You Can Be Free From Fear by John Corin - HTML preview

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For God has NOT given us the spirit of fear, but

of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2Tim 1.7.

Like most people, I’m sure you desire to be authentic. You may, then, be in despair at not finding an answer to this warping of the personality by ‘fear’, even wondering if it is possible.

Possibly resigned to living with the dysfunction having concluded a ‘Band-Aid’ solution is the best anyone can hope for. If all hope is gone of finding an effective remedy—despair no longer! The text above gave me the answer to my freedom from ‘fear’ and it can do this for you. However, first, a word of caution. The verse above nor any other in Scripture promises you will never be afraid, and neither can I. Not until we mortals in ‘earthen vessels’ reach heaven will we be exempt. Yes, we are redeemed as believers from the penalty and power of sin, but this doesn’t (as yet) include every consequence of our fallen state. Only when immortality clothes mortality can we inherit the full salvation purchased for us.

Even to possess the spoils available now from Christ’s victory on Calvary (Mat 11.12) requires forceful faith. We obtain what is rightfully ours only by overcoming Satan and sin’s rotten fruit. So, it should surprise no one to find there is a real battle to fight against ‘fear’ while living in this polluted world. Until violence, terror, dangerous storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.. no longer remain a threat, ‘fear’ can be triggered in the most courageous heart. Even with strong faith in the Lord, 39

these will still elicit some degree of anxiety. Until free from all danger in heaven, we must, then, be exceedingly patient about enjoying total freedom from ‘fear’.

Overcoming ‘fear’, then, is a never-ending battle, especially for the more vulnerable—children, women, and the elderly. But also for those with a background of trauma or who have a

‘highly sensitive personality’ (HSP). The latter includes any who readily register ‘vibes’ from the spiritual realm such as those with prophetic gifting or who have the biblical ministry of intercession. Do not be alarmed, embarrassed, or ashamed if this

‘weakness’ troubles you.

Now, some will point to how those in the Bible were told

‘not to fear’ (over 72 times). They see it as a command forbidding the emotion when it, rather, is an exhortation not to let ‘fear’ overwhelm and control. Essentially, heaven’s encouragement not to give in and lose the battle. (It also demonstrates it is possible to overcome fear.) Take heart, then; though the battle be prolonged and ‘bloody’, the war can be won with the help of the Holy Spirit. Encountering a threat triggering

‘fear’ as a believer should be no different than coming face to face with a caged lion. Its fetid breath may unsettle, its roar and threatening stance even alarm, but there is peace knowing it is behind bars. Even if clawed by the lion, it cannot overpower.

Yes, fear can distress, but it should never torment.


Now, some ‘humanistic’ remedies for ‘fear’ might appear effective (those based in psychology or the ‘new age’), but as a 40

believer, your confidence should not be in them. You need the supernatural solution found in Scripture; the one heaven prescribed is more than adequate for the challenge. Remember, even if ‘fear’ is the result of natural, physical factors, the real threat is from demonic forces taking advantage of this. So the main fight is against these dark powers leveraging fearful reactions to increase the trauma. The battle you have with ‘fear’

is more spiritual than anything else.

Having said that, I don't say shun all secular strategies per se.

Some can be helpful, but what I detail in this book is a more complete answer without the concerns associated with secular psychology or the ‘new age’ techniques such as guided meditation and hypnotism. The remedy you need must satisfy far more stringent criteria than the pragmatic one of ‘does it work’. For example, any efficacy in the touted solution of hypnotherapy— known originally as ‘mesmerism’—comes from an occult source; confirmed by the dictionary definition of

‘mesmerized’, to be ‘bound by a spell’. You deserve a remedy with total integrity, one that is godly, safe, and without the ‘side effects’ these alternative ‘cures’ can have, the adverse outcomes often only showing up later as health problems, e.g., especially with the heart.

The remedy you need must also deal with root causes, not just outward symptoms. (Now, symptoms can often be severe enough to warrant anti-psychotic or other medications to dampen them down in the short term.) Both symptoms and causes are addressed by the answer found in the ‘manual for living’ (The Bible). A solution also free from the worry that 41

‘fear’ will unexpectedly break out later as happened to me.

After the severe stomach cramps strangely stopped (following examinations by doctors who found no cause for the agonizing pain), the demonic force behind the ‘stomach migraines’

transferred to my voice box, and hence the ‘stammering lips’ I had for many years. The right remedy also means you win the war and not just a few battles; an important difference when the goal is to see ‘fear’ permanently dealt with, not temporarily disabled.


For years I searched for a genuine remedy in books by Christian authors and elsewhere; looking for what seemed an elusive answer. Now, some resources had helpful insights, such as the one by a well-known evangelist who advocated faith as the answer to ‘fear’. But this solution and others like it were too simplistic for what I was fighting; to defeat the ‘Goliath’ I was up against needed a more complete battle strategy. Biblical verses also encouraged me in the fight, especially those in the psalms, but only after discovering the theme text for this book in Paul’s letter to Timothy did I have the comprehensive battle plan I needed.

