You can Know God by Zane Self - HTML preview

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9 Forgive   

Matthew 6: 9-15

Matthew 18:21-22


10 Obey   
John 14:15

Hebrews 5:9


11 Be Faithful   

Revelation 2:10

James 1:12;

Matthew 25:21


12 Be Holy   

1st Peter 1:15-16


13 Seek to be Righteous   

          Matthew 6:33

1st Peter 3: 12

Matthew 25:46


14 Live in the Holy Spirit   

Galatians 5:22-26


15 Go and Evangelize   

Mark 15:15-16

         Matthew 28:18-20

Do Not Sin


     The True Christians of the Church do not sin; we know God has given us an understanding that we may know Him who is true, Jesus Christ this is the true God and our Eternal Life. 1st John 5:18-28 But if we do sin we have an advocate with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 1st John 2:1-6; Romans 6:1-23



Unity In The SAME Essentials


     Let there be Unity in the Essentials of the Doctrine as is written in the Word of God.  In 1st Corinthians 1:10-13 Paul said 2,000 years ago, Now I plead you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the SAME thing and that there be no divisions among you, But that you be perfectly joined together in the SAME mind and in the SAME judgment.  The first and foremost Essentials is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, The Messiah, His message of Grace, The forgiveness of sins are through Faith and Obedience in Him. Read Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:16; 1st Corinthians 15:1-7; John 1:12-17; John 3:3-6 The death, The burial, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and that Jesus Christ is our Personal Lord and Savior for our Eternal Life in God. Read Acts 4:12; Luke 1:11; John 4:42; 2nd Timothy 1:8-9; Titus 2:11-15 Titus 3:4-7; 1st John 4:7:17.


     1 The Gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s Gift of Grace through Christ is The Salvation Plan of God for men to be Saved as it is written in the Word of God.


     2 The Word of God is infallible as it is written in the Word of God.

     3 The Church is the Kingdom of God as it is written in the Word of God.


     Unity in the Church is important.  The Church at Corinth was divided, they did not speak the same thing, they did not have the same mind, they did not have the same Judgment and they were divided into groups of opinions. Some could eat meat offered to Idols and some could not eat the meat offered to Idols because of their consciences sake. Read 1st Corinthians 8:8-13; 1st Corinthians 9:3-23; 1st Corinthians 10:15-33; 1st Corinthians 11:1-2; Romans 14:1-3; Romans 15:1-3 Love in the Christian Life is the most important value in Christian Living. Read 1st Corinthians 13:13; Matthew 22:36-40; Galatians 5:22-23.

     Paul is teaching in the Scriptures we can have liberty in non-Essentials. The Essentials of Faith are all the commandments that are written in the New Testament by Jesus Christ and the Apostles and The Moral law of the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament; The Gift of Grace from God Saves us through Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:8; Ephesians 2:20; Matthew 5:17; 2nd Peter 3:1-2; 1st Corinthians 3:11.

     In Acts the second chapter, it tells us of the Beginning of the Church when the Holy Spirit of God fell on The Apostles on the day of Pentecost. Peter said Let Israel know they crucified Jesus Christ who was made by God the Father, both Lord and Messiah. They said what shall we do? For they were cut to the heart, Peter said Repent of your sins, and Let every one of you be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. God has promised to you and your Children as many as the Lord will call, be Saved from this crooked generation. God does not want anyone to be lost or perish. But some will reject God’s Grace through Christ and will go away into everlasting punishment and Hell but the Righteous into Eternal Life with God. Matthew 25:31-46; 2nd Peter 3:9.

     Those who readily accepted his Word were Baptized and there were added to them that day many Christians and they stayed Steadfast in the Apostles’ Doctrine and Fellowshipped together as The Church and were Faithful to partake of the Lord’s Supper and were Faithful in their Prayers to God and many wonders were done through the Apostles.  They all had the Same Faith in Jesus Christ, they divided their wealth for the ones in need. They continued daily with one Purpose in the Temple and had meals together in their houses with gladness in their hearts. They Praised God for his blessings to them and The Lord added to the Church daily those who were being Saved.  Read Acts 2: 41-47.

    The Church is The Kingdom of Heaven, The Kingdom of God, and The Kingdom of Christ.

Matthew 3:1-3

Matthew 4: 17

Matthew 5: 20

Matthew 7:21-23

Mark 1: 14-15

1st Timothy 3: 16

Colossians 1:12-14

     John the Baptist said Repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, Repent and believe in the Gospel, which is the Salvation of Grace through the Messiah The Son of God which I Am. 

