100 Dates and a Wedding by Steph F. Tumba - HTML preview

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Drunk in Emotions

Roof Garden, High Street Kensington. Bianca was parading her new Gucci bag, chasing for a shag. Camellia was posing near the stage like she was being photographed for a new sleeping pill advert. And, I was trying to dance to a music I didn't like. But after a very busy week at work, I was mega tired and needed to unzip.

A few minutes later, mega-bored by the lousy music, the lame picking up lines, the exasperated version of Camellia, and the usual show of six-foot-something Eastern European prostitutes dancing like hairy baguettes on the dance floor, I decided that it was time to get another drink. I have never drunk only to get pissed, but that night, it was my aim.

Two drinks in my hands, I was on my way back to join Camellia's when I felt a long stare on me coming from the VIP area. I don't know why while I would ignore it on a standard night, I confronted the look and stopped right in the middle of the dance floor, annoying a few dancers on my way.

I was immediately charmed by this tall, dark, and handsome stranger. We both smiled and stared at each other. He was totally my type. Great, this evening was finally going to be fun.

I reached out to Camellia and gave her a drink. “God, I am so bored. Can’t we go elsewhere? I just bought you a drink!”

“Why didn’t we book a VIP table?”

“Are you kidding? There’s nothing worse than being bored in a VIP area. Plus, I thought we were having a drink,” insisted Camellia.

No, it wasn’t possible. I had to talk to this guy. I responded, “Where’s Bianca? Wait for me here. I’ll look for her.” In fact, I was looking for that stranger who disappeared from what I thought was his VIP table.

After ten minutes walking around in a circle, I started to think that he’d left.

So I gave up and started to really search for Bianca when I got a poke on my shoulder. The stranger said, "I was looking for you! I thought you'd left!"

With the biggest smile, I responded back, “I was looking for you!! Hello!”

Wow, he was so my type. Our surroundings seemed to fade away as I gazed into his mesmerising eyes and we could both barely talk. Something in my body wanted him, now, immediately. I could have made love with him straight away in the middle of this imaginary world. We kept on looking at each other for seconds, both enchanted by each other. I felt like our eyes were communicating; this was so intense. We were talking to each other, staring into each other’s eyes. He took my hands and introduced me to his soon-to-be-married brother and friends. We all had a chat, a laugh or two, and they decided appropriately that it was time for him and me to have a chat.

Meet Taylor, 34, Canadian; in London for a few days attending his brother’s stag do. We were still talking, staring at each other’s eyes when we realised Bianca and Camellia were trying to get into our world, holding my coat to go.

“I think your friends are waiting for you. Should we exchange numbers and meet sometime before I go?”

I smiled at him, listened to his number in front of two pairs of impatient eyes, faked-call him to save his American-Canadian number, and disappeared towards the unknown.

Pushed in the cab, Bianca broke in “Who was that guy?", while I was still enthralled by Taylor's charm.

“God, he was so handsome… So your type too!” commented Camellia, very over-excited for me.

“Well, Taylor’s Canadian, he’s in town just for a few days, so basically nothing serious will happen,” I lamented.

“Stop being so pessimistic! Oh là là!!! You might move to Canada and live with him! " smiled Camellia.

“Don’t be silly Cam, I just met him,” I reasoned.

“Well, the way you guys looked at each other. Wow, I could sense the instant chemistry. It was like in the movies. Sooooo romantic…”

The cab went all of a sudden so quiet, I asked, ”Where are we going?”

“Boujis,” replied Bianca.

“They’ll be closing in a few. Bianca????” I shoot back, aghast at being moved from a potential date or maybe fling to a dead end.

“What???? No, it’s not!!!!” Bianca shouted back.

“It's 2 am. They might be closed already. I need to go back to see Taylor. I want to see him and spend the night with him. Driver, please stop me here. I want to spend the night with him,” I remarked.

The driver stopped and Bianca commanded, “Drive please, she's crazy!”

