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How to Receive What We Asked In Prayer

Receiving from our father is much easier than asking.

“Receiving is so simple and small that it is easily ignored”.

Am not surprised at the level of ignorance concerning it because the LORD God loves to “Package the most beautiful things in un-attractive package”. Didn’t you read how “It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing, and the honour of a king to search out the matter?”

“The greatest principle that move mountains in the kingdom of God is so small that it will take the eye of an eagle to see it”

I don’t know the best way to communicate this to you, but I pray the Lord will help you catch it. It’s so small that you can easily neglect or disbelieve.

Before I bring it out let’s have a look at someone who had a situation that she demanded a change and received answer to her petition, with her attitude her petition was granted.

Popular story, Hannah the Mother of Samuel

Let’s see the book of first Samuel

1 Samuel 1 vs 18

And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.

To know more about this story it is better to read it from verse 1 same book, same chapter.

Hannah was a woman who was in need of a child, for years she had been praying; it got to a time when she could no longer tolerate her rival. She was not only in need of a child this time but desire a male child.

“There is difference between needingOr wanting something and desiring something”

“You may want or need something and not get it but when you desire something, there is no two ways about it than to get what you desire”

“Desiring something is stronger than wanting / needing something”.

“When you desire something, you don’t take no for an answer”

At this time she poured out her heart before the Lord, the Priest noticed the movement of her lips but was not hearing anything she was saying; “she had groans which could not be uttered”. So the priest took her for a woman filled with wine, she explained herself to the priest, after that the priest said; “Go in peace: and the God of Israel grants thee thy petition that thou hast asked of Him”.

After hearing these words, the woman demonstrated what I call “attitude of a receiver”. She stood up and her mood/ face changed immediately, she was happy filled with joy and joined her husband to eat and everyone was surprised.

Several times you had minister or pastor saying such words concerning a particular situation and the man / woman may give you an answer like; “It is well, go in peace”.

“When you receive words like this, mix it with faith and lay hold on it”.

“The word of His minister can never fall to the ground without achieving what it is sent to do”.

Note: You don’t have to go to someone to pray for you concerning all situations, search the word of God for an answer concerning the situation. When you find it, lay hold on the word, His words are never old. Let me tell you a secret, “God honour his word above all His names”.

Psalm 138 vs 2

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

You see that, this is another reason you need to study the word, so that you can relate with him with His words.

“Bringing back the miracles of old into your present life”.

Don’t forget, He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

This is the same thing that happened to Hannah, what the minister said was not the reason she got what she wanted but her attitude at that moment which is the same as your faith has made you whole, that is what I want you to see.

She believed her prayer is answered and went her way rejoicing. Had she gotten what she wanted in physical? No it was not possible for her to have a child the same day neither had her husband slept with her to know if she was truly pregnant before changing her mood and attitude. She acted on a strong principle in the kingdom called “Faith”. She acted on the words Jesus was communicating to us in Mark 11 vs 24;

Therefore I say unto you, what thing so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

She believed. Believing here is not the way you say “I believe” no! It is believing that is translated faith. It’s the acting believing which is faith. Though what you asked for is not in your hands but you know that you have it, this call for celebration.

Acting on the word is doing the word. We are actually called and instructed to be doers of the word of God. Acting on what God says He has done and who He says you are.

In asking, your request must be specific, with no repetitions; that is repeating the same thing you asked yesterday especially when it is material things. Asking for material needs are not needed anyway, that is why I said don’t ask for such things initially. Asking for personal needs distracts you from your reasonable service to God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The higher truth is, God knows all you need.

Another reason I said don’t ask for personal needs is that, you will be asking for what the father has already made available. If you must ask, follow these steps; Whatever need you have, present it before the Lord, don’t murmur, don’t beat around the bush, go straight to the point, God hates complains, even complainants. Tell Him straight what you want, be specific and be convinced within yourself that you really want and need those things you are asking him for, when you are done; end your matter in Jesus’ name.

It’s not over, after that, if you were unhappy because of the situation or needs that warranted you to pray, change your mood immediately knowing that what you have asked is given to you, even though you don’t have it in your hands that moment. That mood of happiness will propel you to give God praise and worship Him, thanking Him for what He has done.

“It’s only those that receive that rejoice.”

Do you notice the word “has” that is to tell you, what you prayed for is settled by Him already. Let your rejoicing be without seasons, loud enough that everyone around you will notice the joy in your heart and the songs of praise in your lips.

Doing this will make you fulfill the Perfect will of God which is offering Him the fruits of your lips, worshiping Him, which is your reasonable service.

I admonish you not to remain in the level of asking God for your personal needs, step up to the realm where you know all things are yours and then possess your possession, when you know this; your prayers will be full of praises and thanks giving.

