Agent in the Dark by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen

Island Fun

Asia shifted, as she gradually came awake. She was so warm. Blinking awake she felt around her with a hand. John was gone, but he hadn’t been gone for long, because the bed behind her was still warm.

She sat up slowly and looked around the room, as the blankets fell away from her. Looking down she saw that her chest was still enclosed in her bra and her panties were still on. She blushed a little, as she admitted to herself that she had been wanting to awaken to experience John’s passion for her. Frankly she was surprised to not have awakened so.


John wasn’t in the room, but he had made the fire big and bold again. It was actually hot in the room. She got up and went to a narrow window and undid the clever latch that released the wooden shutter on the outside. A chilly breeze blew through the narrow window to greet her with the freshness of the Alaskan air.

She turned from the window to stare at what had caught her attention earlier, when she lay on the bed. In a corner of the room there was a waterproof tarp thrown over something. It most likely concealed her equipment.

Going to the tarp she pulled the tarp off of what it concealed. She found what she’d expected to find. There were several connected screens all with corresponding units. It was state-of-the-art equipment and more than enough for what she needed to work with to break the Code. A power cord disappeared up through the thatched roof, which most likely led to a solar panel array on the roof.

Asia engaged the startup function and the screens instantly flickered to life before her. Going to her pants that John had hung up to dry before he had disappeared she found her drives in their watertight container. The drives were dampened by the sweat of her palm, as she went through waves of nervous anxiety, in her approach toward the gleaming displays in the corner of the room. She sat down in the chair provided and fingers shaking she tried the first drive. It was a dud and so was the next one, but the third, fourth, and fifth drives all came alive with the data of the Code’s blueprint.

“Oh thank you God!” She exclaimed, in a release of anxiety.


She’d done it! She could do this! It might take some trial and error to break the Code, but she’d do it! Her hands instinctively reached out for the keyboards just as a sudden gust of wind filled the room with musical sound, which completely startled her.

Asia got up and approached the window, as she gazed up at the exquisite wind chime she had missed the first time she had been at the window. John had made that! How little she yet knew of the man!

Her gaze caught on something in the distance. Through the filtered view of the surrounding trees, she saw the ocean. John was sitting on the beach. He appeared to be simply sitting staring out at the choppy water of the small bay. He looked the picture of solitary aloneness, in all of its stark quality, and the sight of it made her heart squeeze on behalf of him.


Asia glanced off to the side at the screens filled with the mysteries of the Code. It demanded her attention, but right now John needed her. There would be plenty of time to solve the Code’s riddles later. She switched the machines off and grabbed up a blanket from off the bed to wrap around her, as she stepped out into the chilly morning air barefoot.

Asia followed along an intricately laid flagstone pathway, as she headed out to where she’d seen John sitting on the beach. A man would have to have a lot of time to play around with to accomplish so much work without much purpose to it other than that it looked nice. Now he had her to play with and she couldn’t deny how much she was looking forward to being intimate with her one time would-be rapist.


The morning was starting to finally warm up, as the sun ate through the cloud cover overhead. It was good to be back. The island had stayed the same, but I was different in so many ways. I smelled her before I heard her. She had a scent all of her own that intoxicated me.

To wake up this morning with her warm and snuggled up against me trustingly had been both an amazing experience and a torment. She sat down beside me so close that we were touching. Her cute feet were bare and sort of shocked I let my eyes travel up her bare legs to mid thigh where the blanket cut off my view. She hadn’t put anything else on yet? This display of open skin was so unlike her!

I met her smiling gaze, “Good morning sunshine!” She said warmly.

She already had me off my guard somehow, “Good morning.” I responded at a lack for words, as I basked in the warmth of her presence.


Her smiling face turned serious, “I want to apologize for last night John. I could’ve gotten us both killed jumping out of the plane like that. It was foolish of me and I could have proven the point I was trying to make some other way.”