“No, I am not! What a silly plan! Boujis, really????” I protested.

“Noooooo, come with us. You don’t want to make it a one-night stand. It started so well. You want to marry him, don’t you Val?” implored Camellia.

“Shut up! You'll get laid before he goes; don't worry. By the look of his eyes, he wants to fuck you. Driver, move!" commanded Bianca, again adding, “Don’t you have his number, honey? You’ll fuck him tomorrow. Don’t be too sentimental.”

“And we can’t leave you there alone,” continued Camellia, with a voice tinted of selfish guilt.

The driver was like a mile away from Boujis and despite Bianca’s command, he hadn’t moved and queried, irritated, “So what?” I looked at the ladies and surrendered to their begging baby-looks.

Thirty minutes later, I swallowed my fury in bed as Boujis was indeed closed. The only thing that consoled me is the fact that Bianca didn’t have a shag that night. We were two losers!

Date No.1

I didn’t have a hangover that Friday morning. In fact, I woke up in a great mood. I had my 30 minutes’ run in Hyde Park, grabbed my coffee and my croissant at Paul Boulangerie, and went back home with a pretentious big smile on my face. I couldn’t wait to call Taylor.

I took my phone. Switched on my phone. Tried to turn my phone off again. Tried, tried, tried.

I plugged it in to charge. Checked 30 minutes later and it was not charging. I started to get really nervous. I left the phone an hour on charge. Still couldn't switch it on. I wanted to shout out mega loud. I quickly took a box full of old emergency phones, to an iPhone 4, and inserted my SIM into it. All of my calls were gone. I lost Taylor's number and he didn't have mine. I would never see him again. This is when I received a call from Camellia.

Two hours later and after leaving the failing phone at Apple White City, the Ladies and I were shopping at Harrods. As far as I was concerned, I was window shopping. I wasn’t in the mood at all. Camellia was so disappointed for me. "You may meet him in the street or elsewhere. And if not, He'll go back to Canada, and you'll be here. It only means it wasn't meant to be him. There is a better person for you out there."

Bianca was more straight forward and fatalist; you win some and you lose some. Baby, there are plenty of fish in the sea."

“You don’t have this instant chemistry with all of the fishes you meet,” I deplored.

Bianca and Camellia aborted a sad and compassionate smile. I received a text on my old-fashioned iPhone 4 from Apple, advising me that my phone was ready for collection. I kissed the ladies goodbye and disappeared in a cab.

My mobile fixed, I checked with a fake hope if Taylor’s number was saved by a miracle. Well, nothing was kept. I hated my phone at that time!!! Why was I paying for iCloud if Apple couldn’t even keep call logs or messages? I then decided to drown my sorrow in work.


A couple of hours later, I received a text from an American number: < I really thought to hear from you after those few magical minutes we shared together last night … > My heart started pounding faster than the light's speed; I almost collapsed by the end of the text. I think I flashed a hundred watt smile and couldn’t help but call him straight away.

Story explained, date sorted, and pampering done, I was at Raffles all dressed up with Taylor. We shared a fantastic time. Taylor and I were politely holding hands, no kissing, just gentle caresses, and sweet kisses on the cheeks and neck. I understood, Taylor, his brothers, his cousin, and his friends were all staying at the Mandarin Knightsbridge. His brother Elliott was living in the U.K. for two years hence why the choice of the exotic London fro the stag-do. The last part of their adventure would be to sail all weekend in Dorset. They were leaving the following morning and he was flying back to Canada two days later.

I knew it was probably my last night with him and I wanted to make the most of it. This was probably why I looked like I’d stepped off the pages of Cosmopolitan. I had called off my MUA, my hair stylist, and was Oh My… Evidently, I liked him, I liked the way he made me feel willing to ignore all of the dating rules. I wanted him so much that night.

