Angel Wars: Light vs. Dark by Ana B. Nilanjana - HTML preview

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IX. The Fall to Reality

24 hours back

Ray was literally falling from the sky. The ice that had accumulated around him had melted and he could feel the heat of friction of the air through which he plummeted towards the ground. The clouds slowly gave way as he had a clear view of the land where he fell. He was now a little distance from the desert where the research facility was situated. He needed to stop falling however and he needed to act against gravity. Science taught him that it was not possible but faith had taught him something far different. Ray closed his eyes and prayed to the Lord to perform a miracle, to save his life and grant him the power to protect his wife and his world. No sooner did the words come out of his heart than he stabilized, floating high above the ground. For a moment Ray wondered whether he was really dead and his body had met the fate that his soul had not. Then something hit the corner of his eyes. It was reflected light. Ray turned around to see the source. He was the source and the light was reflected off the rainbow coloured wings that came out of his shoulder. In a daze and in a fit of adrenaline rush Ray flew over the desert and landed in an oases.

Ray felt the light from the cloudless sky soak into his numb skin. He walked over to a fountain where he saw the light gleaming from his skin. Over his head a halo spread in rainbow colours. His skin lost its natural colours and was covered in the various hues of light and all over his body were the markings of an Angel. What Cassandra had assumed to be a waste of her powers was God’s way to ensure that mankind survived yet another disaster, a disaster named Samael.

He scanned the desert for any sign of the soldiers who fell to their death with him. He found torn pieces of flesh, a hand, a shoe with the foot in it. Ray was aghast with the scenes that he witnessed. He needed to splash some water on his face to prevent him from going to shock. The sky was setting in the western sky. With that as reference he set out for the research centre. It was towards the northern end of the desert. He studied the stars to find his way. He was numb with fear and cold but kept walking. He reached his desired destination by dawn. The rescue workers all lay suffocated on the ground. Not a single living soul remained. When he walked towards the ambulance he felt a clicking noise from inside. Stanley was still breathing and in his hand held a pressure torch. It was made from a piezoelectric material connected to a circuit with an LED. Pressing a diaphragm connected with the piezoelectric material allowed the LED to glow for a short while. “The light kept me going.” Stanley breathed on seeing Ray.