I had read this verse—2Tim 1.7—more than a few times previously, but didn’t realize it was a specific strategy to overcome fear and timidity. It has two complementary parts, with the second half giving the remedy the ‘Great Physician’ has prescribed for the diagnosis found in the first half. And in the diagnosis, one fact stands out above any other. It is this; ‘fear’

does not come from God but is the result of interference by 42

hostile dark forces or spirits (far more so than the natural threat).

Even if not explicitly stated, the verse clearly infers the ‘fear’

you end up battling is in all likelihood because evil spirit(s) took advantage of a threat (often disguised or unrecognized). This insight was the most important key to winning my battle with

‘fear’. Why? Because I now knew who my real enemy was, a formidable foe with supernatural power. But it also meant I could no longer underestimate what the battle ahead would mean by way of effort and sacrifice—also critical to my winning. But I at last had a solution to win the war. Praise the Lord!

As stated, the second half of the verse gives the remedy in the prescribed ‘compound medicine’ of power, love, and a

sound mind. Not three natural ‘antidotes’ but divine ones. We all have natural love, natural power, and the sound mind (to differing degrees) but not in sufficient quantity or quality to win the war against ‘fear’. To rout spiritual forces requires far more powerful weapons; the power, love, and a sound mind must come from heaven. Only with the aid of the ‘Heavenly Helper’

(the Holy Spirit) who supplies these, is there certain victory.

I address each of these ‘antidotes’ in detail along with clear strategies for their use, and while it is your responsibility to use them, the Holy Spirit ‘makes it happen’! And like all prescribed medicines, they must be ‘taken as directed’, in the correct ‘dose and frequency’ heaven has prescribed. They are also not to be left ‘on the shelf, unused. The bottom line, though; the strategies will only be successful with the Holy Spirit’s help and guidance.



‘Fear’ can be more than mildly distressing, it can debilitate.

Even cripple some because their ‘fear’ is excessive and long-standing, going back even to childhood, But more crucially, because evil spirits are involved, as for example, with the extra

‘fear’ in ‘panic attacks’. Now this concept of supra-natural interference might be new, so let me explain. In the example given, dark spiritual entities become attached to the psyche or soul (not their spirit) of the victim, or as the Bible describes it, they have become ‘demonized’. This ‘infestation’ by demonic spirits can be minor or major and most often this is determined by the extent of the trauma in the past (usually recalled, but not always). By entrenching the adverse outcomes from the original trauma, these dark forces often leave the victim with some kind of ‘post-traumatic stress disorder’ (PTSD). In counseling a lady, I discovered even a car accident can bring this about.

This ‘infestation’ is known by the Greek word

Daimonizomai’ (Str 1139) and it means ‘to be under the influence’ of a demon. That is, it usually indicates an incursion (not specified) into the psyche of the victim, but not always as demonic spirits more often harass from without (possibly seeking to gain entrance to the psyche). However, with a genuine ‘infestation’, it usually requires ‘stronger medicine’ to become free from the spirits, and in most cases this requires help from those with a ministry of ‘deliverance’. Usually a simple affair, but can be dramatic if the spirit(s) have buried deep into the psyche. (Incidentally, not to be identified with the bizarre representations in movies such as ‘The Exorcist’). Deliverance 44

can also be self-administered but typically tends to be more successful with help from those gifted for this ministry.

Although no one is eager to identify someone’s ‘fear’ as having a ‘demonic’ component, don’t dismiss such a diagnosis as bizarre or unnecessary. My freedom only came after a pastor discerned in a ‘word of knowledge’ (a gift of the Holy Spirit) a spirit of ‘fear’ was troubling me. This spirit was behind the stomach cramps I suffered as a pre-teen and it had transferred from the torso (hence no further painful cramps) to lodge in my vocal cords and make me the stutterer I became.

Now, what is shared in this book can be of help to those with excessive ‘fear’, but the degree of freedom attained may not be total. However, the strategies will provide a measure of relief until deliverance ministry is received, and it will stop the spirit(s) from returning after this specialized help. If this is you, be open to this additional help from those with the ministry of setting the ‘captives free’. I also have this counsel for those with excessive fear. Deliverance ministry alone may not be enough for full freedom as the spirit(s) often hold on to a ‘perch’, usually a memory of past trauma. It can be a car accident, the shock of tragic news, a frightening confrontation with someone, or even an encounter with forces of nature, e.g. earthquake or tornado. This provides the opening for the spirit(s) to attach themselves to the psyche and necessitates additional ‘inner healing’ of the ‘scars’; again, usually from those gifted for this ministry. Hence, both may be necessary; without this ‘inner healing’, deliverance on its own will often not be sufficient.