Taylor and I left the Raffles and were wandering around the streets of Chelsea. The weather being fantastic, we decided to walk, holding hands like the world belonged to us. And then, at the junction of `Fulham Road and Sydney Street, Taylor eyed me with a look that shivered my whole body, making my crotch ocean wet. He then kissed me. This was powerful. I had goosebumps all over my body and I could feel his penis getting harder.

“I don’t want to leave you like this,” Taylor said.

“I had no intention of leaving. You didn't need to ask; you had me with your kiss."

A few moments later, we were in a cab driving toward the Mandarin Hotel.

I knew very well the Mandarin Hotel, I was going back to my neighbourhood: Knightsbridge. The Mandarin Hotel is one of London’s most celebrated 5 star hotels. It is located in front of the most luxurious English department store: Harrods. The décor exudes elegance, chicness and modernity. You can dine at the Blumenthal, have a dance at Bar Boulud, a drink at the Mandarin Bar, or an afternoon tea at the Rosebery Lounge. It conveys ever shade of chicness.

Upon our arrival, the porter opened the door for us, Taylor and I reached his suite, and I loved that it was overlooking Hyde Park and made the whole atmosphere magical.

I didn’t really have time to admire the view as half a second later; we were kissing passionately, jumping at each other, taking off each other’s clothes.

Naked, we admired each other’s nudity. Our eyes were as bright as the shiny stars in the Park.

Taylor carried me, and a moment later, we were both in the shower. Warm water running, both under the showerhead, we explored each other’s body with our delicate hands and fingers going everywhere: hair, face, neck, breast, stomach, intimate parts, and legs. We quickly replaced the fingers and hands with our tongues and lips. It was sensual, orgasmic, and pleasurable.

Taylor lifted me up in front of the mirror, backing this luxurious marble wall, and we made love. It was rough; it was passionate, it was deep, it hurt so much that I loved it.

I exploded at the sound of his sexy growls of pleasure. It was a delicious moment and I wanted more. I wanted more of him.

With a few cushions on the floor, we were both naked, admiring the view. We were voiceless, touching delicately each other’s face like two animals discovering our humanity.

Then Taylor had an idea. He called the concierge. A few minutes later, we had a call back. He went downstairs and when he reappeared in the room, he asked me to wait a few moments in the bathroom.

“Come in!” He shouted proudly a few minutes later.

When I came back into the main part of the suite, it was all illuminated with candles; the table was set with canapés, strawberry, ice cream, chocolate, and cheese cakes. The whole gesture filled my heart with joy and gratitude. I almost wept tears of joy.

"I don't know when I'll see you next… So let's make this night the most amazing night we will ever have together.” So we did. We made love until the morning light, romantically, passionately, and sometimes painfully.

I wanted the night to last forever for the sake of our hearts, for the sake of the passion, and for the sake of what tasted like love. I wished I had stopped time.

Around 7 am, Elliott, Taylor's brother, called at our suite advising that they were leaving in 30 minutes to Poole. At the call, I was getting dressed in dashing.

“Val, I really...” he started.

“Please Taylor, don’t say anything…” I interrupted melancholically. “I hate goodbyes. So let’s just kiss as if we were about to meet tomorrow again. Thank you for this magical night.”

Puzzled, Taylor kissed me. I left straight away. I ran out and emerged from the hotel practically horizontal, ignored the porter, grabbed a cab in front of Harrods, and on board, started a tear of joy appear on my right eye. I smiled melancholically.

Home, I called Camellia to talk.

Post-date No.1

I slept all day that Saturday. In fact, Camellia was the one who interrupted my sleep. She was so full of hope for Taylor and I. I wasn’t… I felt forlorn. Forlorn because I liked him and I knew that the feelings he procured to me the night before would cease. But, I loved that feeling; it was the closest I'd been to love since my divorce. I was reassured; I knew I could love again.

When Camellia left, I had a lighter heart. I could love again and this experience with Taylor just proved it. I wasn't sad anymore. I felt more alive than ever. I could feel it. I wasn't that damaged emotionally and I loved this feeling.

