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How to receive the Holy Spirit

The majorly known ways of receiving the Holy Spirit is by the laying of hand by a minister.

But that is not the only way. You can receive the Holy Spirit by reading books written by Spirit filled Ministers, listening to Messages, which could be audio or video, in prayer meetings, if your faith can carry it, you can pray and desire him right now in your room. These days it’s difficult to find Ministers who are into the ministry of the Holy Spirit or prayer meetings that pertain to baptizing converts in the Holy Spirit. I will advise you to open your heart.

I actually received the Holy Spirit right in my house while listening to a message titled “The ministry of the Holy Spirit” by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. You can get messages like that, they are very helpful. Not only will you be baptized in the Holy Spirit, you will get to know who He is and how to relate with him.

Rev. Kenneth E. Haggin testified that he also received the Holy Spirit without anyone laying hands on him.

Note: you can receive the Holy Spirit before baptism of water or after. It could also happen during baptism of water.

For more understanding about the Holy Spirit I will recommend books from Pastor Chris, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor E.A Adeboye, Kenneth Haggin, Youngi Chio, T.L Osborn, Kathrin Kulmar, Evangelist Reinhard Bonke, Cassey Treat e.t.c.

So many of them but I am putting this names in here so you can make right choice. Books are powerful, what you let into you matters a lot. Don’t just buy or read because they are in the name of Jesus, many of them don’t have the word of Grace but the word of condemnation.

  • Seven things the Holy Spirit will do for you
  • Seven things the Holy Spirit will do in you
  • Seven spirits of God (Pastor Chris Oyakhilome)
  • Manifestations of The Seven Spirits of God (David O. Oyedepo)
  • The greatest power in the world (Kathrin Khulmar)
  • The Holy Spirit and His Gifts (Kenneth E. Haggin)
  • Tongues beyond the upper room (Kenneth)
  • Seven Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit – Kennnet E. Haggin

I am not saying others are not good but as my beloved I am sharing with you those I know.

These people I have mentioned are people I have listened to and there was a confirmation in my spirit that they are true. I am sure of them.

At the end of all these there will be contact info which you can use to contact us for guidance on things relating to your growth.

I am proud to recommend their churches too. Get one of them and attend. Your growth is sure.

Neglecting the ministry of the Holy Spirit often result to instability of church growth.

“The strength of a church or assembly is not determined by the numbers of people that attend Sunday service but the number of vibrant members in the church or assembly”.

No member can be vibrant without the Holy Spirit. To know the strength of any church or assembly, let them call for meeting aside Sunday service, you will be amazed at the number of people that will show up. Most of the members that shows up on Sunday service are vibrant members who are filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized into Christ, the remaining half will be part of those who are invited and the other part those who are looking up to God for a miracle (as soon as they receive it, you will not see them in church again).

The church knowing the importance of the Holy Spirit never hesitate to lay hold on any member they find vibrant for the church activities, forgetting that if this member had not been filled, he/she won’t be vibrant. After leading a first timer to Christ by confession, the next thing is to fill him/her with the Holy Spirit then water baptism follows. The filling of the Holy Spirit is treated with light action. The Holy Spirit is the air the new convert needs to survive; can you survive on earth without oxygen? How do you expect the new convert to survive without the Holy Spirit? ”The Holy Spirit is the Oxygen we all need to survive in the Kingdom of heaven”. You all know this. Without him no member will be able to understand the things which you want to teach them.

If you are really eager to receive the Holy Spirit, take every prayer meeting seriously.

The Lord had said to me “As many as will believe in me through this book, I will pour my spirit upon”. Jesus Christ is the one that baptizes his people with the Holy Ghost and Fire, reach out to him, all you need to do is open your heart and respond with faith; the Holy Ghost is to be received by faith – Galatians 3 v 14.

Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is lot easier with new convert and a little bit difficult with old believers because of the miss-understanding they have concerning the Holy Ghost.

Let me share this with you before we proceed, there was a brother that used to come to my office, he is a Christian but didn’t seems to like the Holy Ghost part and the tongues aspect, I noticed that about him, I tried as much as I could to make him understand the reality of the Holy Ghost and the speaking in other tongues. He will just node his head. One day he told me about frequent mid night attack that he always have, according to him, he said at midnight, a shadow will enter into his room, not a dream neither will he be deep asleep, he will struggle with this spirit and pray all manners of prayers he knows how. When he told me, I said I will not pray for you, you don’t need prayers you need the Holy Ghost. Favourably for him, I saw a vision concerning him, in that vision, we were three, him, my wife and I, sat down, my wife and I began to communicate with tongues in that vision and suddenly the Spirit rested upon him and he began to speak in other tongues, the tongues were so strange that he was shy to speak the words out. When I woke up, I gave thanks to the Lord; I knew this is a done deal. He came to me in the morning, I told him the Lord wants to baptize him in the Holy Ghost, he smiled, I explained the vision to my wife, I arranged three chairs exactly the way I saw it in the vision then I began to communicate in tongue with my wife in unknown tongues, she was replying me as well, as we began to flow in tongues, suddenly the power came upon him but he withhold himself and struggles with the power that overshadowed him, my wife noticed, she stood up and tried to convince him to ease himself but my dear brother wouldn’t, I told my wife to let him be, this is not a man’s work, the Lord will perfect it. We rounded up, he was shivering, and his mouth was shivering also. I laughed and told him to go. This is the problem with old believers; they are very good in quenching the fire. The next day, he came to me very early in the morning, he said “sir, something happened to me last night”, I answered “ well, I know something will happen to you so just go ahead and tell me what happened to you”. He said last night, just as usual, I was laying down, not fast asleep, the same demonic spirit came again, but I found myself praying, not long I began to pray in unknown tongues, immediately I began to pray in an unknown tongue, the demon disappeared on like before, I would struggle with it till am exhausted but this time, immediately I began to pray in an unknown tongue, the demon left, sir that is not what amazed me, what amazed me is that I found myself speaking in tongues so loud when I came back to myself. I said do you believe now? He said this is more than believing, am still shivering now. This is similar to the case of many believers that attended prayer meetings or someone prayed for them who tried to quench the fire of tongues. What you need to know is that, you are the one to do the speaking; the Holy Ghost will only give you the utterance “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” – Acts 2 v 4.

