100 Dates and a Wedding by Steph F. Tumba - HTML preview

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Desperately in Love

Monday morning, I was going to have lunch with a client-turned-friend called Victoria at the Bar Boulud. When I got into her office overlooking Harrods, to pick her up, Victoria was over the phone, and her receptionist made me wait in the elegant waiting room.

Another man was waiting there and he suddenly started chatting me up and introduced himself as Sam McAlister. A few minutes spent together and I was laughing my heart out. When Victoria arrived to apologise, she mentioned, “I can see you are having fun with our new IT Manager. Sam’s starting today; his jokes helped him to get his way in,” said Victoria, with a wink towards Sam. “Valérie, I won’t be a minute; I am going to the lavatories.”

In the meantime, Sam gave me his business card and invited me for dinner. I accepted, and we had a date for the following evening.

Date No.1

So, meet Sam, 5’10, slim, 40, Irish, blond, living in Twickenham, IT manager for my friend’s hedge fund. Sam was funny; not my type, but he had that wit and that sense of humour that made him more charming than the average Joe. He also exuded confidence and was dressed so elegantly that the whole package probably made him an eight, as opposed to a six without all of these tricks.

We had dinner at La Trompette in Chiswick, which was a French restaurant. La Trompette’s ambience was calm and classy though the décor was a bit too traditional to my likings. Sam and I were looked after splendidly and everything was delicious and beautiful to watch. We really enjoyed our meals.

I understood that Sam lived a billion of lives and lived all over the world, he could speak Turkish, Russian, Italian, and Spanish. He was crazy, kind, and very passionate about all things surrounding him. There were no grey areas for him. He loved or hated. He wasn’t the kind to hide his feelings or pretend.

Sam was also slightly pretentious and he knew it. He explained how that ladies of his age bracket liked him and bragged about how they would look at me with envy, going out with the alpha male of their dreams. As you may have guessed, Sam was an ageist. He wasn’t interested in women over 35. He would later say to me, “They’re not fun, they are not sexual enough, and they sometimes hate sex. And often hate men; their last porn watched was probably in the 80’s when going down on a man was the ‘New Thing’. They’re usually divorced and carry luggage full of emotional restriction. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll have sex once a month!”

I looked at him intensively and asked, “Because you men don’t have any emotional baggage?”

He smiled and replied, “We don’t deal with them the same way as women.”

I shot back sarcastically, “Well, when you’ve been cheated on once, you guys become either the cheater yourself, and the next girlfriend is the new object of frustrations, or you are mega careful and you’re like little dictators in the next relationship.”

He laughed out loud. I decided not to tell him about my divorce yet. It’s not that I didn’t want to tell him, but I just wanted to challenge his opinion with actual facts.

All I knew right then was that Taylor was in my mind and our phone calls kept on getting me high. This is the reason why I shortened our dinner and went back home to get his call...

Post-date No.1

Sam was fun. I really enjoyed his company. Taylor still all over my phone, it was quite challenging to be fully involved. I didn’t feel like Sam would be more than a friend. But I accepted his second date in a secret destination.

Date No.2

Sam and I were meeting in Victoria. When I arrived, Sam had two tickets for Canterbury. I was so glad he made an effort and he remembered that Canterbury was one of these places I wanted to see in the UK.

We took the train and we couldn’t stop chatting. I really liked this close relationship I had with him. We were like two buddies always having things to discover and say to each other.

So, what I thought would be a simple getaway turned out to be more romantic than I expected. When we left the station, Sam stopped me and kissed me for the first time. It was sweet, but again nothing like Taylor.

“I dreamt of it since I met you. You have no idea how much I like you. I think I am going to like you too much, too soon. I feel love going through all of my body. You’re so perfect, Valérie.”

“No, I am not,” I responded, feeling guilty for comparing his kiss with Taylor’s.

Sam just smiled, "Your eyes say so much. You’re such a mysterious young lady and I like this."

We then started to hang around town: shopping, visiting, and picking a place for lunch. All those sweet words from Sam. I wondered if I would ever be able to say them back to him and all because I had Taylor in my mind and I had to make a choice. As long as he was in my life in that way, I wouldn’t be able to move forward with anyone else. Tough decision to make; what I felt with Taylor wasn’t one tenth of what I was feeling with Sam now. I decided to enjoy the day and think about it later.

It was a sunny bright day and it seemed that everything was on our side: the sun was out, people were smiling at the sight of us, birds were singing, and the weather was warm with a gentle breeze.

