think.

To see the family unit in many cases no longer fulfill its role of providing care and protection for every member is more than tragic; its result is multitudes of children now with chronic anxiety, no longer able to feel secure.

Actually, the family is often the primary source of their anxiety, damaging not only the children’s emotional well-being but also that of society when they join it as adults. If future generations are not to suffer even greater insecurity, answers to this must be found whatever the cost. An excellent investment, for not only does it preserve the family unit, the measures taken will also help solve the problems in education, law and order, and public morals and integrity that society struggles with today.

I realize other factors determine a child’s emotional health (approval by others, poverty, achievement in sports and academia) but nothing compares to what is derived from a loving family functioning as God intended.

Why, then, supposedly in the interests of the family, do so many parents strive for materialistic goals and affluence at the expense of these more important matters? A mentality robbing the children of parents with the time and energy to just ‘be there’; what children most need to feel truly secure and enjoy emotional stability. Success in a career and financial security can never compare with the value of seeing robust emotional health in those we have the responsibility to nurture. Social workers and psychologists have recognized this for decades, yet the abject failure by parents to meet a child’s basic need for 27

acceptance and the certainty they are loved has without a doubt contributed to the number of children suffering ‘fear’.

Love tangibly demonstrated is far more important to children than being showered with material things, fun, or entertainment.

And with very young children, they spell this love as T..I..M..E.

In the main, the amount of time their parents spend with them; to believe quality time can substitute for quantity is a delusion.

It is even more wishful thinking to imagine a child is not subject to new ‘fear’ when parents separate or divorce. Rather than salvaging their own happiness, more couples need to consider

‘saving the children’.


Parental neglect always leads to a new level of ‘fear’ in children, but this increases markedly with abuse—be it sexual, physical, emotional, or even spiritual. Trampling on a child’s right to be respected and treated as a human created in the image of God almost always guarantees such an outcome. Even to incorrectly punish a child, intimidate them with threats, or immoderately berate them is abuse and demands repentance.

Inappropriately touching or sexually molesting a child is a far more serious breach of trust because it undermines their right to grow up relatively free from ‘fear’. Thankfully, the justice system recognizes this as criminal behavior (even if the perpetrator's don’t), an abhorrent sin requiring repentance with deep contrition not only for the abuse but its root cause. No matter if it stems from deep pride, a lust for pleasure, or the desire to control and manipulate, the abuse will restart absent genuine repentance.


If parents love their children enough to want what is best for them, it demands a life of sacrificial caring and protection. And if they are to faithfully serve those God has given to nurture, this includes the willingness to die to many of their own wants and desires. Yes, children will test this unselfishness, not the least being, when their misbehavior calls for ‘tough love’. Now, there is another reason for this ‘fear’ seen in children (even as it is in some adults); it is not showing enough caution in allowing them to engage in extreme sports, recreation, or other dangerous pursuits. With the push for a greater adrenaline rush from leisure activities, too many underestimate how these extreme activities can damage emotional health. Skydiving, bungee jumping, extreme white-water rafting, drag racing, etc., are dangerous pursuits and the tender heart of a child registers the threat these pose. When measured against the trauma and ‘fear’ they can cause, it is more than unwise to allow children, especially the very young, to pursue them. Even if it is possible over time to become desensitized, the risk with many children is too great.

Now, I don’t advocate shielding children from all activities with an element of danger—tree climbing, bush camping, contact sports, surfing, etc.. They gain important confidence from the freedom to be hurt and learn from experience. But surely it is unwise to expose a very young or sensitive child to any activity able to traumatize, even if it is only movies or TV

programs where the main characters—ghosts, ghouls, aliens, or monsters—are scary occult creatures (viz. demons). Yes, they can harden up to what frightens (much like desensitization treatment) but to take this gamble with an ultra-sensitive child is 29

reprehensible. Horror and terror are major weapons the devil uses to crush the spirits of the vulnerable.


As a pharmacist in the 1970s, I was increasingly dispensing prescriptions for ‘fear’ manifesting mainly as anxiety while the problem now is more likely to be depression, along with worry, tension, anxiety, panic attacks. It shows a strong connection between ‘fear’ and depression, but also a link evident in other neurotic conditions, even psychotic ones. No wonder this current epidemic of ‘fear’ has multitudes seeking help in nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, or other recreational drugs—all temporary ‘Band-Aids’ offering ‘dutch courage’ at best. With milder levels of fear, others rely on distractions, in recreation, entertainment, sport, etc., but these too only offer temporary relief. It is certain none will be robust enough for the coming time of ‘distress’ predicted in the Bible, the time when terror will replace lesser manifestations of ‘fear’ to leave many sufficiently traumatized for them to resort to more drastic measures, possibly even suicide.

If genuinely searching for a better ‘tranquilizer' for ‘fear’, I exhort you to find the ‘real thing’. And do it now while we still live in a time of relative peace and safety. These ‘stopgap’

palliatives may have relief now, but it is time to change

‘doctors’ for these remedies will not be adequate when fierce winds of fear stronger than any witnessed thus far sweep the globe. But even before this future ‘time of trouble’, there is no guarantee the peace enjoyed now will not be threatened by another major conflict, terrifying natural disaster, worldwide 30

pandemic, or another collapse of the world financial system. To prepare for what will strain mental and physical well-being.

behooves us all, but it will be too late to learn how to cope when

‘fear’ engulfs the world.