You Must be Born Again by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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Oh! Oh!! oh!!! Who will weep for this blind one dangling down the busy road of hell? Rejoicing and celebrating like a man whose heart is made merry with a strong wine, truly the road is wide, many are trooping in, slow down a bit, I might be able to help you walk on this narrow path.

Day by day, the sons of men rush down the pit of destruction like an eagle diving down to fasten its claws on a prey sighted from afar without knowing it’s a snare, it’s a snare! It’s a snare!! Don’t go there, there is a trap there, once it catches you, no one will be able to set you free; you will spend your eternity there.

That thing you call enjoyment is a snare, that burning desire that nothing can quench until you have all the money you need without considering who get hurt is a snare! That idea that you can do whatever you like is a snare! That voice that says do it God will forgive you later is a deceiver!

Turn away simple one, turn away, give me your hand, let me help you as a father will help his little child to walk, don’t turn a deaf ear, don’t say no, don’t say tomorrow, let me help you today.

Though many ministers have come before me, many you have listen to. Do you think it’s you that hardened your heart? No its not you, the devil put a hold on you because he knows you are important and special to God.

John 12 v 40

He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

Who is the ‘he’ that blind eyes?

2Corinthian 4 v 4

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

The ‘god’ of this world, which is the devil, my grief over you now is, though the devil is holding you, yet you will pay for it not the devil, stop giving him the credits, he is not as strong as you think.

Years ago, the must fearful word is “Jesus is coming soon” which I know people still say. Let me tell you, Jesus coming have signs, we know the season but the time no one can tell. Before Jesus will come we know the things that must happen and some of them are happening already. Don’t worry about Jesus coming soon, worry about your DEATH that have no signs.

Death is closer to you than the coming of the LORD.

Once you are dead, there is no chance of receiving Jesus Christ. “Receive him now while your breath is in you”.

Everyone on earth has past, present and future, no man has power over the past to change anything in it, but God has given every one of us power over now, this present moment, we can change anything now and as for our future we have very little say in it. One of the major reasons you need Jesus is for your past and your future.

You cannot change anything about your past, all the sins you have committed in the past, you cannot make them right by doing anything good today, only Jesus can forgive the sins of your past life and Him alone can save you from the destruction of the future, you cannot save yourself, only this present hour is in your power to make a decision, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow neither can you control the things that will happen tomorrow, make good use of this golden opportunity that everyone under the sun has “NOW”. This moment is yours, make your decision while you have your breath, once it’s gone, it is finished.

Why do you want to live in bondage? Do you know as men leave inheritances for their children, that is how your father has left an evil inheritance for you? Oh you think all the evil they have done are all gone? No way, the devil knows better than that.

The evil men do live after them. If they escape the vengeance by death or old age, their children surely eat the fruits of their vengeance.

If I have to keep giving you reasons, this book won’t be enough. You know within yourself how terrible life has been with you. Try this new life, I promise, you will tell the story to another person.

The money you are running after, do you know the real name of money? Or do you understand their ways in the air? Do you have knowledge of him who gave them wings? At whose decree they fly? I don’t think so. Am like someone who is speaking in parables to you because your knowledge is limited yet you think you know it all.

What will you answer if I ask you the name of the Angel that control riches? Hahahahahaha you see… in Christ we know all things. I pity you!!!

Stop struggling and come home. Having money is good but it’s not enough, the saving of your soul is more important. If I may ask, how peaceful is your life? How joyful is your heart when you are alone? What do you fear most? Do you remember sometimes you will not be here forever? What is the priority of your life? What have you been spending your life doing? If you die today where are you heading? What kind of life do you want your children to live? How long do you think you have on earth? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself while you lay on your bed with your eyes opened at mid night.

They that have entered into his rest have seized from their struggle.

“I command you to give your life to Christ in Jesus’ Name”

Yeah by force, I can’t wait to see my dearly beloved like you enter everlasting condemnation, you are important to me.

I was once like you, blinded by the prince of this world, disobedient, walking against the will of God, doing things my own way.

When I was in secondary school, there is this portion of the Bible our proprietor always read for our hearing in the morning.

The portions says; “Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths” -Proverbs 3 vs 5

When we walk according to our understanding, we get lost, human knowledge have nothing good in it, it has been corrupted by the devil, manipulated by his agents.

Life on earth without God is empty. If the emptiness will end when we die, it will be good, after death, you still resume the worst pain than you had on earth because you refused instructions.

