You can Know God by Zane Self - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve


What is Hell?


Matthew 13: 37-42                        Matthew 18: 8-9

Matthew 25: 41                             Mark 9:43-48

Luke 16:24                                     Revelation 14:9-12

Revelation 20:10-15                     Revelation 21:7-8


     Hell is the place of Fiery Eternal punishment for the Evil Ones away from God for all Eternity. Is Hell true? It is just as true as Heaven is. Is God’s Word true? It is just as true as God is. Is Time true? It is just as true as Eternity is. Is God’s Creation true? It is just as true as you are. Have Faith in God’s Word as the Eternal Truth and you will have all of Life’s questions answered today. If you will love, Trust and keep Jesus Christ’s Word’s, you will have knowledge in the Truth of God, by living with God in your heart and mind. Read John 14:1-4

     Have Faith in God’s knowledge for there is none like Him and we know God will give us all the answers we need now - let us trust and obey God’s Will now. We know all of God’s Promises are true and we can know God’s Truth through Christ and Christ said, I will set all things in order when I come. 1st Corinthians 11:34.

     When we read of Hell in God’s Word, there are several different places it is talking about. Hell in several Scriptures is mentioned as being an Eternal fiery place of punishment for the Evil beings: The Devil; The Beast; The False Prophet; and anyone not written in the book of Life - Revelation 20:10-15.  When we read of hell as Hades, as in Luke 16:19-26, we can understand the saved beggar Lazarus died and he was carried by angels to be with Abraham in Paradise. 

     We also understand that the Rich man died and his soul went to Hades where he was tormented in flames.  When we read of Hell or Sheol as in Psalm 16:10 we know it means the grave the place of the dead.  Jesus was not going to be left in the grave to see corruption. Hebrews 13:20 says that the God of Peace brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead. Acts 2:31 says that Jesus’ soul was not left in Hell or Hades, or the grave.  Whatever translation you use it will use different words.  I prefer The New King James Version. In 1st Corinthians 15:20-21 it says Jesus arose from the dead and so shall we the Saved in Christ. Everyone will be Resurrected. Read 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17; John 5:28-29.

     When we read of Gehenna or the valley Hinnom at Jerusalem, where the fires of refuse were kept burning this makes quite a picture reference of the real Eternal Hell.  Sometimes the word Hell is used when talking about Hades or Sheol - the place of the dead where souls are awaiting the final judgment, or Tartarus where some of the Angels who have sinned are presently. 2nd Peter 2:4  But I want you to know and realize that a Fiery Hell is the reality for those who are rebellious against God’s Love and Truth.

     Jesus teaches His Disciples that He sows the Good Seeds, the field is the World, and the Good Seeds are the Sons of the Kingdom, the tares are the sons of the Devil and the Devil sows this seed. The harvest is at the end of the World and the reapers are the Angels. The tares are burned in fire. The Righteous will shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Read Matthew 13:37-42 

     At the end of the World, God’s Angels will come forth and separate the wicked from the Just, the Angels will cast the wicked ones into the furnace of Fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Jesus asked if they understood what He had told them. I hope you will respond, Yes, Lord we understand. Read Matthew 13: 49-50 The Scriptures teach Spiritually that if your hand causes you to sin to cut it off, for it is better to be crippled and to receive Eternal life than to go to Hell with both hands, the point is to get rid of your sins and change your ways and turn and love God and his commandments before you go to Hell were the Fire is never quench and the worm never dies. If your foot is the problem cut it off, in other words if you feet are taking you to the wrong places take drastic measures to change and to do what is right, that is why it says to cut your foot off and be lame, so you can go to Heaven, what ever it takes to break contact with the evil sin that is going on, do it for your sake and God’s sake. The message is what ever it is your hand, your foot, or your eye, make that change before it is too late. Repent and Obey the Scriptures, have Faith in Christ and Be Baptized and Walk in newness of life. Read Mark 9:43-48; Romans 6:3-11; Acts 2:38-42.

     I saw another Angel flying in the midst Heaven, and preaching the everlasting Gospel on Earth to men of every Nation saying fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of Judgment has come, Worship God who made Heaven and Earth. Another Angel said Babylon is fallen, A third Angel said, anyone who Worships the Beast and his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand. He shall be tormented with Fire and Brimstone in the presence of his Holy Angels and God’s Lamb Jesus Christ and the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever, these are the ones who Worship the Beast. The Faithful Christian Saints who are Faithful to Jesus Christ’s teachings in the New Testament shall be Saved to be with Christ Forever. Read Revelation 14:6-12; Revelation 19:1-21

     John says in another place in Revelation 21:8 that the cowardly, the unbeliever, the abominable, the murders, the sexually immoral, the sorcerers, the Idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second Death. And Malachi 4:1-3 says the day is coming, when all the proud who do wickedly will burn and their will not be a root or branch left.


