Agent in the Dark by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen

The Routine

In the days to follow we fell into a routine. In the morning she coerced me into reading a Bible together as a couple that Eli had given her. Story time usually ended on a sensual note. She would leave me then, at least that’s how it felt.

She would go over to her chair before the screens and become lost to the world. Verbal communication wasn’t even possible, because she was so zoned in on her task. At various times throughout the day I would place food and water before her. Most of the time it disappeared, but as to when she ate it I wasn’t sure. I even checked outside the window beside her to make sure she wasn’t chucking it away.

The evening was my favorite time of the day, because she would stop her work and become mine again. Our nights were full of torrid fantasies come to life and our mornings full of gentle lovemaking, before she went off to work on the only other obsession she had other than me and her faith in God, which was breaking the Code.


I had to admit to a certain amount of jealousy against the pile of equipment in the corner of the room in terms of how occupied it kept Asia, but her work had to be done so I amused myself, as best as I could, with the idle pursuits that I had filled my time up with before the advent of Asia on my island. It was hard though, because well everything that had been before was now almost boring in comparison to spending time with her.


Asia rubbed at her eyes and starred at the screens again. She’d only been at it today for three hours so she couldn’t blame it off on fatigue. Could it really be that simple? A half hour later of similar fact-finding and she determined with reasonable accuracy that yes it really could be that simple. The message behind the Code may be a simple one, but it was so complex in its means of accomplishing the intent of its masters, as to completely boggle the imagination in terms of the amount of preparation that it had taken to pull the takeover of the world off, so successfully.

Her mind poisoned by what she had just discovered about the ultimate intentions of the Code she pushed away from her screens and powered down the equipment. She’d had enough of the Code today and it wasn’t even lunchtime yet. She stepped outside. Now where would she find John? She hated to abandon him every day the way she had been for over a month now. In some ways he was like a little boy, who was bummed because his buddy was too sick to come outside and play with him. Well she’d surprise him today with an early gift of herself.


She heard the clanging of metal and knew instantly in which direction to go to find him. She started down the path towards the smithy. It was absolutely incredible what John had accomplished with no tools to start out with on this island. He’d made it into an island paradise and she marveled at what he would think up next.

She fingered the beautiful dye work of the soft leather dress she wore. He had made it for her. He was an uncharted world of unmatched creative skill and ability. Perhaps none better exemplified than his skill, as a giving and compassionate lover. He made her literally crave to feel his touch upon her and it was all she could do to return the favor back to him.

He’d opened a whole new world of touch up to her and she had never realized how without touch she had lived her life up till now. He filled her hidden need for it and gave her even more. It was beautiful how they complemented each other and each felt love in their own language. It really wasn’t her touch that John craved most. It was her words and her continual gift of herself to him, however and whenever he wanted her. She in return received the two things that she had been starved for most in life, touch and quality time.

She’d never had the loving touch of a mother or one that wanted to spend time with her doing anything. Her father, while he had loved her had done so at a distance leaving her to be raised by tech staff and the robotic influences of computers. She had learned reflexology and massage, even chiropractor skills all in an effort to receive touch herself, but no one had ever gotten the hint. Now through the grace of God she had a man, who couldn’t keep his hands off of her and actually listened to her or at least tried to.

Granted there had been a few nights, when he had drifted off to sleep on her, while she was talking, but she wouldn’t fault him for that. What was so much more amazing was the fact that she knew that he would rather spend time with her than do anything else. His actions loved her at the core of who she really was and she loved him in return. He was a gift from God to her that she would never tire of spoiling.


Asia saw him then hard at work at his blacksmith forge. He claimed that he never worked out. Yeah right, she thought to herself openly adoring the interplay of muscles and tendons that rippled up his arms and then across his back with each heavy strike of the hammer against the anvil.

Her warrior was making himself a new sword. She had no doubt that it would be one of his finest creations to date. He had been working nonstop on it throughout the day for the last week. It was something to do and keep busy at, while she was busy at work breaking the Code.

