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goes high pitched making you sound like a boy in the school choir, can you imagine her

reaction? Would she see you as a strong, confident man who could take care of her?

Very unlikely, would you agree?

It’s important to alter the pitch of your voice occasional y when talking to emphasize key

points and to build up tension and excitement, but, you certainly don’t want to sound

feminine in any way.


Pausing is extremely important during conversations as it creates high energy

suspense, which gives you huge credibility. Notice how only the important, confident

men in society use this trait, it gives them immense power. This creates expectation and

you wil leave everyone around you baited for the next words to come out of your

mouth, the silence wil be deafening. You can usual y tel if you are doing this correctly

as everyone wil be leaning into you so they can hear better.


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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

Pacing your sentences and words again builds up both excitement and an air of intrigue

and authority. All the top speakers do this to emphasize key points but also to keep the

audience dangling. Do the same, talk to the girl with plenty of pauses, don’t rush your

sentences or words; desperate men rush, confident men take their time.


Projecting your voice shows her and anyone else around that you are an Alpha Male.

You don’t talk quietly and timidly so others around you can’t hear and judge you, you

talk so that everyone can hear you, you don’t care if other people hear you, other

people’s judgement doesn’t affect you. You are confident, and you talk boldly so that

everyone can hear what you are saying, because, when you talk; people listen! This

also stops you from leaning in to talk to people. Remember, leaning in displays

desperation, leaning out displays confidence.


Have you ever spoken to someone that always moans and complains? You know, the

sort of people that always talk about negative things and how bad things always happen

to them and how life’s not fair… they usual y talk in a dul /depressive tone and only get

more excited and passionate when something ‘real y bad’ happened! I cal these people

the ‘victims’ of life, they talk from a place, not of power but from a place of ‘I’m a victim in life and I’m powerless to do anything about it’

If you know any of the people I’m referring to, my advice is to avoid them like you would

the tax man, they can only ever bring you bad news.

Imagine now if you wil , some of the most exciting, passionate people that you know,

people like famous movie actors, celebrities or public figures. Do you ever hear them

talking in a dul tone? No of course not, they have perfected their communication skil s

and use their skil s to their advantage when talking to others.

When passionate people talk, others really do listen.

Watch some famous people speaking and mimic their enthusiasm, this is how I would

advise you to talk to others, be passionate and descriptive. Use your hands for

emphasis too if this helps; people real y will start to pay attention to you!

So far so good? Just by applying the few chapters above you wil notice a HUGE

change in your interactions with women.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

Inner Strength

‘Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be

successful or happy.’

- Norman Vincent Peale


Being confident is highly attractive to women. In fact I’d go as far as to say that it is one of the most attractive qualities that a woman looks for in a man, that’s how profound this

personality trait is. Look at famous male figures like James Bond, you don’t get much

more confident than him, I mean, that guy is so confident in himself that he barely even

breaks a sweat even when he’s dodging bul ets! Now that’s super confidence right

there. If you can master the sort of confidence that James Bond portarys, women wil

just automatical y flock to you without you even needing to do a great deal else.

Confidence is key. Period.


Now this may seem like an odd choice for me to write about; why would being

comfortable be so important? Wel , comfort goes hand in hand with confidence, and

actual y, comfort is the by-product of confidence. When you become so confident in your

own abilities in any one area, you get comfortable in giving advice or ‘doing’ in that area, it could be your job at work, being on the golf course, or even just making a sale over

the telephone. The better you get at the task, the more comfortable you feel doing it.

The more you talk to women and socialize with others, the more comfortable you wil

get in doing it. I used to be absolutely petrified to go to a bar or nightclub, I was like a sheep, just fol owing my friends around and watching al the cool guys getting the girls.

If this sounds like a great description of you, don’t worry about it too much.

Simply start practicing more and more and you wil find that the better you get, the more

comfortable you wil feel each time you do it. Then when you enter a venue, you wil just

feel as though you ‘own the venue’ - social y speaking of course! You wil just feel that

you are the most important person in that place and it wil reflect on my outward

appearance. Because you feel so comfortable, it shows on the outside, and in the rare

case that a woman would ever tel you to go away, it shouldn’t affect you, because you

wil be so comfortable in your own skin, rejection happens to everyone regardless of

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

who you are, the difference is in how you deal with it. Be cool and laugh it off, it’s not a big deal. It’s only when you get upset or take it too seriously that you wil lose.


I spent most of my teenage years being deeply unhappy.

It wasn’t until I got into my early twenties that I started to know what true happiness

real y was. Because when you take a positive outlook on almost any situation, you can’t

help but feel happy in life, or at least content. You could be in the middle of a hurricane

but if you ask the question: “what can I be happy about in this situation?” “What can I be

grateful for?” Maybe you are with your family, you are al safe and spending time

together which you normal y wouldn’t have had together.

You see it’s all about your focus, what you focus on comes to pass.

You can choose to focus on the positive in any situation or you can be like the other

99% and focus on the negative, either way, you get what you focus on.

When it comes to happiness and your general outlook on life, women notice this; they

can see when you are happy on the inside because it shines through on the outside.