There is no enough time in the world for me to thank God and worship him not to talk of asking.

“When I feel I need something, I am too busy thanking him for the ones he Has done to be asking for new”.

“When I am able to thank Him for all He has done then I will ask Him for another thing new”.

When the pressure of needs arises, the joy of receiving overwhelm me that I find myself giving him thanks and praises. In me I see the fulfillment of his prophecy that says; “they shall be called a people of praise”.

All the time I am full of praises and joy, the joyful melody of the Lord gladdens my heart always. When circumstances are trying to prove stubborn, finding a way to affect my mood, then I look behold “every second I see God giving me more than one million reasons to smile”.

My attention is so focused on these reasons that I can’t perceive the waves around. When the waves stays longer than they should then I rebuke them in the name of the Lord.

I don’t only have results at comfort zone; I go extra miles bending rebellious circumstance to correspond to my desired change.

I place a demand on a ground I know don’t have the ability to give me what I am asking.

“This is dealing with nature, I refuse to accept natural laws by laboring in prayer; that is, making tremendous power available, which is dynamic in its working, activating my stubborn faith and raising my spiritual antennal by meditation on the word of God (logos)to receive Rhema which have the ability to cut down anything”.

“This is called the good fight of faith”.

These are some of the kind of prayer you will find yourself in. It’s a higher level in Christ.

All these are not possible without the Holy Spirit. You see why we all have to have Him?

If you have been following me carefully you will notice, I have not said anything concerning the devil and dealing with him, you know why? The devil is no longer a problem for the new recreated being.

He is put under our feet; we have dominion, authority and power over him.

“He is no longer our problem, we are his problem”.

You can wake up one day and decide to torment all the witches and wizards around you and all that have marine spirits, release people from him bondage and laugh to his face... Hahahahahahaha.

Now that you have learnt how to pray and how to receive, don’t wait longer, jump into your closets, shut the doors and scatter the whole environment with prayers.

Is there sickness in your body? That is one of the smallest of the matter. Place your hand on the place and say “in Jesus’ name, I command you sickness to leave my body”.

You have a business that is not moving forward as you desire it? Get into the business, shop or office, write the name on a paper, call the name and say, “In Jesus’ name I command you to receive life, from this day hence forth, you are making progress, whatsoever I lay my hands on prospers therefore prosper in Jesus’ name”.

Is there a curse troubling your family? It’s simple, place your hand on your head and say; “Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world, I am born of God therefore I am an overcomer, since I am an overcomer, I have overcome you. I am in Christ and Christ is in me, if so be it that I am in Christ and Christ is in me therefore I am a new creature, old things have passed away and all things have become new, I have the new life of Christ, for this reason I am not subject to any curse or evil. I rise above all forms of evil and curses in Jesus’ name. Amen

“Walk in dominion”

Have you been looking for a child?

“As it is written, there shall not be barren in the land”

Exudus 23 vs 28

There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfill

You see that. God says this about you.

“I am fruitful, for whom the LORD call fruitful is fruitful, I am fruitful, henceforth all shall call me blessed because the Lord has blessed me with children”.

After praying this way, begin to rejoice and thank the Lord for blessing you with children. Begin to make arrangement for baby things and plan the school you want them to attend; you can even go as far as making enquiries for the school fees. That is faith. Its real, it works.

Talk and act like God

“He calls things which don’t exist as though they already exist” – Romans 4 v 17.

In a situation whereby you are confused, not knowing what to decide on, that is hunting between two opinions, all you need to do is to shut your door, with boldness say “I cannot be confused in my life, I have the mind of Christ, His word is a lamp unto my feet and a lamp unto my path, therefore I do not walk in darkness, the light of God shines on my path, all things are unveil to me.”

Psalm 115 vs 109

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

When you meditate on this word and pray with it, it is not possible for you to be confused about anything, you know why?

“Confusion is another kind of darkness”.

(When you are in darkness you cannot see what is in front of you or behind you).

“He that have light see clearly therefore knows what to do”.

Jesus is the light of life;

John 8 v 12

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Declare I have the light of life because I have Jesus Christ in my life. Go to sleep, before you wake up your mind will be position on what you need to do.

Isn’t this easy? That is how easy our life in Christ is.

John 16 vs 24

Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full”

The Lord Jesus is saying to you here that till now you have not ask anything in his name; he says ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full. There is a special joy when you receive what you asked for. I say to you ask in His name now, you shall receive.

That is what you will be doing. When you pray like this, you receive answers and find God to be sweet and Jesus Christ a loving King.

Any time a minister or pastor pray for you or release words of prophecy either in a congregation or to you personally, what you do is to begin to act on the word and declare it to yourself.

Enjoy your blissful and glorious life in Christ. Remain blessed, until we meet again.