Asia stood by and watched with real interest, as he patiently hammered away at the homemade steel footprint of what eventually would be a tempered battle ready sword fit for any knight of ancient times. No, on second thought, she mused John wasn’t quite the knight in shining armor type. He was more of a Conan the Barbarian type, at least on the outside, but she wasn’t complaining.


I had to admit that I was curious, as to why Asia had knocked off so early, but it was nice having her here so I wasn’t asking her why. I dropped the sword into a trough of water to sizzle before turning all my attention to her.

She smiled, “Hello handsome wanna play hooky with me for the rest of the day?”

“I couldn’t think of anything better.” I said honestly.

She started for me then with that certain look in her eye, but I held a hand up forestalling her, “Wait here and close your eyes.” I commanded.

She gave me a curious look, but complied with my wishes.

I stepped back into the smithy and reached up to a high shelf and pulled the necklace I had made down. A bit nervously I approached her hoping she would like it. “Okay you can open your eyes.”

Her eyes flew open in anticipation and she gasped at the sight of the necklace I was holding out before her.

“Oh John!” She breathed out, as her fingers reached for it. I let her have it feeling very proud of myself inside, because of her reaction.

“There’s not much gold to be had on the island, I used all that I had. Most of the metal is copper. I’m hoping that by adding the gold and some other elements that the copper will keep its rich color and not tarnish. The stones aren’t rubies, but red garnets that I found and polished. It’s as precious, as I can make it with what I have to work with.”


Even though she seemed especially enamored with the intricate working of the necklace I couldn’t but feel that it wasn’t enough somehow. “I wish I had pure gold and diamonds for you though.”

Her hand reached out to my arm, as she held the necklace up in her other hand, “No, this is better! Much better! I love it John!”

Her words and the sparkling depths of her eyes echoed her sincerity and I relaxed in the knowledge that I had pleased her and given her something of value.

“Won’t you put it on please?” She begged. She turned her back to me and I took the necklace and fastened it behind her neck, as she held her hair out of the way. I reached over her shoulder and fingered a shiny red garnet before pressing it back against her skin.

“I intended to give this to you for your birthday week ago, but it took longer than I thought it would.”

Her head bent back to look up at me and I welcome the look of happiness I saw on her face, “That’s all right honey. You more than excelled at giving me the most memorable birthday of my life, without the gift of a priceless necklace.”

I grinned in remembrance. My necklace did look really good on her. It had been worth all the blasted aggravation that it had taken to get it just right. I had almost pulverized the thing several times with a hammer, but now I was glad that I had persevered.


My voice husky I said, “I love touching you. It’s like experiencing love to see your reactions to my touch. I wish I could be touching you all the time and now in a way I am. Something I’ve made with my hands just for you will always be touching your skin even when I’m not around.”

Her eyes opened, as tears spilled out of them and down her cheeks, “That’s so beautiful of you!” She said emotionally.

“You’re beautiful; I’m just the lucky one that gets to hold you. No, make that blessed to have you.” I responded heartfeltly.

“Have I told you that I love you today?” She asked softly, the truth of her words reflected freely in her eyes looking up at me.

“Not since this morning.”

She stepped away from me, “Oh, then I guess I had better show you darling.”

The dress I had made for her fell to her ankles and she turned back to me wearing nothing but the necklace. It was a very good look for her.

“I’m sweaty and filthy.” I warned huskily.

She just smiled; she came to stand before me. Her hands reached up to my shoulders and I knew what she wanted. I picked her up and her legs encircled my waist, even as her arms encircled my neck. Her newly acquired necklace brushed up against my face, as she bent her head to whisper seductively into my ear, “Have any fantasies of me today honey?”

It was hard to frame a thought with her breathing into my ear and pressed up against me the way she was, but the truth came out, “Yeah, I think I’m living one right now!”