Instruction is good, it makes you wise, and you will be able to walk in the path of life.

“Destruction awaits anyone who refuses the instruction of the LORD”.

What will it profit you if you are destroyed? What shall you give in exchange for your own soul?

If life is even sweet for you, you could probably say “It’s okay, let me enjoy life and face the penalty tomorrow”.

Look at me eye ball to eye ball, deep down your heart, are you really enjoying life? Do you even have the knowledge of what it is to enjoy life?

Can you say life is beautiful for or with you with evidence that have no inner room crying and sorrows while you are alone? Is there something about this natural life you will want to tell me? Didn’t you hear what the preacher says about life? Being vanity upon vanity? Vaxstation of spirit, all is vanity?

This is a man that had all the riches in the world, are you as wealthy as King Solomon? Do you drink water with cup of gold? Are all your eating spoons made up of gold? Do you have a store house of full diamond stones? What is your height of riches? Are you rich or wealthy? Can you separate being wealthy from being rich? Do you know what it means to be rich? What in the world do you think is worth it? Receiving the Lord Jesus Christ has nothing to take from you but additions and restoration of what the devil has taken from you.

Why don’t you sit down and have a re-think over your life? If you go too far in evil, you may not be able to return just like some people that mock and laugh at the message of the Lord Jesus Christ that have concluded in their heart it’s all lies.I love you with all my heart, do you know it’s because of you this book is written and published? God loves you with everlasting love; you are suffering for what Jesus has paid for already because you don’t know.

Though you have been hearing many things about Christian life, seeing so many unpleasant things even so many lives remain the same, I can boldly tell you, they omitted so many things, some of which the Lord has highlighted out. Moreover, the saving of the soul is the paramount not what we have and not have.

If you have doubts concerning Christian life, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I can put you through.

I was once like you; it took the Lord a very long time to convince me. When I decided to accept him (He called me and chose me actually, which he is doing to you now) I told Him He should teach me His word so that I can understand and not be toss to and fro like a reed shaken by the wind, just as you have your reasons, I had mine, the biggest of all was “seeing people who say they have accepted Jesus remaining the same and they pray over the same thing again and again with no changes in their lives”.

This added to my rebellious attitude toward the Lord Jesus Christ until the day I saw real Christianity in a man, the man is forever called Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The first day I heard him, I believed. From that day, they Lord began to teach me His word. I gave myself to the word, study the word all the time not long I understood why they were the way I saw them.

This is one word I have been saying during evangelism, “If you give Jesus your attention and he is not able to prove himself Jesus in your life don’t serve him”.

 I don’t try to present Jesus to people with sweet words that are not true. Jesus is real, when you come to Him, He will surely show Himself strong in your life.

“I speak for Jesus, I don’t defend Jesus”

“Jesus defends me and backup my words with power”.

One night, He said to me “I am strong enough to do my work”.

He is strong enough to defend Himself. Try Him. I say that again “try him if he fails you don’t serve him”.

You are not the first I have said this to; I will say it again and again.

What need is it to serve a Lord that cannot save you? Why would you call anyone father! Father!! when He is not able to provide you food and your needs? Yes! you may call someone father for respect but I speak of birth and responsibility.

“What makes a man a man is not what we call him but the responsibility he can handle”.

I don’t call Jesus my Lord out of respect; I call Him Lord because He has proven Himself as Lord in my life and for me”.

“Whom the Jesus prove himself to be to you is whom you will know him to be”.

“The things Jesus do in my life is what makes me call him what I call him”.

“What He does for me at a point in time is who He is to me at that moment”.

I’m saying it again “TRY JESUS, IF HE FAILS LEAVE HIM”.

If you will like to hold me at my words, contact me personally and rehearse this to me then I will guide you through what you need to do.

“Before you start your part, He would have concluded his part”.

This is real my beloved.

I beg you with the mercies of God, to please give me this opportunity to work with you in your relationship with the Lord. Are you in a hopeless situation that you have even attended prayer meetings and crusades and nothing happen? That hopeless situation is just an avenue to glorify Jesus Christ. Though those of old had said; “there is nothing new under the sun”. I tell you the higher truth; “There are new things under the sun”. Didn’t you read? As it is written “Eye had not seen, nor ear heard, neither have it entered into the heart of man, things which the Lord prepare for them that love Him”? Check second Corinthians 2 verse 9. Even they that have seen them through the Spirit of Christ have not been able to bring them all into manifestation. Revelation, knowledge and understanding of the Holy one is increasing more than ever before.