They notice if you moan and complain about things. They notice when you are out on a

dinner date and you complain that the service was poor, or that the food took too long to


Women don’t want to be around a guy that moans, complains and focuses on the


Instead, start to look for the good in everything starting today, love the sunshine for it

warms your body, yet love the rain for it brings you water. Even if you are not the best

looking guy around, women wil notice your positive energy and find you a lot more

attractive than even the worlds top male model who gives out a negative energy.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

Social Skills

‘The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.’

- Mark Twain

Conversational Skil s

This topic is so huge that it could fil an entire eBook on it’s own! So just how important

are your conversational skil s when talking to women? Extremely important.

The key to a good conversation is to listen twice as much as you talk. You were

born with 1 mouth and 2 ears for a reason.

Whenever you talk to someone new, she wil always be a bit reserved and suspicious at

first, but after a few minutes, as long as you don’t make any mistakes/insults or act

weird, the conversation should start to switch to her doing most of the talking, this is the stage that you want to aim for. All people, not just women, love to talk about themselves!

Try not to ask questions that she could answer with 1 word, here’s an example below:

You: So what do you do for work?

Her: I’m a Nurse.

You: Wow, that must be good.

Her: Yeah.

(awkward pause...)

Now what?

It would be far better and more interesting to say:

You: So, tel me a little bit about what you do for work?

Her: Oh I’m a nurse, I specialize in (blah blah blah) and I work at (blah blah) hospital.

You: Wow, impressive, that must be real y rewarding, helping al of those people and

knowing that you’re making the world a better place…

Her: Thanks! Yes I absolutely love my job, and I love to help people (then she launches

into a 10 minute description…)

Notice the difference in language here?

Women love to talk, especial y about relationships/friends, so let her talk! The more she

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

talks, the more she wil feel as though she is getting to know you! It’s funny I know, to

think that you are not saying anything, and just listening to her talk and she feel’s like

she is getting to know YOU more, but that’s just the way it works!

Fun/ Humorous

Everybody loves to laugh, and everyone likes to hang around with funny people. If you

can make a woman laugh, you can by-pass al of the usual rubbish that you wil have to

get through just to talk to her. Humor is key in getting someone to warm to you fast. If

you do not have a natural y funny personality, study some funny people and see how

they do it. Watch some comedy shows and stand up comedians perform, you can’t help

but take on some of their traits! There are also various books on comedy and howe to

have a great sense of humor that you can read too. But if al else fails, just laugh when

she laughs! At least she’l think you are appreciating her jokes.

Make Others Feel Good

If I can give you 1 piece of advice that wil change your interactions with not only

women, but other people forever, it would be this:

Make other people feel good about themselves by giving them genuine

compliments and listening to what they have to say, no matter how trivial. Always

leave them better than when you first found them, and they will be your friend


Make people feel good to be around you and you wil have al the friends in the world.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward


‘Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody


- Judy Garland


As part of my training, I teach my clients to make around 5-10 new friends every week,

and by friends I don’t just mean people who they say “hi” to in passing once and then

add them on Facebook and never speak to them again. No, I mean people who they

actual y share conversations, swap numbers and other personal contact details with.

People who they met at social events and who they built a connection with that was

strong enough to form a new friendship with that person.

Because when you step out of your comfort zone and actual y start to pout yourself out

there, you wil make a lot of new friends. And the more friends you make, the better your

life wil become.

People often ask me how I have such a large social circle, and it’s actual y quite simple

real y, this is what I do:

I treat everyone I meet as if they were a friend that I haven’t seen in a long time. I

treat each new person I meet as if they were already my best friend. I compliment

him/her and I make them feel part of my social family, I give that person a sense

of belonging and happiness in my presence and make them feel at ease.

If you treat everyone you meet with a warm smile and a genuine compliment, you wil be

surprised at how positively they wil respond to you. I often get comments like “have we

met before?” or “I feel like I’ve known you for years!” or “I don’t know why, but I just feel so comfortable being around you.”

These are the sort of comments that you want to aim for, because when you get to this

point, you wil attract an abundance of friends, often too many to keep up with.

Strong Character / Values

Women appreciate men who have strong personal values and respect for others.

Selfishness or a lack of integrity is actual y the polar opposite of a strong moral

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

character and is extremely unattractive to women. If you want to impress a woman, take

the spotlight of yourself and put it onto her, and if you say you wil do something, then

do it. There’s nothing worse than a guy that lacks integrity to a woman.

Remaining unaffected by the negativity or criticism of others

This is a very difficult skil to master, in fact, it is one of the most difficult things you wil come up against in your journey to both dating and emotional mastery. Remaining

unaffected whilst a woman is testing you or criticizing you is very difficult. I had to learn how to handle this situation through hundreds if not thousands of interactions with

women. Here is an example of how this looks:

Her: You’re real y short aren’t you?

You: Ermmm, yeah sort of, wel I’m 5’6”

FAIL – this is most guys response, they wil fail by giving this sort of an answer. What she did above was not her being intentional y nasty, she was just testing you to see if

you have a strong enough character for her. Women don’t want reactive guys, they want

a guy that wil just listen to them when they are having a bad day and not try to give

them a lecture or moan at them, etc.