     The Gift of Grace is given to man even though he has done nothing to deserve it. It is Through Christ’s Sacrifice of His Shed Blood on the Cross, a man’s sins are forgiven him as though he never sinned. Jesus was saying have Faith and Believe that Salvation has come in me, Jesus also said, unless your Righteousness exceeds the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter The Kingdom of Heaven, In other words your heart and mind has to be loving and living Righteousness like Christ does, His Life is Holy forever. Jesus said not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the Will of my Father in Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church, The Christians in Christ’s Church are the Saved ones on the Earth, according to the Scriptures and only The Faithful ones to God will receive Eternal Life in Heaven with God. 1st Peter 1:3-25; Romans 1:16-18.

     The Church are the called out ones they come and meet together and worshipped God together in a house or in a building for the Church, they are the people that belong to Christ. It is Essential to Worship God together in Fellowship. Do not forsake the assembly of the Saints as some are. Hebrews 10:19-31; Acts 2:41-42; Hebrews 12:23-29; Acts 14:27; Philemon 2; The Christian Church can meet in a house. Mathew 18:20

     The Church of Christ is the Kingdom of God, Do not think I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets of God, but fulfill the Prophecies of God. Read Matthew 5:17-20 The Church of Christ is the Kingdom of God. The Churches of Christ greet you. Read Romans 16:16  “Jesus said the Kingdom is at hand” And so now we know the Christians in the Church that have Faith in Christ and the Word of God are in the Kingdom of Heaven, or God, or Christ, however you want to say it, the Church is the Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God, read Colossians 1:12-20, and Christians are the Children of God.

     Read Galatians 3:22-28 Jesus said I will build my Church. Read Matthew 16:13-21  Some day the Kingdom will be turned over to the Father.  1st Corinthian 15:24-28 In the Old Testament it was wrong to add or to take away from the Word of God as it is written and it is wrong today to add or to take away from the Word of God as it is written. Read Deuteronomy 4:1-2; Deuteronomy 12:28-32; Revelation 22:18-19 The Word of God teaches us about God The Father, Jesus Christ The Son of God and The Holy Spirit of God and God’s Plan for His People and what The Spiritual Church is all about having been built on the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. Read Ephesians 2:4-22.





1 Do I have to go to Church? The Best answer is yes if you want to make sure that Heaven will be your Eternal home with God, being Faithful till Death.


2 Do I have to be a Member of the Church, by God adding me to the Church? Yes.


3 What if some of my family are not members of a Church or members of The Church? That is between them and God, do what you know to do, go to Church and Worship God and live by Faith.


4 Should I Evangelize? Yes. Go into all The World and Preach the Gospel.


5 What is the Church? The Church is Spiritually The Body of Christ.


6 Who is The Head of The Church? Jesus Christ.


7 Who are the members of The Church? All Christians are members – those who are followers of Christ.


8 Why become a Member of The Church?  To Accept Christ’s Salvation in becoming a Christian; to receive forgiveness of sins and the Gift of The Holy Spirit; to receive The Gift of Grace and The Gift of Eternal Life with God; and to live the Abundant Life in The Spirit of God.


9 How can I be a member of Christ’s church? By Belief and Faith in Jesus Christ; by Obedience and Trust in The Word of God; and by Walking daily in The Holy Spirit, like Christ, forever.


10 Do I have to know the Truth that is taught in the Word of God about the Church, which is the message of Christ, in order to go to heaven? Yes. 





Chapter Fifteen


What Is A Christian?


     First a Christian is a follower of Christ, Jesus.  Christ is your Lord and Savior and The Holy Word of God is your Guide for life, to Guide you to be obedient to God’s teaching.  A Christian has been born again by The Spirit of God.  Being a true Christian is being obedient to the Scriptures. 

     The foundation of The Church is found in The New Testament Scriptures on the Apostles and Jesus Christ’s teachings and the Prophets’ teachings in The Old Testament.  Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, the Chief Cornerstone of The Church.  The Son of God can make you free of sin. Read John 8:28-36

     Before Paul became a Believer in Christ, he was a strong Believer in God, but he needed to become a Believer in Christ and he did on the road that led to Damascus.  Paul saw the Light and that Light was Jesus Christ Himself. Read Acts 9:1-22  Paul became a Great Minister For Christ in Preaching the Gospel of Truth and the Salvation plan of God. Paul helped establish many Churches in different cities and towns for Christ.  Read the Book of Acts about Paul and the other Apostles in preaching Christ to the lost and establishing Churches, which God added to, such as should be saved according to God.  Read Acts 2:47; 1st Corinthians 2:5-11.

     Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? Paul said who are you Lord? I am Jesus whom you are persecuting and Saul said, what do you want me to do? Jesus said go into the City and it will be told you what you must do. The ones who accompanied Paul heard a noise but did not understand.  Paul was struck blind and they led him by the hand, he was three days without sight, he did not drink or eat anything, Ananias, a Christian, said to Paul, I seen a vision and the Lord said to me, go to the street named Straight to the house of Judas and there you will find Saul of Tarsus praying.  Paul in a vision seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so he would receive his sight, Ananias said to the Lord, I heard very bad reports about this man Saul -  harming Christians and he has Authority from the Priests to bind Christians.