She chuckled and then in a voice of pure seduction she whispered, “Well what are you waiting for stud? Take me I’m all yours!”


My fingers combed through Asia’s hair lazily, as she lay on my chest. Her cute nose was made even cuter by the charcoal smudged across it and part of her cheek. I had warned her.

“The reason you came out early today was it because you broke the Code?” I asked inquisitively.

She turned her head and propped it up on her hands to stare up at me, “Yes and no. I’ve broken into it, but I still don’t know how to shut it off and scramble it so it can’t come back on. I saw the purpose behind it all though.” A shiver coursed through her and I rubbed at her shoulder consolingly.

“Remember reading Genesis together several weeks back?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Remember the whole Tower of Babel part?”

Again I nodded.

“Well that’s what the Code is, the second attempt at building a tower to heaven, only this time it’s a virtual one.”

“Are you serious?” I exclaimed.

She nodded sadly. I still didn’t quite believe the significance of what she was saying could be true.

“I know the Codes trying to dominate the world, but Tower of Babel, are you sure?”

She nodded solemnly, “It goes much deeper than just domination of the world John. That’s just the first phase of a much broader agenda. Once the world is completely subservient to the Code all traces of the world before will be systematically erased along with anyone who doesn’t accept its manifest destiny. All religions will be abolished except for those that offer further enlightenment in the pursuit of knowledge. Only one language will be spoken and taught to all people to converse by. The brightest intellectual minds of the world along with those with the best genes will be grouped together into one mega complex city. Those deemed unacceptable or worthless will be exterminated in mass genocidal events. Those few not exterminated, but still considered second-class will be employed as slaves to run farms, factories, and mines in order to supply the needs of the new Babel. The inhabitants of the new Babel will do nothing, but pursue knowledge and oneness of mind and body.”


The more she talked the sicker feeling I got. “Can they really do that?”

“Look what they’ve already done John! Who’s to stop them, except for me.” She finished in a small voice, as her head sank back to my chest.

I felt moisture and then a sob shook through her and radiated into me. I rolled over with her and held myself above her, as I wiped at her tears, succeeding in only getting her face more smudged with charcoal. “Honey stop it!”

“I can’t help it! I’m not sure I can do this! Who picked me to save the world? I’m a nobody!” She exclaimed, as the tears continued to flow unchecked.

“Oh no you don’t! Your very much a somebody and I have no doubt that the same God, who used you to lead me out of the dark, specifically chose you for this task, because He knew that with His help you were just the perfect girl for the job.”

Her tears abated slightly and a tremulous little smile popped out at the corners of her lips, “Look at you being all confident and preachy.”

I smiled down at her, “Well I had a pretty good teacher I have to admit.” I kissed her softly for a moment.

“If God can use you to pull me out of the fire I have no doubt that He can use you to successfully take the frying pan that the world is cooking in off of the fire.” I said.

Her eyes searched mine and saw that I truly meant what I said.

She nodded, “I’ll keep trying, but for right now could you please just make me forget all of this and make love to me?”

“That I can do love.” I whispered before I claimed her lips with mine.


One month and a half later.

Asia was making real progress at breaking the separate parts of the Code down from each other and she even had an idea of how to cancel out the Code, but she couldn’t help but think she was forgetting something. She’d been like that for a few days now. Something was bothering her. It couldn’t be with her work. Things had never been better between her and John so it couldn’t be that. Then what was it?

“Oh God!” She exclaimed, as she remembered what she’d been missing. She’d missed her period!

For the rest of the day she couldn’t concentrate on her work, but fretted in a mixture of nervous excitement and horror. This was the wrong time to be having a baby! But she’d always wanted children. Why did the occurrence of something so good have to have so much tension and stress attached to it? What would John think?


I could tell there was something off with her. I asked her about her work and she answered readily enough so that couldn’t be it. It was almost, as if she was hiding something from me, which was so unlike her.