“You scared me!” I admitted softly, before looking out at the sea and adding, “But you drove your point home good and solid and for that I thank you.”

Her cool hand settled over mine, “Do you want to talk about anything John?”

I shook my head negatively, “Not just yet. I’m still feeling it out for myself.”

“I understand, but if you ever need to talk about anything I’m your girl, got that honey?”

Did she even have a clue, as to the knots she tied me up in, with just the choice of words that she spoke with?

I nodded, touched as always by her kind and giving nature.


The sun came out more fully and it was actually warm for the first time. The blanket slipped off of her shoulders and I found my eyes drawn back to her. I swallowed hard, as I noticed that she was wearing the same pretty bra, as she had been when I had almost raped her. I was so glad that I hadn’t done that, but God help me I wanted to do something awfully close to it right now!

“I suppose it gets very cold here doesn’t it?” She asked and I nodded, as my eyes remained glued to the undulating rise and fall of her chest, as she breathed in and out.

She shocked me then by swinging up and over me to straddle my lap. I glanced up, as her hands framed my face tenderly. The look in her eyes was mesmerizing.

“You’ll warm me up won’t you John? You’ll keep me warm through all the long nights and burn me with your desire all day won’t you?” She gave me no chance to answer her siren’s call before she sealed her lips over mine with real passion, to which I responded to in all my ferocity of pent up need for her.


The time had finally come! She was finally giving me the go-ahead that I had been waiting for. The kiss between us deepened, until it just simply wasn’t enough. I rolled us over unmindful of my roughness, as I rose above her. Quickly I scanned her face for any trace of fear, but all I saw was a willing look of shy sensuality that had the power to completely enslave me.

A small hand came up to press against my chest, “John if I could make a request please?”

I groaned aloud and stated more harshly than I should have, “Now what?”

She giggled and smiled up at me at the same time and I felt a reluctant smile creep out on my own face, “Well go ahead mood breaker what is it?”

Her smile never went away as she asked, “I was wondering, if my first time could be somewhere a little more comfortable. It’s a bit rocky here don’t you think?” She finished, as she held up a rock in her free hand for emphasis.


I almost choked on the words of my own question, “You’re a virgin?”

She nodded still smiling.

How was that possible for a woman as beautiful as her in this day and age? But I believed her, as incredible as it was, because I knew that Asia would never lie to me.

“I don’t deserve you! I’m so……” Her fingers closed over my lips halting my words.

Her eyes were earnest as she spoke, “In a perfect world I wish that I could have been your first and only, but as it is I can forgive you and forget all the girls you’ve had before me, if you swear that I’ll be your one and only from here on out.”

“I swear it!” I responded quickly meaning every word of it.

Her smile deepened, as her arms closed around the back of my neck possessively. I searched for the words I wanted to give her. “Asia despite whatever I’ve been or whatever I become you’ll always have the finest parts of me.”

Her smile deepened, “I love to hear you say that John.”


I moved to the side and scooped her up in my arms. As I did so I grimaced, when I caught sight of the hard rocks I’d laid her back across. I could really be an unreasoning brute at times.

“I’m sorry honey! I can do a lot better than this!” I exclaimed in self anguish.

Her arm was looped around my neck, as I headed back towards the house. Her expression was a reflective one.

“What are you thinking of?” I asked curiously.

Her gentle smile brightened, “Of what a lucky girl I am to have you.”

“Likewise!” I said with meaning.

A mischievous light came into her dark eyes, “Now there you’re wrong John. You are pulsing rock hard maleness at its finest, with absolutely no girl in you.”

Frowning at her I responded, “I was referring to being so lucky to have you! Not to being a girl! I would’ve thought you would’ve known that!”

Her smile was rich, “But of course I did John. I just like to torment you. I thought you would’ve caught on to that by now.”

I smiled knowingly, as I kicked the door of the house shut with my foot behind me, “Torment, my dear, is a game that two can play.”