Agent Finds a Warrior by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve


Zora blinked and then blinked again. Where was she?

Saving Elon came back to her in vivid relief, but that didn’t explain the florescent light bulb she was staring up at or the bars surrounding her.

She sat up slowly feeling very thirsty and a bit stiff. Her eyes found Elon in the cell across the aisle from hers.

“Good morning my love.” Came his gently loving thoughts into her mind and she smiled and responded in kind, as she rose to stand at the bars across from Elon.

Before she could ask as to their circumstances a door opened and an older man in a rumpled suit walked into the cell bay that was empty except for the two guards that stood up to attention at the other man’s appearance within the room.

The older man’s face creased pleasantly into a smile at the sight of Zora conscious and up on her feet, “It is good to see you awake my dear. I only find it regrettable that it should be in such conditions as these, but it can’t be helped at present I’m afraid. Could you please be more forthcoming than your companion has been in terms of relating how it is that you two came to be at the warehouse?”

Zora remained silent and the man sighed loudly.

“I see. At least could you tell me your name?” The man asked imploringly, but again Zora remained silent.

Frustrated looking the man said, “Even though my country and the parents of those children owe you both a debt of gratitude there are still questions that must be answered before you can be let go!”

Both Zora and Elon remained silent and the man seemed to give up as he turned to leave the cell bay.

“I’ll see what I can do, but I can make no promises as to your speedy release if you’re not willing to cooperate.” The man said before leaving back through the door that he had come through. The two guards at the end of the room sat back down once the door had closed.

Elon’s thoughts whispered into hers, “We need to get out of here.”

Zora’s eyes flickered back to Elon’s and she asked, “Why, what’s the rush?”

“I want to find your birthmark!” Was his straightforward answer.

Zora blushed, but she didn’t look away. Elon glanced towards the two guards but before he could lay out a strategy Zora said, “Leave it to me. I’ll handle it.”


Zora moved away to lounge on the bars nearer to the two guards. In a tone of open invitational seduction she called out, “Oh boys?”

Both men looked up from their chess game in surprise at Zora.

“What does a girl have to do around here to get a decent drink?”

Both men looked at each other quickly and for added appeal Zora started unhooking the side clasps of the under-bust bulletproof corset that she wore. Like two moths to an open flame both men approached to stand outside of Zora’s cell.

The two men glanced at each other before one stuttered out, “We can’t let you out of that cell.”

Zora cocked her head to the side and smiled charmingly, “Did I ask you to? All I asked for was a drink. I’m thirsty. So very thirsty.”

Both men swallowed before one mustered up the nerve to say, “Take the shirt off and we’ll give you a drink.”

The other one of the two quickly nodded his assertion to his compatriots statement.

Zora smiled wickedly and began to slowly unbutton her shirt as the two men barely breathed. The shirt came undone and Zora pulled it off and let it fall to the floor. She brought her arms up above her head and arched her back thrusting her full chest outward.

Both men were to the point of almost drooling. Zora brought her arms down to run her hands over the shapes of her breasts encased in the lacy bra that she wore before sensually asking, “You boys wouldn’t like to each touch one would you?”

Without faltering each man pressed up against the bars and grabbed a hold of a bar with one hand as they reached through them toward the beckoning softness of femininity with their free hand. Both men jerked hard and began to convulse their eyes all bugged out as their teeth clamped shut on screams of agony that remained locked within them.

Zora looked dispassionately at one then the other as she let them have the full Taser charge, “You wouldn’t be experiencing this pain right now boys, if you’d only remained faithful to your wives. As it is you deserve every jolt you get and more!”

As the Taser charge diminished the electric charged grip by each man on the cell bars grew slack and both men fell to the floor unconscious.




I blinked and then blinked again. I had been sucked right along with the other two men into Zora’s erotic temptress act, except for one thing. Anger.

I didn’t like my woman sharing what was only meant for me with others, but now I understood. Elsie had outdone herself this time. Her unique clothing options, while always fashionable had the ability to accomplish much more.

Apparently she had made the breakthrough into clothing options that could bite back. A Taser bra, who would ever have thought of such a thing?