Later on that day, I received a picture from Taylor on a boat with his family and friends accompanied with the caption, “I wish you were here. Miss you already.”

I smiled and simply replied, “I loved our night. I can’t thank you enough for the sentiments you gave me.”

Date No.2

Taylor sent me a few texts over the weekend, which I was really pleased with, but I also knew when I woke up that Monday morning, that he was flying later that afternoon.

Monday was a very busy day for me and just when I was breathing in between meetings with a sandwich in my mouth, I received a call from an unknown number. When I picked up, Taylor was talking to me. “I can’t leave you like this. I can’t leave you without talking about us,” were his first words.

I went all silent. I didn’t really know what to say. Taylor carried on, “Let’s meet at the airport,” he begged. I almost puked up my sandwich. I hated goodbyes and more so in airports. “I can’t do this; you know I…”

“Val? Please. Don’t do this,” Taylor broke in.

“It is tearing my heart apart not to be able to see you before I go.” By the sound of these words, I felt my heart bleeding.

“Val? Val? Are you there?” Taylor continued.

I nodded.


“Yes,” I said.

“Val, my flight is at 7:40pm. Call me if you decide to come. I will be devastated if you don't because Friday night meant a lot to me," were his final words.

The world started to blur around me. I was sad at the idea of saying goodbye. Everything would be so real. Well, I had to embrace that pain and meet Taylor at the airport.

Taylor was waiting for me at Yo! Sushi Restaurant. When we saw each other, we immediately hugged in elation. He had ordered a variety of sushi for both of us.

As in a proper date, we started talking about our lives, our families, our work, and our ambitions. It didn’t feel like a goodbye dinner. The dinner was full of jokes, joys, shared experiences, and romantic touches and attentions. Taylor was very affectionate and caring and I couldn’t help but wonder why was he single. Such a good-looking man, very successful, and so gentle. The big bonus was that the sex was amazing! What more could a woman ask for? When I was about to break the question, I was amazed that Taylor asked the same to me… I laughed. And well… I just replied that I was not ready for a serious relationship until now and after a 7 years relationship with my former husband. As soon as I heard myself say "former husband," I regretted it, as I saw his face questioning. But we didn't have the time to talk longer about it and we kissed goodbye. This time, the kiss was longer, stronger, and charged with so much emotion and feeling. It was deep and nice. We touched each other’s face for the last time and I was gone without looking back. I was looking forward to feeling this loving again.

Post-date No.2

Taylor and I kept in touch for two months. We had like a long distance relationship.

We shared laughter, we shared our lives, we shared our everyday life like a couple living together. We even had sex chats and a few video chats. But I quickly realised that this relationship was a newer version of the one I had with Harper a few years back and it would undoubtedly lead nowhere.

Both Taylor and I were driven by the emotion of one single night and when Taylor started to be a bit too intrusive, abusive, and over jealous, I decided to put a brake on our video-calls as we were just driving each other nuts.

I wanted Taylor as a friend; our telephone fights, his insecurities, the sulking… I couldn’t take it anymore. Our fights would sometimes put me in a state of mind where I couldn’t go out with the ladies without feeling guilty. I was completely going out of my mind as if he was living with me. The ladies hated me like this.

Our love affair abruptly ceased when Taylor heard me having sex with another man through my phone, which was too much for me and more so for him, and accused me of cheating. Sadly, I never heard of Taylor again after this final fight. It was hard at first to live without his calls, but a relief at last.

I always remembered our night together at the Mandarin rather than all of the fights that ruined the whole story. It was intensely emotional and I hadn't felt that way for a long time.


Taylor was one of the dates who opened a completely new direction of my dating experience and brought me to a completely different level. I knew I was ready, but this time I felt it all through my body. It wasn't just my brain or words. Therefore, I couldn’t' wait to open a new chapter with the man of my dreams. Next!