Pastor Harold Dewberry recounts such a scenario I have just described. A man with excessive ‘fear’ came for counseling after having tried many ways to get free—he had fasted, prayed, and used strategies I suggest—all to no avail. The breakthrough only came after Harold was shown (in a ‘word of knowledge’) the man was traumatized years earlier while working as a linesman up a high pole. He had fallen off the ladder onto rocks below and for some time lay injured in great pain and without help. Resolving the ‘fear’ required healing the memory of the traumatic incident. Of course, healing like this can be sovereignly received when the Lord’s presence is manifest in a corporate gathering or in a time of private prayer. Ask the Lord if you need this kind of ministry.

A final point: successful deliverance ministry and healing of the psyche depends upon the Spirit of God manifesting in power. These are divine works of grace and both are unlikely to happen when un-forgiveness is harbored, either towards others or God. Make sure your conscience is clear on this matter if you need this more in-depth kind of ministry. You cannot afford to have even a hint of un-forgiveness linger in your heart.


What is shared in this book, I believe, is the battle plan heaven has provided for ‘fear’. But if ‘fear’ continues to trouble unduly after using the strategies, it probably will not be for lack of ‘know-how’ or for having the wrong strategy. Knowing all the answers doesn’t ultimately determine success in this war.

What counts far more is the motivation and diligence to carry out the strategy, and this is dependent upon having the ‘stomach 46

for war’. War is a nasty, brutal business and the fight against

‘fear’ is no different. It is a formidable enemy, and waging war against it will require much of you. In particular, the determination to continue to fight on past the many reversals until complete victory is achieved. Even before you start, this means there could be hurdles to overcome. Doubts or reservations you may have, such as, ‘Do I have the stamina necessary to fight over the long term, or, ‘Is the fight worth starting if I might be disappointed with the results? or ‘Do I have the required discipline to persist with the strategies’? Or even, ‘Am I willing to pay the cost of commitment’?

If uncertain of the answers, you need to pray about such doubts. Counting the cost is an important step in preparing for any war (cf. Luke 14.31). Indeed, anything worthwhile in life costs, so I certainly do not want to mislead about the cost of fighting ‘fear’. It will demand a great effort. But a word of caution, the devil will try to scare you by exaggerating the difficulties, making the cost appear greater. Don’t let him. As a Christian, you have an assurance the resources of heaven are available to meet this cost. Believe me, if you are serious about winning, the grace will be there so you don’t lose the fight.

I repeat; this ‘stomach for war’ will be the biggest issue you face. Every soldier goes through an intensive ‘boot camp’ to acquire this critical ‘fighting spirit’; it is a major part of preparing them to push through the reversals suffered from counter-attacks. As they say, ‘it is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog’. This ‘fighting spirit’

was a genuine issue for me a sensitive, phlegmatic soul and 47

‘pacifist’ at heart, but also squeamish about anything ‘bloody’ or involving conflict. Rather than fight, my preference was to peacefully coexist. You may hate confrontation, a trait also feeding my ‘pacifism’, and even though difficult to overcome, a reluctance to fight I knew had to be surmounted.

How did I get this fighting spirit? Well, I first needed to gain a ‘hatred’ for this foe of fear; to see it as an enemy and not a friend! Hopefully, I have done this for you; it is now seen as an adversary out to seriously impact your life—body, soul, and spirit. It is also the reason I cataloged how fear controls, warps, and debilitates, eventually damaging relationships, even important ones. Do you, have this ‘righteous anger’ to be totally free from its grip? I hope so, for you will need to maintain the

‘rage’ to endure the many battles it takes to win.

The decision to wage this war is now up to you. So, if wavering about whether to proceed, please consider you not only benefit from beating fear, but it brings great joy to others.

Sure, you reap fresh confidence and courage, peace and joy, physical well-being, and healthy relationships. All outcomes you desire. But family, friends, and colleagues benefit also, especially rejoicing in your liberty to relate without being defensive or reactionary. Glad also they don’t have to make up for your timidity to face challenges or compensate for procrastination and indifference. But as ‘fear’ is also God’s enemy, your relationship with Him will also improve.

To not defeat this foe, then, is to grieve the heart of God. The children of Israel certainly grieved Him by refusing to wage war 48

against the ‘squatting’ Canaanites. Indeed, their lack of response angered Him. (See Deut 8) This antipathy to wage war allowed these enemies (and God’s) to become a constant ‘thorn in their side’ from then on, not to mention robbing the nation of its full inheritance. True, it was not going to be easy to overcome the squatting Canaanite nations strongly resisting removal from lands occupied for generations, but God still rebuked Israel for not rising from their passivity and apathy. Why? Because the defeat of these devilish squatters was not only for them, it affected the grand purposes of heaven. Your fight with ‘fear’ is also for the Lord’s honor and glory. Please don’t disappoint Him. Why not strike a blow for freedom—for yourself, for others who rely on you and the Lord—by praying this prayer?

‘Father, by Your grace I commit myself to the war against fear You have shown I need to wage. Expose all the work of this enemy in my life and help me maintain the resolve to win throughout the campaign. I choose to fight for freedomfor myself and those who rely on me. I choose to wage war in Your strength and according to strategies You show me, and for as long as You indicate. Thank You for the training You will give for the fight. Amen.’