Angel Wars: Light vs. Dark by Ana B. Nilanjana - HTML preview

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X. The Haven for the Child

A month later….

The skies were taking on the orange tint of the approaching sunset when she opened my eyes. At first she mistook the blush of the clouds for dawn. Then as the sky darkened further she knew that night was approaching and her eyes were closed. They opened after a while. She still couldn’t move. After struggling a lot with she managed to shake the bed to which she felt tied by invisible ropes. The vibrations managed to knock off the glass of water kept on the mantelpiece. The glass came shattering to pieces on hitting the floor. It was beyond her strength to bend down and pick up the shards of glasses. Her consciousness felt groggy and she couldn’t even figure out which was the room that she had been sleeping in. Soon faint sound of hurried footsteps up a staircase alerted her. The sound was getting louder and she figured someone was coming towards her room. She didn’t know whether to be afraid or relieved. But more importantly she did not know who to expect.

When the door parted open a ribbon of yellow light fell on her eyes momentary blinding her after the darkness of the room. When the eyes adjusted she could see a man standing at the door with a frown on his face. Her vision was blurry but a prominent nose and a grim mouth. He looked worried. She wanted to call out to him but her vocal cords refused to function according to her will. The face that she saw silhouetted against the light was oddly familiar, a face that she knew, and a face that she loved.

“Ray…” she called out without knowing why. The door suddenly slammed and she was again left in darkness. She could hear a man’s voice outside. He seemed to be talking to himself. When the door opened again the lights came up. Behind the man were two women, identical women wearing white robes and with thick white wings: The twin healers of the Seventh World was a legend she did not thought she would have the chance to witness. She suddenly remembered who she was as the man in front called out to her “Cassandra, my child, how do you feel?”

Cassandra blinked in confusion, the only action she was capable of. The man signalled to the healers to help her. As the twins came forward and placed their palm on her forehead Cassandra could feel their energy vibrations pass through her unresponsive flesh pushing them further into action. Once they stepped back Cassandra sat up on what she had earlier assumed to be a bed. It was actually a healing table and she realized that she was in the healer’s chamber.

“What happened?” she asked.

“When Samael, the Angel of Death and Darkness, found you without power, he tried to eliminate you but as your mate is alive and well, he failed. You however went into a coma. Some mortals found you and placed you in a mortal healing facility from which I retrieved you. I wanted to heal you right away but Celia, my love insisted for you to be awake for the procedure.” The man spoke, who had earlier to a groggy Cassandra resembled a man she knew, who now seemed a stranger. His hair was too dark and his eyes were green.

“Who are you?” She asked her saviour.

“I am Michael, the man responsible for bringing knowledge to the mortals on Earth, which today is pointing towards its end.”

 “You must rest. You need to heal completely before catching up with the events of the world. You are still on earth as a matter of fact. I believe I should first get you to a safer location. A world under seize of a celestial battle is not a place for a child to be born.” exclaimed the man who was as much a legend as God himself.

“Child…?” asked Cassandra in Amazement.

“Yes. You are ripe with your mate’s child, your mate who faces strange odds in his battle against Samael. You should at least remain safe to afford him some peace of mind.” Spoke one of the twins. Cassandra noticed that despite the blonde hair and matching robes one thing told apart the twins. While one had eyes that were a strange purple like one had eyes which were clear blue, eyes that she remembered as if from a dream.

Cassandra felt lost. A battle was waging. Her mate was engaged in a celestial war with one of the strongest creature in the seven worlds. Further being away from their world and on foreign land put constraint on their resources. Suddenly a basic question popped into her mind. “Who is my mate?”

Michael frowned and looked at the two healers. “It is for the best” they said in chorus. The man nodded and looked at Cassandra begging her to comply with the situation, assuring her that one day everything would be alright.

Then the twin with the blue eyes spoke. “You will know in time. At present what is of primary importance is for your body to heal.” Then turning to Celia she said. “Allow me to take her with me. My lair is the one place no one would expect this girl to be. My mate will graciously provide the refuge needed.” No one noticed the woman’s voice quiver as she spoke of her mate but it was assumed to be the best.