She was lying on her side facing away from me. I decided on a bolder up front approach. If there was something going wrong between us I wanted to know about it now!

“Asia what’s wrong?”

She glanced back at me and then back the way she was and mumbled something. I pulled her over flat onto her back.

“Repeat please.”

She started crying then and it was the most pitiful sight I’d ever seen.

“Honey what’s wrong?” I begged, in need to know what was bothering her so much.

“I’m pregnant!” She said on a rising moan.

I relaxed instantly, as I’d been expecting this. Gently, I wiped at her tears with the corner of the blanket. “Honey, if you play around with each other the way we do, babies often do result from it.”

“You’re not mad?” She asked tearfully.

“Why would I be mad?” I asked puzzled.

“Because it’s the wrong time! We have to break the Code, practically even save the world! How am I going to save the world if I’m pregnant?” She was practically hysterical at this point.

“Don’t you want children?” Oh boy was that the wrong question to ask! Now she was really crying hysterically and I tried everything to calm her down, but it didn’t work.

She began to blubber, “I adore children! I’ve wanted nothing more than to hold my own child in my arms and sing to it and care for it and love it like I wasn’t! I want to be happy, but……”

I stopped her, “Be happy!” I stated firmly.

I further added, “This is a good thing, a very good thing! Yes, maybe it’s bad timing, but we can work with it. Everything is going to be fine Asia! Now for your sake and especially our babies please calm down.”

She nodded reluctantly. I touched my hand to her lower abdomen and asked, “What do you think we should name him?”

A tremulous smile came out on her face, “You think it’s a boy?”

“Of course it’s a boy!” She rolled her eyes at me and I laughed.

Shyly she looked up at me, “Thanks!”

I took my hand from her and placed it over my heart before putting it back over her womb, “No, it’s me that wants to thank you for carrying my child.” I kissed her wet cheek and then her lips sweetly. Drawing back I saw sparkles of colors in her eyes.

“You’re amazing!” She whispered up at me.

“Hey stop inflating my ego so much. I won’t fit through the door soon.”

She giggled, “You want me to stop?”

“Never!” I said before beginning to kiss her more passionately.


Two and a half months later.

“I don’t know John. Are you sure?” Asia asked doubtfully.

“I think it will be great! Let me build it and you’ll see for yourself.”

“Okay.” Asia responded hesitantly, as she rubbed at the growing mound of her stomach. John, bless him, had gotten rather big into this whole being a father to be, but Asia wasn’t so sure about his latest endeavor.

In the center of the island just down from the highest point there was a small hot spring. It really wasn’t all that hot, just being a pleasant warmth to the touch. Well John had run with it and concocted up a scheme to build a birthing tub in the middle of it for her to deliver the baby in. Asia appreciated his thoughtfulness, but she wasn’t quite sure about having an unassisted water birth.

John walked her back to the house, “Okay, I’m going, but I’ll be back before dark okay?” John said in a concerned fashion.

Asian nodded and watched John hurry back down the path that led toward the shore. He was off on yet another of his missions for her and the baby. The protein from the small land mammals and the occasional bear that lumbered ashore wasn’t good enough. No, the mother of his child had to have fish, which was chock full of omega fatty acids. He wanted only the best for his family. Asia smiled to herself; he was going to be such a great father. Well, it was time to work on the Code again.


Asia turned to go into the house, but abruptly stopped as a hard contraction stole her breath away. Another contraction jolted through her painfully. It was all she could do not to panic, but then she saw the blood pooling on the ground and she panicked.

Turning, as she held onto the doorpost with one hand she screamed, “John!” But he was too far away and too close to the crashing of the surf to hear her.

“John!” She whispered out uselessly and then another contraction hit her hard.

“Oh God please no!” She wailed sinking to the floor. She was losing their precious baby!


I hadn’t had much luck fishing, but I’d gotten enough to matter for now. There was no light coming from the house and then I saw the door was ajar. I broke into an all-out run sword already in my hand.

