Agent Finds a Warrior by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen

Ache Begun

Zora glanced from the window to where Elon lay asleep beside her. She had managed to get very little rest during the long taxi ride to the neighboring city’s airport and there was a reason for it. A tear coursed down her cheek at the reality of her situation.

She knew Elon intended on taking her somewhere special where they could be alone and away from distractions in order to enjoy their first time being together. Zora wiped at more tears feeling miserable.

She hadn’t felt good when she’d woken up in the cell this morning. She had attributed it to left over fatigue from saving Elon and then there had been the excitement of escaping not to mention the exertion involved in being kissed for over an hour. But now it was an indisputable fact that she was beginning to start her period.

Her periods were miserable. Absolutely miserable and now was the wrong time!

She had been looking forward to becoming Elon’s as much as he had been looking forward to claiming her and the timing of this natural occurrence was awful! Completely awful!

Maybe she was overreacting. Everything would be all right in four or five days.

Zora groaned and pressed her forehead against the glass of the window. She hated to disappoint Elon and make him wait any longer than he already had. He’d waited so long already and he’d been nothing but patient with her. She didn’t want to tell him.

She wiped her tears away wishing she could wipe her headache and knotted up insides away too. She had to get a grip on her emotions, because the airport was just ahead.


The plane was small being a luxury jet. Again Zora could only imagine how much money Elon seemed to have at his fingertips should he require it. He led her to a seat and moved off to speak with the captain, who along with the copilot would be the only other people on the flight. She still didn’t even know where they were headed to.

The flight door closed and Elon headed back to her and she busied herself looking out the window as she tried to relax into the plush leather seat. Relaxing was impossible though, because the aching hurt in her middle was just too much and the effort of trying to hide it had caused her to have a migraine sized headache.

She looked away from the window to Elon who had begun pulling cushions from the luxury interior seating and throwing them on the floor to form a narrow bed of sorts. Zora quickly looked back out the window. What was she going to do?

She felt Elon behind her before his big hands settled over her shoulders and began to squeeze gently in a massaging fashion, his words whispered into her ear had tears falling, “I know what’s going on honey. You’re not on your own anymore. This little natural occurrence hasn’t ruined anything and I’m not disappointed. I’m your husband and I want to help you. Now how does a nice hot shower followed by a several hour massage sound to you?”

Zora was speechless, but she managed to nod her head vigorously in acceptance to what was being offered. Then turning her head in order to meet her husband’s eyes she said, “I love you!”

“I love you too sugar, but I have to warn you that during this several hour long massage I’m going to do my best to find your birthmark.”

Zora burst out with a little laugh as some deep part of her relaxed. Elon moved around and scooped her up off the seat and headed toward the back of the plane. It was so good to be his woman.

Zora lifted her head off his shoulder to ask, “Are you sure you don’t mind.”

“I’m sure.”


Zora smiled into the brightness of the rising sun that came through the open veranda and was spotlighted heavily on the bed that she lay on. It was the beginning of another wonderful day with her man.

She lifted herself up off the rumpled sheets only taking the time to rap the lacy shawl that lay on the floor around her bare form as then barefoot she headed for the veranda outside with its all-encompassing view of the ocean surrounding the island. She found Elon where she always did in a comfortable lounge chair with the sun at his back as he read the Bible.

Elon could quote the Bible forwards and backwards from cover to cover and yet he still liked to read it every chance he got. It was only one of the many things that she’d come to respect about him.

Zora stayed back from entering out onto the veranda. She leaned back against a warm column not wanting to interrupt Elon’s quiet time with God.

They’d been on this island located off the shores of Greece in the Mediterranean for three weeks. It was one of Elon’s very special retreats and it quite easily had become her favorite place on Earth mainly because of what had happened here.

She had been Elon’s lover for a little over 2 ½ weeks now and they had been the best days of her life. Today was the start of their last week on the island before they had to leave and do good in the world at large as Elon put it.

Zora watched her husband put the Bible down and turn in his chair to glance back at her. She smiled engagingly at him before reaching out two fingers in a beckoning motion. She left the pillar and headed back into the seaside mansion letting the lacy shawl flow way with the sea breeze.

She was confident that he would follow. He could not resist the tempting allure of her beauty anymore than she could resist the experience of being one with him in perfect harmony of body and spirit. Truly theirs was a match made in heaven and she thanked God for every gifted moment of it.