The Great Separation


     There is a Great Separation coming and God will do the dividing at Judgment Day. And it will be The Sheep, The Children of God, and The Goats, The Children of the Devil, Jesus will set on his throne in Great Glory and He will divide his Christian Friends that are Saved from the Lost. The Saved will inherent Everlasting life with God. The lost will go to Hell all according to the Word of God. For you took care of my children, when you fed them, and you gave them water, you gave them clothes, you visited the sick, you visited the prisoner, when you did this to my Brethren, you did it to me. And The Lord will say to the wicked, Goats depart from me, into Everlasting Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels, the Goats did not give food, nor drink, you did not take me in, you did not cloth me, you did not visit me when I was sick, you did not visit me when I was in prison. When you did not do it to the least of my brethren, you did not do it to me, go away into Everlasting punishment, but the Righteous into Everlasting Life. Read Matthew 25: 31-46.


The Three Bad Witnesses In The Bible

 and their Followers


Three and more are going to Hell for sure, they are The Devil, The Beast, The False prophet and their followers and anyone else who is NOT written in THE BOOK OF LIFE. According to Revelation 20:10 they are put into the Lake of Fire and tormented day and night forever and forever.




1 Can you know if you are going to Heaven or Hell? Your Faith in God or not, tells you of your Eternal reward of life with God or not.


2 Can I know God? Yes, and If you know God you will have Faith and Trust in God by obeying in love with all your heart, mind, soul and Strength. Matthew 22: 37-40; Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 10:12-21 In the Old Testament the Saints knew God through Moses, In the New Testament we know God through Jesus Christ. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17.



Chapter Thirteen


What is the Nature

 of the Holy Spirit?


     The Holy Spirit is God as He is spoken of as being One with God, There is One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of all. The Word says to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Read Ephesians 4:4-7

     In the beginning The Holy Spirit was there with God The Father. And Christ was there according to the Scriptures. In the beginning God created the Heavens and Earth and The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:1-2; Genesis 1:26-27 Jesus Christ was The Word and The Word was with God in the beginning and all things were made by Him, without Him nothing was made. In Him was Life. And He is the Light of men and is our Grace and Truth. Read John 1:1-4; 14; 17 

     The Scriptures teach that Jesus Christ was the creator of all creation. He created all things that are in heaven and earth, visible and invisible. And He is the Head of the Body of The Christian Church. Read Colossians 1:10-20.  

     We understand the Word of God framed the World and all that was Created. The things which are seen, were not made of the things that are seen, Read Hebrews 11:3 The Holy Spirit is spoken as being sent by God to be our Personal Helper in our Christian living John 14:26 We receive the Holy Spirit as a Gift at our Baptism into Christ for the Remission of our sins. Acts 2:38 We can know and understand that the Holy Spirit is in our Salvation and is our God. We are to be Baptized in the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28: 19.

     The Holy Spirit dwells in man. 1st Corinthians 3: 16-17; 1st Corinthians 6: 19-20 The Holy Spirit inspired all the writings of the whole Bible, The Old Testament and The New Testament 2nd Timothy 3:16; 2nd Peter I: 20-21 The Holy Spirit is Eternal. Read Hebrews 9:6-28 The Holy Spirit restores us to the joy of Salvation. Read Psalm 51:10-13 We are Washed, Sanctified and Justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Read 1st Corinthians 6:11 Jesus said He would send the Comforter. John 16:7-13 The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. Romans 8:26-28 Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or the next to come. Matthew 12:31-32.

     God reveals to us what He has prepared for us through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit has inspired the Word of God so we can find the promises there. 1st Corinthians 2:9-14 In prayer ask for God to give the Holy Spirit to strengthen you with His power and also ask God for Christ’s strength. Philippians 4:13; Luke 11: 13.

     Being led by the Holy Spirit is living Holy and living Godly, with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives being seen in our actions. The bottom line in Christian living is you cannot live Holy and be Righteous unless you are living like Christ and the Holy Spirit. In the Word of God, we study how to be saved, by having Faith in Jesus Christ. And the Word of God tells us how to live Godly, Holy, Righteous, by having enough Faith in action to develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our daily living, thoughts and minds. The word of God also teaches you how to be Faithful and that is to love Christ and his commandments in the New Testament. John 14: 15 And to have the Fruit of the Holy Spirit guiding your heart and mind daily in loving relationships with your fellow brethren and your fellow man as much as possible. Love the brethren in Christ, love your neighbors and love your enemies, showing them you care for them, being led and guided by the Holy Spirit. And be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer of the Word. Read James 1: 22-24.

     Real Christians have Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self- control in their everyday  life, Loving and Obeying God and Forgiving others for their mistakes, these are key values in your Christian life. Do you have these Attributes of God seen in you?

Thank God For Spiritual Blessings


    Bless and Praise, Honor and Thank, God for The Wonderful Good God that He is forever. In the Scriptures it says He has blessed us with every Spiritual Blessing, we are blessed in Heavenly places in Christ’s name by Christ. We were predetermined by God in His plan to adopt us, as Sons by Jesus Christ to Himself according to His will. Through Christ and The Holy Spirit we are made Holy in God’s love. As a note of course men and women are equal in salvation. Read Galatians 3:28-29 Through the Grace of Christ, God has revealed His will to us. Through Christ’s sacrificed Shed Blood on the Cross, we have forgiveness of our sins and that was evil against God’s Holiness and Righteousness. In order to receive Salvation you have to have Faith and be Obedient to Christ’s teaching in the New Testament.