I busted inside and saw my worst nightmare. Blood on the floor and Asia laying so still on the bed that I thought she was dead for a moment, but thank God she wasn’t! She looked up at me her eyes wet with tears. It looked like she’d been crying for hours.

“Our babies dead John.”

I wanted to scream. I wanted to rant and rave and be crazy. I wanted to hack the Earth in two with my sword. I wanted to rail against heaven’s door and smash it down. But what good would any of that do? It wouldn’t help bring back my baby’s life. It wouldn’t help me to care for Asia in her grief.

My sword slipped from my grasp to fall clattering loudly onto the floor. I fell to my knees beside the bed and I buried my head into the covers, as I cried in sorrow so deep I thought it would swallow me whole. My wondering hand found Asia’s cold fingers and I grasped them tightly, but she had no comfort to give. Both of us were depleted of strength and hope, as the day is after the sun has gone down.


The next day we buried him on a rocky promontory with a good view out over the ocean. After I had stacked the last rock into place I took my sword and jammed it down into the unbroken soil at the head of the tiny grave.

I picked up my hammer and swung it down onto the pommel of the blade’s handle driving the sword through both rock and dirt, until it was solidly planted in the Earth. It was a good sword. A sword that a boy would’ve proudly inherited from a father and I gladly gave it up now.

I pulled a copperplate out from my coat and hammered the copper clasps over the cross guards of the sword. Asia looked up from where she kneeled beside the grave. I caught her glancing towards the name plate affixed to the sword.

“I thought he should have a name.” I said by way of explanation.

She nodded and I sank to my knees beside her. Her hand found mine and we stayed there, until I made her leave, because it was too cold for her.


It was a hard month. I came to terms with my loss, but Asia took it harder. She still worked on the Code, but there were times, when I caught her just staring at her screens for hours on end. It was a struggle to get her to eat right and in some ways I was a little rough with her.

She didn’t have much to do with me, as she seemed to be withdrawn into herself. I gave her as much space as I could, but I longed and prayed for the day when she would come back to me.


My eyes opened and adjusted to the moonlight that was streaming through the narrow windows. I saw that Asia was awake facing me. It must’ve been her stare that had woken me.

“Hi.” She whispered.

“Hi.” I responded softly.

“I haven’t been much of a wife lately, I’m sorry.”

I stroked her face softly with the tips of my fingers, “That’s all right.”

“How have you been managing everything? You’re not questioning your faith in God are you?” She asked.

I thought about it a little, “For a little while I was.” I admitted truthfully.

“But you’re not now?”

I shook my head no.

“Why?” She asked.

“God gave me you and that act of love broke up the bitter downward cycle of my life. I know He cares about me and I guess knowing that helps me understand that He is not to blame for this, but that this whole situation is just an example of how life’s not fair and how brutal it can be to live through at times.”

Asia nodded and stroked my face with her fingers, “How you’ve grown honey!”

We were quiet for a moment. I saw a tear well up and slip down her face, “I miss him.”

I nodded.

“I had so many plans. I know you did too John.”

“Yeah.” I admitted a little raw. “There will be more kids Asia.” I said softly, as I wiped the moisture of the tear from off her face.

“I know. I think I want to wait though, until after the Code is over and done with.”

I nodded, agreeing with her.

“That means we’re going to have to times things a little better throughout the month.” She said hesitantly not sure how I would take it.

“Tell me when and where and I’ll be there.” I said.

The first smile I’d seen in a long time graced her face then, as she reached out to hug me. I hugged her back.

“I love you so much John Baptist Kilroy!”

“And I love you cute, hot bodied, little Asian chick!”

“Hey!” She exclaimed slapping my back affronted at my choice of words.

“Hey what? If you can defame me with my awful name then I can objectify you in return.”

“It doesn’t work like that.” She said with a smile in her voice.

“Oh yes it does babycakes!”

She giggled in my arms and I held her tighter to me glad to have her back.