Her: You’re real y short aren’t you?

You: Compared to what, a giant?

PASS - This is how you pass her test, by giving back just as good as you got, you’re not al owing her to belittle you or turn you into a puppet tel ing her what you think she wants

to hear.


Her: You’re real y short aren’t you?

You: (Haha) that’s cute, you remind me of my little sister when you say things like that.

(Then change the subject)

PASS – Again, you have passed her test and some, just don’t react to her little tests that she wil throw at you.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

Dating Ideas

A range of ideas for your perfect date.

When it comes to planning your date, the event and location are absolutely key. The

location real y can make the difference between an amazing date and her never

returning your cal s ever again.

The list of the fun dating ideas listed below are not recommended as a first date unless

you know the woman very wel or have been dating for a long time. But if you have had

a few dates and want to real y impress her, then the list below should be just what

you’re looking for.

It’s important to do your research first before deciding on a date location or activity, so

consider the fol owing factors before making your choice:

What does she like to do in her spare time?

Has she ever mentioned how she’s always wanted to do something but just hasn't got

round to doing it yet?

What do you think she would like to do on a date?

Is she adventurous? If yes, pick something with a sense of adventure!

Is she shy or outgoing? If shy, opt for a date where it wil just be the 2 of you with no interruptions or other people around. (Not recommended for the first or second date with

a woman as you have not built up enough trust yet and it could hit an alarm bel in terms

of her personal safety.) But if she’s outgoing, plan a date as crazy as your imagination

can stretch.

Fun Date Ideas - Day Time

A Unique Restaurant

Go for a restaurant with a relaxed environment, great

ambience and serving great food. Do an internet search on

reviews for restaurants in your area.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

A Coffee shop

There's no better way to have a good chat and to get to know someone than over a

drink in a relaxed setting.

A Stylish Café

An excel ent idea is to take your date to a stylish Café for a drink or lunch and get to

know one another.

The Beach

My favorite choice. Women in particular love to take a walk on the beach, especial y at sun set (top tip - research the sun set time!)

A Walk in the Park (with picnic optional)

This is one of my favorite dates. Take her for a walk in the park, when you find a nice

spot, get out the blanket and sit down and relax; talk, get to know one another. I always

pack a mini picnic, bottle of wine and wine glasses as wel as some music to play. She

wil be extremely impressed at just how much effort you have gone to when in actual

fact, it took less than 5 minutes of preparation.

A Museum

This can be a great date, especial y if she is an academic type and she told you that she

enjoys museums. You must hit the right topic with her though or she could be bored stiff!

A Picnic

You can never go wrong with a picnic, but you must find out what your date likes to eat

beforehand or you could be eating alone. Is she vegetarian? Don't forget the

strawberries and cream.

A Festival

This is usual y a great idea for both of you as there wil be music to suit al tastes, food,

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward

drink, shopping and al sorts of other wacky and wonderful things!

An Amusement Park

Fun, adrenaline packed with nearly everything you need for a

good day out. But be careful with this choice as not everyone

likes amusement parks! Some people think they are for kids and

you also have to be a few dates in or else she may not feel

comfortable spending so much time with you in one day.

A Shopping Trip

Ask her to help you pick out a new shirt or pair of jeans, etc, this forms a good bond and

implants 'partner patterns' between the two of you.

Fun Date Ideas - Something Adventurous!

This is where the list gets a little crazy. Be careful with these choices as you need to be

sure that your date wil enjoy it, adventurous dates are certainly not for everyone and

should general y not be chosen as a first date.

A Hot Air Bal oon ride (with picnic)

The absolute perfect date for a lot of people particularly daters over

40. This just shouts peacefulness, grace and elegance; any woman

cannot fail to be impressed by this!

Paintbal ing

High energy, adrenaline and action packed day out, it's great fun but be warned - it hurts

like hel when you get hit. This is definitely not for everyone.

Laser Tag

Although it’s just a game, you can't help but real y get into this! It's great fun and can

make a good day or night out if you can overlook al the teenagers running around like

they are Rambo on a top secret mission.

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A Start Up Guide to Dating Mastery

By Neil Ward


Great fun for al who partake in this sport, guaranteed to be a good day out whether you

ski on an indoor ramp or the real thing.


This activity is very 'bonding' especial y if it’s just the 2 of

you out on the river, lake or sea. Try to plan a route with

lots of beautiful scenery and things to see. Get a double

kayak for extra bonding.

White Water Rafting

Now this is real y adrenaline packed! Not for the faint hearted or a first date that's for

sure! Make sure she can swim first.


This can be great fun and I have seen a lot of women doing this and real y enjoying

themselves, but you have to consider the safety issues when selecting this option as a

lot of inexperienced riders get injured.

Scuba Diving

If your date has a diving qualification then this is a must for a

date at some stage. The bonding during this activity is so strong

as you are both there to take care of one another and enjoy the

striking beauty of the underwater world.

Helicopter Ride

Excel ent fun date idea and guaranteed to put a smile on your dates face, I have taken a

date on a helicopter ride over the mountains before and I have never seen such a glow

from her afterwards.

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