You Must be Born Again by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

How to pray rightly

Before we get to the final words, I want to guide you with few lines on how to pray, I know you are coming from somewhere, though your spirit is reborn but your mind still retain the old mentality which will fade away like a garment eaten by moths, termites and caterpillars soon.

“Don’t pray like the religion people who think they shall be heard for their crying and self-pity before God”.

 You are a king / queen; kings / queen don’t talk with fear, pity, or sense of guilt, talk with boldness, when you pray, pray like a bold lion that is so sure that he is in charge of his surroundings.

You can sit, stand or sleep, no position is not okay with the Lord, lift up your two hands and thank Him for all the good things he has done for you and how he has kept you throughout the day, and his mercy and grace upon your life, then thank him for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to die for you, making this relationship possible. After that, thank him for the Holy Spirit who is your teacher in all things and the best friend you have in the world, then you can go on to tell him the kind of wonderful person he has made you. Say back to him his word concerning you.

Don’t bother asking for anything that pertain to your physical needs, worry about your relationship with him. The Father already knows all you need.

Mathew 6 vs 25

Therefore I say unto you, take no thoughts for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not life more that meat and the body more than raiment?

You see that? When you read verse 32 same book you will discover these are the things many people care about and God don’t like it when we give our attention to these things that we forget to thank him for his goodness in our lives.

At 33 same book, he says;

“seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness”

When you do that you are automatically fulfilling so many great and strong scriptures. You have just laid aside everything and focus on him which is interpreted seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. The miracles that will be happening around you to settle your needs will be beyond your explanations. When you read the book of St. Mathew 7 vs 7, you will read how the master says we should ask but I tell you, if you will ask God for anything ask for spiritual blessings.

“All that you could ever ask he has made available”

“Don’t forget the Garden of Eden was fully made with all Adam needed to live his life”.

“So also this new life you are born into is filled with all you will ever need in your life”.

Behold I show you a mystery!!!!

“For the lesser is added in the greater”

“All things are yours”.

“Christ is the seed of promise and in Christ we are partakers of the Abrahamic Blessing”.

As it is written, “if you are in Christ, you are Abraham seed, and heir according to the promise”.

The question is, are you in Christ? If yes then you can go on and sing this old song;

Abraham blessings are mine

Abraham blessings are mine

I am blessed in the morning,

I am blessed in the evening

Abraham blessings are mine.”

That is the song you should be singing.

“When you are fully loaded spiritually you will be enabled to dominate circumstances physically”.

“The spiritual life controls the physical life”.

Be bold, don’t let pitiable words like I know I am a sinner and I don’t deserve your grace and mercy comes out of your mouth. It is an abomination to hear such words from the mouth of the new creature that Jesus died for.

For more guidelines on how to pray and move from glory to glory kindle contact us.