Bad Boy Billionaire Daddy by Everleigh Green - HTML preview

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When Craig died, he took a part of me with him and the parts he left behind, he left them red, raw and gaping open. I felt the pain in every nerve of my body. I felt as though I was drowning, and I would never quite die but I would never be saved either.

Over the years, the pain of missing Craig had gotten easier to bare. But still, I had always been so careful not to let anyone in. And then there was Rafael. The one person I didn’t really think I had to worry too much about keeping at arm’s length because I didn’t like him. Well that was a joke wasn’t it. Because apparently, I liked him just fine now and somehow, I had let the bastard in and I was scared and excited all at the same time and I didn’t know if I could even think clearly, let alone speak.

It was why I didn’t attempt to answer Rafael when he said he wasn’t going anywhere. That was by far the best thing he could have said in that moment, but I had nothing to give him back, at least not verbally. I needed to feel him close to me, his heart beating against my chest, his cock inside of me. I needed us to become one. I needed to let the last remaining bricks crumble away and I needed to finally let go of the last piece of the pain and torment I was forever holding onto.

I led Rafael into our hotel room and as I stepped inside, I was already pulling my clothes off. I turned back to Rafael and nodded for him to do the same. He didn’t need telling twice and within less than a minute, we were both naked. We stood and faced each other, and I was already panting for breath with the effect Rafael was having on me. I thought he might be feeling the same way too because his chest was rising and falling much more quickly than usual.

I ran my eyes over his body taking in his muscular chest, his gorgeous abs, and of course his huge cock. I couldn’t wait much longer to have him inside of me, and I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around Rafael’s shoulders. I pulled him down to me and we kissed and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He ran his hands down my body and onto my ass and he cupped it and lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hands roamed back up my body and our tongues collided as we explored each other’s mouths.

As we kissed, Rafael walked towards the bathroom. At first, I thought he was planning on us sharing a bath or a shower, but I was wrong. Instead, he kicked the bathroom door shut with us still in the bedroom and then he slammed me up against it and pressed himself against me. Fire flooded me as I felt him against every part of me.

He held me in place with his body and he ran his hands along my arms until he held my hands in his. He lifted my arms above my head and grasped both of my wrists with one of his hands and held them there.

He eased my feet back to the floor and with his free hand, he pushed my thighs apart. I side stepped eagerly with one foot, giving him all of the access he needed. He ran his fingers from my pussy to my clit, spreading a trail of juices as he went. I was already dripping wet for him and his gentle, teasing touch just made me wetter.

He smiled as I moaned in frustration and then he leaned his head down towards mine, but he even denied me his kiss, opting instead to lightly run his tongue over my lips. My whole body was thrumming with the need for more and he wasn’t giving it to me. He was bringing me onto the edge and leaving me hanging, leaving me needing more.

I tried to writhe against his fingers, to press my clit against them but he smiled and shook his head and moved them away from me. I begged him to touch me, and he smiled again and brought his fingers back to me, but he only did the light, teasing touch again. I tried to get my hands free, but he had them held tightly enough that I couldn’t do it.

I was just going to have to accept my situation and try to enjoy the ride. I closed my eyes and then I opened them again when he bit down on my nipple. I breathed in through my teeth as the stinging pain met the pleasure thrumming in my lower body and the two sensations accentuated each other, driving me even more mad.

When Rafael seemed to intuit that I couldn’t take much more, he began to rub my clit faster and with more pressure. I moaned and when I writhed against his hand this time, he didn’t pull his fingers away from me. Instead, he pushed his fingers back through my slit, and penetrated my pussy with them, leaving his thumb to tend to my clit’s needs as he pushed his fingers in and out of me, rubbing them over my g spot with each movement.

The double stimulation pushed me closer and closer to my climax and I could feel it building up in both my stomach and in my clit. I was desperate for release and Rafael seemed to want to keep teasing me.

I felt him starting to pull his hand away, but I couldn’t let him do that. Not this time. I thought that I would go insane if I didn’t get some relief soon. I clamped my thighs together tightly, trapping his hand there and I moved my hips so that my clit was rubbing over his thumb. I squatted down ever so slightly to get more pressure on my clit and Rafael did nothing to stop me.

I glanced at him, and he was looking back at me, his mouth slightly open. He smiled when I met his eye.

“You’re amazing,” he said, and then I was no longer fighting him.

He was pressing his thumb against my clit harder and faster, and my climax tore through me. I screamed Rafael’s name as every nerve in my body throbbed to life and every bit of my skin tingled and pulsed. My clit throbbed, my pussy clenched, and my stomach contracted. I felt like my whole body was just a giant pulsing nerve ending that was so over whelmed with pleasure it didn’t know quite what to do with itself. Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, another wave of pleasure crashed over me, and I flooded Rafael’s hand and the tops of my thighs with my juices.

My body shuddered as I came hard. I felt my eyes roll back in my head as I became consumed by pleasure. My vision went red, a throbbing, pulsing red that matched the way my body felt. I floated in ecstasy for a moment and then my eyes rolled back down and the red was gone and Rafael was back in my line of vision My knees buckled and if it wasn’t for Rafael’s body against mine, I know I would have collapsed onto the ground as all of my muscles turned to shaking, sated jelly.

Rafael stopped me from falling, but he gave me no respite. He released my arms and they flopped down across his shoulders and then he lifted me up again and pushed himself inside of me. I cried out as he filled me, rubbing over my still throbbing g spot.

I started to come back to myself as Rafael pounded into me and I began to move in time to his rhythm. My movements seemed to spur him on and his breathing became more ragged with each thrust as he tried to hold himself back from orgasming.

He lost his fight, and he pressed me up against the door, holding me still as he spurted inside of me. I felt his cock twitching inside of my pussy and he whispered my name into my ear, his voice dripping with sex. It sent a shiver all through my body. I held him tightly as his body went rigid and he made a pained moan and then he relaxed and slid out of me and he took a step backwards and then carried me to the bed. He pulled the duvet back and laid me on the mattress and then he went around to the other side and lifted the duvet and raised a questioning eyebrow.

“I’m pretty sure it’s ok,” I said with a laugh.

He slid into the bed beside me, and I rolled to face him. We laid wrapped in each other’s arms, looking into each other’s eyes.

“No regrets?” Rafael said.

“No regrets,” I agreed.