I am one of those whom he has chosen to know his will, come let’s give Jesus an opportunity to prove himself; I know how terrible life is out there. Labouring always with no rest, as the money enters, the mouth is widely open to devour it. With all your hard work, there is nothing tangible to show for it. Most of the time the money you earn, you can’t tell how you spent it, even the one you have saved and made plans for good spending, sickness and things that have no record sneak in and take it all away. Till now you still don’t understand how the system of the world you are living in works? Don’t you know even that company you are working may be owned by the children of Lucifer and controlled by Lucifer himself? Do you know who your next door neighbor is? Do you have idea of the evil they do at night while you are sleeping? Do you think most of these things are because you offended someone? I wish you know you don’t have to offend anybody before anything bad happen to you.

One day, I heard about the death of a relation (Police officer) who was murdered by criminals, I was touched by it. On my way back, I was questioning the Lord about it, I told Him how much I know the man that he is not that bad to receive such incident. You know in life there are people we know that are extremely wicked, when terrible things happen to them, we sometimes say things like “he is a man of evil and deserve such” but this man I know to be a gentle man, the Lord said to me: “Don’t you know that the world is full of evil? It doesn’t matter who has done bad or good, when it is time for vengeance of the terrible things they have done to occur, it falls on whom ever is available because they are all of one seed?”. So it doesn’t matter who planted the evil, anyone available among them will bear the consequences. You see why there will never be peace in this world? When I say peace, I speak of the “Calmness of the spirit”, a state of rest in the spirit, when nothing troubles you, no fear, no guilt, no worries. I have diligently sort, I found no man on the face of the earth that have peace among the children of the world.

So much trouble for them, so much sorrows and fear, their joy is like a “blossom flower that withered at sun rise”. I know how to relate with the Lord that can yield fruitful results and lasting relationship with him. Come close, I am here for you. If you have never taken a risk in your life, let this be your very first. God loves you; He gave his son to die for you, Jesus Loves you He sent His Spirit to help me write this book and deliver to you. The book is not free though you received it freely “Jesus has paid for it”.

“So also your salvation is free because Jesus paid for it”.

Don’t you think it will be unwise for you to pay for this book with your own money? So also it is unwise for you to remain in the bandage of the devil and be punished in eternity for what Jesus has already paid for.

What a revelation!!!!

“So also He has suffered for the things you are suffering for”.

Dear Lord Jesus I pray you open His/ Her understanding to catch what you have communicated there.

There are two major reasons many don’t want to surrender their lives to Jesus;

  1. Pride
  2. Frustration

Pride: Many are full of pride; they know that surrendering their lives to Christ means they have to live by the laws of Christ which will be inconvenient for them because of the pleasures of life. Human is actually wired this way, we don’t like it when we have to be told how to live our lives but let all always remember we did not created ourselves, someone made us, so it’s okay to live by his rules and laws.

Frustration: Many are deeply frustrated with life, God, Jesus Christ, the Church, Ministers, Church leaders, fellow Christians, next door neighbor that is a Christian or the society. Many have stop walking with God because of what they expected to receive from God that they did not, some, their cases are being frustrated and disappointed with the way things are in the Church or how they were treated by a pastor, leader or a fellow Christian.

Whichever your case may be, if pride is your problem, I can help you learn how to walk in love and not in laws and if you have been frustrated and disappointed for one reason or the other which made you reduced or stopped walking with God, I can help you learn how to live the Christian life without being frustrated by what anybody does. Give me the privilege to lead you into salvation and I will guide on the basics that can keep you standing tall in Christ. My hand is stretched towards you, hold my hands and say this with me;

Dear father, I surrender my life to you today through the Gospel of your son Jesus Christ, I believe in you, I believe in your son, help me to walk in this path of righteousness and be focused on you alone, I pray in Jesus name, amen.

I hope you are fully convinced now, find your way to chapter 3 of this book, let’s study it together again.

If you are not convinced yet, pray to God and go through this book again.

Don’t forget, His arms are open wide for you to come in. But if this does not work you, I pray the Lord will send you another Preacher that can help you understand better and convince you enough to believe. As the Lord lives before whom I stand, you shall not see death until you give your life to Christ because you have laid your hand on this book and have studied it to this extent, a reservation for your salvation have been made. But it will be more profitable for you to accept now and not wait until you are dying.

Have a rethink.