     The Lord said to Ananias go for he is a chosen servant of mine to take my name and the saving Gospel to the Gentiles, Kings and to Israel. I will show him he must suffer for my namesake.  And so Ananias went to the house and entered the house and laying Hands on Saul, said Brother Saul, The Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road as you came to Damascus has sent me, that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit and Immediately he received his sight, arose, and was Baptized into Christ’s name and that is how Paul became a Christian.  This is how you can become a Christian by being Baptized into Christ’s name for the Forgiveness of your sins.  Mark 16:16  Ananias said why are you waiting? Arise and be Baptized and Wash away your sins, calling on the Name of the Lord. Read Acts 22:16.


Being Born Again


     To be born again is by the Power of God. It is one who is Obedient to Christ, a born again Person is a Faithful Believer in Christ and the Word of God. The Ethiopian Eunuch  is a great example of becoming a Christian. Philip preached Jesus to him out of the Old Testament Scriptures. Isaiah Chapter 53  No doubt Philip told him he needed to be Baptized in Jesus’ Name for the forgiveness of his sins, It was the message Peter preach to them on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell on the Apostles. Read Acts 2:38  As they went on there way the Eunuch said here is water can I be Baptized. If you Believe in your Heart about Jesus you may, I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They stopped the Chariot and they both went down into the Water and he baptized him. Read Acts 8:35-38.

     Paul went to Philippi on the Sabbath and he went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made and he sat down and spoke to the women who met there. A lady named Lydia heard Paul teaching, and Timothy was there too. The Lord Opened up her heart to understand about Christ and what Paul was teaching, she and her household were Baptized, she asked them to stay with her if they found her to be faithful. Read Acts 16:14-15.

     Paul and Silas who were in prison were released by God.  The jailer seeing the doors were opened was going to kill himself. Do yourself no harm we are all here, he fell down before Paul and Silas and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? They spoke about the Lord to him and his house, and in the same hour he and all his family were Baptized. Read Acts 16:25-33.

     Paul is an example of a Great Christian, he lived by Faith he was Great at portraying Christ in his Life, he lived only to communicate Christ to others. We can be like Paul and like Christ; we can be like other strong Christians; maybe we are just an average Christian; the point here is maybe the best you can do is just to be Faithful, then I know you are doing the right thing. 

     You and I are to have a desire to share the Gospel of Christ to others so they can be saved. We are to love God with all of our Heart, Mind, Soul, Body and Strength. You need to be sold out to God, for you are bought with the price of the blood of Jesus, the Son of God.  Mark 12:29-31. If you can do these two things righteously then you will be saved, but it does involve your Faith, Trust, and your obedience to God through Jesus Christ. John 14:6




1 How can I be Born again? By Water and the Spirit.


2 Is Water Baptism necessary? Yes.


3 Is Spiritual Baptism necessary? Yes.


4 When is the Holy Spirit given? In Baptism yes, or anyway God wants to.

Chapter Sixteen


What Is Unity In Faith?


     Unity in Faith can only be had when Christians follow the Word of God as is written in the New Testament, Unity in Faith is what Jesus Christ and The Apostles taught in The new Testament and all the Scriptures are Inspired by The Holy Spirit. Today Christians are to obey the Doctrine as given in the New Testament, the early Christians followed the Doctrine taught by Jesus Christ.

     We need Unity in Doctrine and that is what is plainly written in the Whole Bible. What is the problem with Christians in not having Unity in Faith in the Church today? Reason one is some Christians do not study the Scriptures for themselves, they accept whatever is said.  Reason two is some Christians do not believe the Word of God is the inspired Word of God as it is written. Reason three is some Christians interpret the Word of God to suit their own Ideas and opinions. Reason four is some are Plain out False Preachers and Teachers for gain. God has revealed how to have Unity in Faith. Unity can be attained by living by Faith and Obedience to God’s Word in the New Testament.  Paul said do not be divided on the Word, Is Christ’s Word divided? Read 1st Corinthians 1:10-31; 2nd Timothy 2:11-19; 2nd Timothy 3:10-19.

     Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father accept through me. Read John 14: 6  There is no Salvation in any other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Read Acts 4:12  We are to be in Unity in the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, Christians are to have the same Beliefs, they are to speak the same things, they are to be in agreement as much as possible and this can be accomplished by studying together with a Spiritual Teacher of God’s Word.

     Being United in Christ is having Unity with Christ and that Unity is in the Word of God, as it is

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