We had lunch at quaint Old Tavern Brewery where we spoke more about each other, about our ambitions, our fears, and our hopes. I felt at ease with Sam. I felt like I could be low key, that I could be every day that chill, relaxed, and laid-back lady. There was something peaceful, solace, and enjoyable about these moments. Being away from South Ken (for South Kensington) and the Mandarin helped as well.

We then took a medieval tour of the Canterbury Tales. The smells, sounds, and sights of the medieval times filled our heart with romance. We were holding hands, kissing each other, laughing at each other. Followed by a romantic boat trip on the River Stour, which included epic views of the Cathedral and a 13th Century chapel spanning the river.

The day over, I sat quietly in the train, resting on Sam’s shoulder. He was all tender and sweet, kissing me and caressing me all over the face.

Why couldn’t I feel what I felt with Taylor? It would have been so much easier. Sam lives in Twickenham!!!! So close and Canada was so far!

Sam didn’t want to leave me so soon, whilst I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay too long with him, as I wanted to hear Taylor’s voice.

But, I changed my mind. After all, I wasn’t sure whether Taylor had a girlfriend in Canada; so I had dinner with Sam and ate in London at Kouzu.

Kouzu is in London and is an elegant Japanese restaurant set in one of these historical London building. I love it! The food has always been amazing and I will die for one of their tempura soft shell crab.

Over dinner, Sam asked me what I was doing the following weekend. I hadn’t planned anything special, so he was quick to offer a weekend in Istanbul.

What a date! I thought. I voiced out my excitement, “It would be so lovely.” Sam was so easy to be with and he planned the day to perfection. I trusted we would have loads of fun and that the trip would make us closer. Sam grabbed his iPad and we booked our tickets. I couldn’t wait to put this relationship to the next level. Before this, I had to clarify things with Taylor.

Istanbul - Friday

I didn’t have the courage to clarify things with Taylor. As soon as I saw him on Skype, I melted. I still wanted him in my life, as a friend. I obviously didn’t say anything about Sam. I knew that if he had known, he wouldn’t like to contact me anymore. I wasn’t ready yet not to hear from him again. So, my selfish part of me, enjoyed our Skype session.

In our flight leading to Istanbul, Sam and I were kissing tenderly. He teased, “You know that we will have to have sex. I only booked one room with one bed.” I smiled, “Good try! I’m sure the carpet is soft enough for you to sleep on.” I started to feel slightly concerned about the sex. I wasn’t sexually attracted to Sam yet and therefore, I wondered if we were not rushing.

And with the magical sex I had with Taylor three weeks ago, an intercourse so powerful that my body could still shiver by the slightest thought of it, I wondered if it was a good idea. The story would tell.

When we arrived in Istanbul, the weather was mega hot. I felt like I was getting into an oven. When I was heading toward the taxi line, Sam advised that he had booked a coach ticket. I was sceptical at first, but I thought, Sam lived here before, he probably knew what he was doing.

Once in the coach, I started regretting the cab. The aircon wasn’t working and I felt like my clothes were just coming from a 90-degree wash: hot and wet. The coach was full and underarm odours started to invade the bus, which made the whole three-hour trip unbearable.

To make matters worse, we got off the bus two stops too early, which is a lot in Istanbul. We were hanging around for at least 30 minutes looking for our hotel. While I kept my cool at first, I exploded and asked, “Can’t we just take a cab????? I am thirsty, hungry, and tired! It’s only so much I can take after such a long trip!”

Sam looked at me with apologising eyes, I hailed a cab, paid for it, and we realised that it was just an additional three minutes’ walk, but I couldn’t trust his sense of direction. We checked in at The House Hotel and upon our entrance in the room, I noticed Sam’s aghast look.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Hold on. I am going to talk to the receptionist.”

I wasn’t sure what happened to him, but I was just glad I could finally rest. 30 minutes later, he came back to the room with a smile, “I am sorry. This room is not what I had booked for us and the manager agreed to give us a suite in the penthouse, as I initially asked for.”

“This room is okay,” I smiled.

“Well, you’re a princess. You don’t deserve a room with a parking view.”

The porter behind Sam took our luggage and we then were in a suite three times bigger, with a view on the Bosphorus. The room was fantastic.

We both had a shower and decided to go out for a drink. I texted Taylor a couple of times in the evening and decided to leave my phone in the room by respect for Sam.

We had our first cocktail drinks at the hotel, went out to dinner to the cute Gram Kanyon which is a tiny restaurant ideal for quick bites. Then, we went to 360 for a couple of additional beverages. We were going all over the place. Sam wanted to go everywhere and nowhere. All drunk, we started talking about past relationships. I told Sam that I was divorced. He revealed that he was separated and had a daughter.