The words will be in your inward part, you can decide to let them flow or not except in special cases when the Power is so heavy that you can’t withstand it.

It’s annoying how we have to try and try to convince people even the Christians about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Follow this simple instruction.

At midnight or a time when no one will distract you, focus of Jesus Christ the savior of your soul, as you have believed that he has forgiven your sins, be sure that he is willing to also give you His Holy Spirit, He is the very one that baptizes his people with the Holy Ghost, kneel down make sure you are alone where there is no distraction, raise your two hands towards heaven and pray, release yourself in worship and praise to the Lord, let your prayer be heart felt, pouring your desires before the Lord.

As you lift up your hands, the gates of your heart will be open for the King of glory to come in.

As he says “anyone that open the door for me, I will come and dwell with him”.

Desire him earnestly, pour out your heart before him, tell him how much you need him to replace the emptiness in your heart because you are a new child that needs him to survive, call upon Jesus the baptizer with the Holy Ghost and Fire, throw yourself unto Him in Worship while worshiping, the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon you mightily.

“Father, you know the hearts of all men, search this heart, purify it and make it a home for your Spirit to reside, that precious Holy Spirit that you have promised every one of us that believe be released upon your child this moment, let this moment be another Pentecostal experience in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen”

There shall be a change in the atmosphere around you; a heavy mighty undeniable presence shall overwhelm you, strange words will begin to spring up from within you, if you are not shy or ashame of them, speak them out as loud as you can, prophecy may follow immediately, that is it! You got it made. If this work for you fine but if not, prayer meetings will be of great help. I also want you to know that it’s much easier for a new convert to receive the Holy Ghost than an old Christian. If you have given your life to Christ long ago and you have not receive the Holy Spirit, you may need renewal of your mind concerning the topic and detail study coupled with fasting and prayer will help. God bless you.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life is so vivid more than anything else. He talks with me always, He teaches me the Bible. He teaches me how to talk, how to handle situations what to say at a specific time. He wakes me up when I want to wake up at a particular time. He tells me things before they happen, nothing happen to me by accident; He unveils the thoughts of people to me. He taught me how to drink water rightly..hahahaha… sound funny but it’s true. Am never bored, we talk all the time. I can boldly tell you that there is no talkative like Him in the world. So much about Him, He is very sweet.

You bear me witness that no man can write what you have been studying without the Holy Spirit.

Do you think I had special preparation concerning this? No I did not. Out of the blur he said “we need to write a book” I asked what book he said “You must be born again” then I answered okay. He said He want to tell people why they must be born again. I said okay. First day, I did not buy a book to write on, second day I did not, third day he said are you not buying the book, I answered yes I will. I bought a book and we started writing. Just like a joke pages were occupied. None of these things I memorized or planned.

You think I will just wake up and say I want to write a book? Especially a book He said we will distribute freely. No money should be collected for it? No way! I will rather do something else but this is what he prompts me to do, I have no choice than to do it. I count myself favoured to have the privilege to write for Him. He counts me worthy, and I am doing it happily.

I did not copy any writer before me, what he is saying I am putting down, if you happen to find something similar to other writer; just know it’s not copy work but the same Spirit ministering to us all. That is some of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Get a Bible for yourself and start attending a living church, for your growth and nourishment.

Keep growing and do exploit for Christ Jesus and our Kingdom. This is the true deliverance. If you go through another form of deliverance whereby a Minister prays for you and cast out demons from you, break down evil alters, liberate you from marine spirits (spiritual husband or wife), family curses, generational curses or any other kind of deliverance without filling you with the Holy Ghost and giving you scriptures to build yourself on, you are not yet delivered, you know why?

Luke 11 v 24 – 26

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.

And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

The demons will return again and when they return and find you empty, they will do worse to you than they did before. Sometimes they may not manifest in your life especially for a while when you continue in the Ministry of the deliverance Minister but they will surely show up in the life of your Children and grandchildren.

Trying to carry out deliverance for anyone when they are still in the gull of sin is a big waste of time and energy, more so it brings reproach to the Minister because when the person later finds out they are still in the problem may be worst, they may consider the minister a fake minister which is not true, he is a true minister that has handled the right thing the wrong way.

Repent, give your life to Christ, be baptized in the Holy Ghost and in water, then shall you and your children unborn be forever free, delivered, liberated and uplifted as you and your offspring continually walk in the light of salvation.