The Taser cords had been intricately weaved into the lace of the bra and had unraveled out from it explosively when engaged by some secret trigger to embed the contact ends into the out stretching hands of the two men. I watched now as Zora tugged the Taser cords from off the bra to let them fall to the floor.

She reached through the bars and unhooked the keys from the waist belt of one of the men. Straightening she unlocked her door and thrusted it hard back against the two unconscious men on the floor somewhat vindictively.

She stepped across to my cell as her eyes studied mine cautiously, “Am I forgiven for exposing private property?”

I nodded yes and she opened the cell door.

She had started to turn back to her cell, when I caught her chin and held her head for my kiss. I broke the kiss off sooner than either of us wanted, but we needed to get out of here. If we hadn’t been guilty of a crime before we were now.


I slipped into Zora’s cell and got her shirt, which I held out for her. She slipped her arms into it and I buttoned it up enjoying the process. I held up the under-bust corset and she took it from me and started putting it on, as she knew far better than I how such things worked.

I fingered the tab of her shirt collar and her eyes glanced up to mine inquiringly.

Hesitantly I said, “You should do that for me sometime. I would very much like it!”

A teasing light came into her eyes and she sweetly responded with, “You want me to Taser you honey?”

I growled in response and she laughed.

I started to turn away, but she caught my arm and I stopped. Her face had gone completely serious.

“You don’t have to ask for anything Elon, as if I would deny you. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it with all my heart. My desire is to please you.”

Her words were sincere and yet they intoxicated me with their promise. I nodded as my mind filled with all the fantasies and desires I had stored away like a ravening beast that needed to be locked up because there was no where safe for it to roam.

I could be myself with this woman. It was okay to be open with what I wanted and needed in a relationship.

“Let’s get out of here!” I said gruffly.




Zora kept up with Elon, but then things got wild as they both stepped out into a group of officers. She’d only had the opportunity to take out one of the men with a kick to the head before Elon had dealt with the four others of the group. Her man could handle himself that was for sure.

Bullets had begun to fly then and before she had known it Elon had stuffed her into an air vent and told her to make her way to the outside, while he led the shooters away. She hadn’t had much of a choice about it and she had learned not to ask twice when Elon said something.

She was outside now on the roof and as bullets pinged off the roof all around her shattering red tiles she couldn’t but be a bit snarky in her opinion of Elon’s claim that this had been the safest route for her to take.

“All right! All right! You’ve made your point. Perhaps it would’ve been safer for us not to have split up.” Came her husband’s projected thoughts into her mind.

The angry whine of a bullet whizzing by her head only added to the sarcasm of her thought out reply, “Do you really think so honey?”

Her husband’s only response was, “When you get to the end of the roof jump off it.”

Zora gasped. Surely he wasn’t being that vindictive about her being right about something instead of him?

“Oh come on Zora! Do you really think I have plans to kill you, because you were right and I was wrong?”

Zora knew the answer to that and she swallowed nervously as she ran hard down the narrow white centerline of the roof getting closer and closer to the approaching end of it.

“You were serious about jumping weren’t you?”

“I’m always serious and yes I want you to jump!”

Zora saw the edge fast approaching, “Oh God!” She half screamed out as she surged into empty space and fell. She tore through one awning and then another and another and then blinking her eyes she stared up into Elon’s smiling face.




“You really do need to start trusting me Zora.” I said not being able to resist from saying it.

Her breathing had started to slow as I set her down to her feet, “I do trust you or why else would I have jumped?”

I kissed her forehead, “I know you do honey I was just teasing.”

She was still shaken up a little from her freefall and to cover up for it she asked belligerently, “What took you so long anyway?”

I grabbed her hand and slipped the diamond encrusted rings onto her ring finger to the tune of her gasps of delight.

“Had to pick something up. Hope you don’t mind. I saw them in a display case and I just couldn’t resist them.”

Her stunned eyes rose from the flawless diamonds to mine, “They’re so……”

Smiling, I pushed her along to a waiting taxi as shouts rang out from the edge of the roof three stories above us. When we were in the taxi she finished her thought, “Perfect!”

“Perfect is how I like to think about you honey.” I said before dragging her across the seat and into my arms.