Sam and I went dancing at Sortie. Oh, my… Sam couldn’t dance; it was embarrassing. I had never thought that I could feel so embarrassed with someone; even Bianca with her lame flirting line was less embarrassing than dancing Sam. I refrained myself from dancing for the rest of our stay in Istanbul.

On our way back to the hotel, Sam couldn’t stop talking about what he would sexually do to me. He managed to arouse me somehow and I couldn’t wait to get to our suite. In our room, we jumped at each other, kissing at each other. We undressed each other and while Taylor’s package was oh my… I was searching for Sam’s. Okay well… It didn’t mean anything, but I was a bit disappointed by the size of it. I just thought that Sam hadn’t noticed my disappointment.

We kept on kissing passionately. Sam penetrated me. He growled. He held on. He moved a bit. He slowed down. Kept on going. Waited a minute and we were done. He stood there like a King, stating, “It was so amazing. I felt like my cock was made for your pussy.” I was speechless with Poker face (I hoped) trying to hide my disappointment. And I fell asleep on his words.

Istanbul - Saturday

We had a fantastic full-on day, hanging around town: Beyoglu, Sultanahmet, Besiktas, and more. We visited Hagia Sophia Museum, the Blue Mosque, Basilica Cistern, and I felt like I was in a remake of Val in Edinburg episode. Sam acted exactly like Bogdan, like he knew it all. He didn’t even let the guide express himself.

Having lived in Istanbul, Sam was euphoric to make me discover the places he had been with his ex-wife. I think I had two hours’ talk on the yet to be former wife of Sam. Sam admitted that he still wasn’t divorced, but he swore they were separated. The more I discovered from him, the less I respected him. Especially when he admitted lying to my friend about his references and skills. They were all fake.

“This is how much I love you,” Sam confessed. I didn’t reply back, as I wasn’t sure I heard it well. Were we talking about love already?

Sam added, “I was jobless for three years, and I had this idea, and it’s working well. Victoria is very happy with me.”I really felt betrayed, as Sam was putting me in a very uncomfortable situation where I didn’t know if I should grass him to my friend. I hated it.

We went back to the hotel early, as we had to catch our flight early the following morning and I couldn’t wait to be back home and talk to Taylor.

Sam and I had a few drinks at the hotel, but this time, we didn’t have sex. The atmosphere was heavy. We just slept quietly.

Istanbul - Sunday

But early in the morning, Sam had decided otherwise. While I was texting discreetly Taylor, with the details of my flight, I felt Sam’s hard cock on my derrière, which revealed the weak side of me. I couldn’t help it now; I was aroused. We made love and this time, curiously, it was quite nice; Sam managed to make me come.

Sex over, we hurried up, as our flight was in two hours. We packed quickly and left the hotel in a rush. We grabbed a cab (thank god) and Sam confessed unmindfully,” I love you, Val. This trip made me realise how much I respect you. I want your happiness. I would do anything to have you and marry you if you let me to. Do you want to be mine?”

I was shocked. I didn’t know what to say, and this is when I was interrupted by Camellia’s call. I picked up to escape any response to this awkward situation.

“Hello Val, Sorry; I know you’re with your lover... Hehe. So happy for you… Please don’t book anything next week. I have decided to celebrate my birthday and by the same occasion, introduce Michael to all of my friends. He proposed! So you’d better be here. I just wanted to be sure you don’t book anything next weekend. Sam is invited of course. I can’t wait to see him!!” Camellia shouted happily, all excited.

“Oooooooooh, Camellia! I am so happy for you! Congratulations! “ I replied. Sam, who heard Camellia’s high-pitched voice of joy, added, “Send my love to Camellia. Of course, I’d be happy to meet your best friend. Congratulations to her!”

I hung up. I was so happy for Camellia. “She really deserved it. I still remember how her former fiancé left her without notice.”

Sam added in a patronising tone, "Your friend sounded euphoric to get married. Don’t you ever get lonely? Aren’t you sometimes worried you wouldn't be able to have kids? I think you should start thinking about committing, marriage, and a sound relationship. You know real love doesn’t exist, Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. All these things are myth, let alone love at first sight and unconditional love. Just don’t turn into some crazy cat lady."

I looked at him and protested, “Sam, I’d rather finish my life alone than have an average bloke with a mediocre relationship for the rest of my life.” Sam looked at me like I still believed in Santa Claus. I probably looked at him like he cancelled Christmas. We didn’t speak at all in the flight and we parted ways cordially at the airport. I grabbed a cab; he jumped on a train.