     God has given us Wisdom and Understanding, with the intelligent ability to easily understand His Salvation Plan for man, if a person is willing and wants God in their heart and life. God has made it plain in His plan to Save men through Faith in Christ Jesus. Which was not fully revealed until Jesus came. In the fullness of time God will gather together Earth and Heaven and all will be one in God. The first ones to obey and even ourselves will received an inheritance through Christ according to God’s will and purpose. When the Gospel was first preached through the Grace of Christ we put our Faith and Hope in Him. Also now you have trusted in the Word of Truth, the Gospel of Christ as our Salvation. And In accepting Christ you have been Obedient in Baptism and you have receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. We have the Holy Spirit until the day of Redemption of God and into everlasting life. Read Ephesians 1:3-14.





Christ was Baptized


     When Christ was Baptized he was Baptized to fulfill all Righteousness. The Holy Spirit came and lighted on Him. John the Baptist came Preaching and Baptizing, saying Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand and He Baptized them for the remission of their sins. Mark 1:4-11 John said Jesus Christ will Baptized you with the Holy Spirit and fire.  Matthew 3:11;  Acts 2:1-4.

     Peter said Repent and Be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. For this promise is to you and to your children and to all who are a far off, as many as the Lord our God will call. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day there were added unto them that day about three thousand souls. Acts 2: 38-47.


Peter and The Centurion


     A Centurion of the Italian Regiment was a devout man who fear God, He had a vision, an Angel of God said to him, send for Simon Peter, so Cornelius the Centurion sent to Joppa for Peter. Now Peter also had a vision not to call anything unclean God has made God said all food was clean. Peter realized all men could be Saved not just Jews, all men can be Saved through Christ. Peter preach Christ to these men at Cornelius house and the Holy Spirit fell on them Just like it had on the Jews at Jerusalem and he Commanded them to be Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.









1 Who is the Holy Spirit? God - Matthew 28: 19.


2 Where is the Holy Spirit? Dwelling in Christians.


3 How do I get the Gift of the Holy Spirit? By being Baptized into Christ’s name.


4 What does the Holy Spirit do? He is our Helper, Comforter, Teacher and Guide to the Christian and He gives Gifts, He enables us with His Power to accomplish God’s Purpose. Read John 14:16-17, John 14:23-26, John 15:26, John 16:7-16, 1st Corinthians 12:1-13.















Chapter Fourteen


What is the Church?


      The Church is the Body of Christ, the ones who love Christ meet together to Worship God - for Christ is the Head of the Church. Read Ephesians 1:20-23 which Spiritually is the Kingdom of God. Read Colossians 1:13 a few people think that the Church assembling together is not so important, but yet this is just what Jesus Christ and the Apostle’s were doing is having the Faithful to Christ to Assemble and Worship together, we will be together in Heaven Worshiping God and doing His Will. And for Christians to meet together in a house or Church house or some other place to Worship Him is God’s Will. Read Hebrews 10:25 Paul preached a year in Antioch at the Church and taught a great many people there and they were first called Christians at Antioch. Acts 11:26 The Word of God tells us Jesus Christ is the Head of the body, that is Spiritually the Church and we are the Body of the Church and members individually.  1st Corinthians 12:27.

     God wants people to understand His Word, Paul said may the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Give you Wisdom so that your understanding will be enlightened, that you may know the Hope of His calling for you, and that you will understand the Spiritual riches of glory of this inheritance to the Saints.  There is a Great Power working in Christians, this Great Power was in Christ when He was raised from the dead and seated on the right hand of His Father God’s Throne in Heaven. He is above all Power and every name, in this age and the next, everything is put under His feet and Christ is the Head of the Church, which is Spiritually the body of Christ. God is great in mercy and has a great love for each one of us, we were dead in sin and God made us alive in Christ and His Righteousness, you are Saved by Grace, and not works, you will see God’s Grace through the ages to come and forever in Eternity and you will sit in Heavenly Places in Christ, Grace is the Gift of God and definitely we should walk in Good Works now. Ephesians 2:4-10.

     The Church is the followers of Christ worshiping together, the Firstborn who are registered in Heaven are known by God, sinners are made Just and Perfect through the Grace of Christ as our Mediator in the New Testament Covenant through His shed Blood on the Cross we are Saved. Read Hebrews 12: 23-24.

     The Church of Christ met on the first day of the week, the disciples came together to Break Bread and Paul preached unto them. Read Acts 20:7 Luke also tells us that after receiving the Word about Jesus Christ, The Son of God being Crucified, about 3,000 souls were Baptized and they continued Steadfast in the Apostle’s Doctrine and Fellowship and Breaking of bread and Prayers. Acts 2: 41-42.


John was in the Spirit


     John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, when Jesus Christ spoke to him. Read Revelation 1:4-11; Revelation 1:17-20 Jesus Christ arose from the dead on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day. Mark 16: 1-20  The Church lives by Faith in Jesus Christ’s Resurrection on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day and that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.  John 3:16