Now that I had a taste of love, this was the standard I was expecting. I couldn’t settle for less than this. I was open to the fact that a relationship could evolve and become more meaningful with time, but I wasn’t ready to be with someone just because I was afraid to be alone.

Date No.4

I didn’t hear from Taylor all week, which was really weird. I didn’t have the time to preoccupy; I was in and out of the country for work and Camellia pushed me to plan her wedding with her. But, for some reason, not hearing from him buzzed me to death.

Camellia and I were all over town trying to recruit a wedding planner. We also spent an afternoon in Milan to meet Enzo Miccio, the famous Italian Wedding Planner. Unfortunately, he didn’t get on well with Camellia.

I heard back from Sam, of course; he sent a few emails of love. He sent flowers of adoration. He left passionate voicemails. But nothing worked; I wasn’t falling in love and I knew I would never do.

And while I didn’t want Sam to come, Camellia insisted on having him around. He sounded like a great man to her and she didn’t like the sound of how my relationship with Taylor was going.

Anyhow, she invited Sam, and I believed that considering the troubled relationship we were in now, he wouldn’t dare to come.

Friday evening just before Camellia’s party. Bianca and I drank a few glasses of wine and were having our makeup done by our makeup artist at mine. As usual, we spoke about Camellia, work, South Ken & Knightsbridge socialites, gossips, and love.

We spoke about Taylor and I complained to Bianca that he started playing the game: the dating game.

“What do you expect from this relationship? Don't even bother… He’s not even in Paris Val!!!! He’s in fucking Canada, mega cold country; you can’t even go there just to chill a day. It takes one-third of a day to get there! Leave him alone and get your heart and mind back in London. And please, bin this Sam as well. I don’t even want you to introduce him to me if he shows tonight. A coach to get to your five-star hotel? Yeurk????? It’s even worse than bringing a Tesco bag to the Ritz,” cynically laughed Bianca.

“You know what! I am calling him now and this will be it! I just want to know what happened.”

Bianca looked at me with exasperation, “Don't come and cry on my shoulder after this.”

Taylor’s phone was ringing. He picked up.

“Well, I am glad you’re still alive,” I sneered.

“I am pleased, I am not the only one to enjoy you blowing skills,” he taunted.

“Excuse me?” I interrupted in disgust.

Bianca rolled her eyes.

“At first, I thought you were silly and that it was one of your jokes. Then I thought, you were masturbating and wanted to play with me. But I quickly realised that your moans were real that you were having sex with someone else.”

My mouth went Sahara dry; I started suffocating. I didn't hear anything anymore. Taylor’s voice went on angrier, so emotional to me that it was painful. Bianca came to me, asking me to hang up; she could hear Taylor shouting out without understanding a word. I barely had the time to say, “May I call you back in a minute?” then Bianca took the phone out of my hand.

I didn’t remember what Bianca said and what I said. We just checked my phone and we both realised that indeed, I didn’t send the text with my flight’s details. Taylor called me at 4:03 am and it seemed that I “picked up” and spent 33 minutes with him. I was horrified. He stayed 33 minutes on the phone listening to Sam and I having sex. I was sick. Bianca rushed me to put my dress on. We were running late. I swallowed my rage and went to my friend’s party solely because I wanted to be there for her.

At the party, I managed to swallow my pain and enjoyed the food and chiefly the drinks.

Sam dared to show with a love card, at first, I didn’t say anything. I was listening to him saying all his loving words to me.

Then, I asked him if we could have a smoke outside and excused myself to Camellia and Michael for a minute.

Once, outside the Claridge’s, I couldn’t help but slap him a high five! “This is for picking up my phone and ending a meaningful friendship that you will never have the chance to live in your entire life!” I yelled.

Sam understood straight away what I was talking about. “Val, I have done this for pure love. I was so jealous of you two texting all weekend.”

“Well, you did it with full knowledge that it would hurt him and the relationship I had with him. This behaviour is sick! I am sorry Sam, but you are not the type of person I would like to be with. Please don’t stay, you’re ruining my night, and it’s my friend’s birthday.”

“She invited me, though???”

“Are you kidding? Are you seriously planning to stay here?”

Sam did stay until Bianca kicked him out. I don’t know what she said to him, but I did not care. He disappeared.

One month later

Victoria called me slightly worried to ask if I was still seeing Sam. I responded that I never really did and that we just went out for dinner once or twice. She was relieved, as she was planning to sack him. He did a terrible job for the company and his colleagues quickly realised that he was a fraud. I was glad he was now, really, out of my life. Next!