Beyond by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Beyond is a precious; probably also a dangerous idea. Beyond is an invite to probabilities, where one’s readiness may not be right. Instinctively, definitiveness is preferred over probable precariousness, as nobody wants unnecessary journeys on untrodden paths. A famous philosopher said, ‘A thinking man is a depraved animal.’ Thoughtfulness adds possibilities Beyond singular exactitude. Thinking opens up the gates for precariousness of alternative possibilities; hence the risks. Naturally, compromising safety of survival is akin to depravity; in populist perception of majority.

However; if thinking engenders the chains of depravity of incertitude to enslave a person; it also emancipates by devising probabilities of breaking free from the slavery of habitual regularity. Depravity is not in mechanism and processes. It seems; it is in the purpose humanity laces an intent with. No sword ever seeks blood; human depravity however always blames it on externalities. Shamefulness of consciousness is human. Purposes; their stagnated and stinking intents and their fixed habits, therefore, also need to journey Beyond…

History tells us; this thinking man has been at the forefront of humanity’s long and precarious journeys to excellence and unprecedented rewards. Sadly; this thinking man however has always been lonely; majority of people not only desert him, rather also put hurdles in his already tough journey. But then; humanity’s romance with probabilities has been brilliant and the prime energy behind marvels of civilizations and cultures. This romance is mesmerizing, as it instinctively leads men and women to journey Beyond; into more and better information. This creates probabilities; which in turn engender potentials…

Humanity has unraveled and deciphered big mysteries of Reality only because it journeyed the potentials of probabilities, Beyond the comfort and safety of definitude of presentness. Beyond is infinite. Contemporary humanity is incessantly into this journey of Beyond…

People however, love to thrive in the certainty of familiarity of ambient tangibility. But then; Beyond is everyone’s inevitable journey. Those who stand in denial are essentially negating Reality itself. Life itself is probabilistic. Metaphorically though; Time also travels in probabilistic linearity of futuristic incertitude. The ephemeral and transient Reality of Time and Space is embossed on everything humanity is muffled with. Definitivenes is slavery of mind; a fixation of failed romance with Reality. Reality is unraveled only en route journey into probabilities of Beyond.

This story is about this journeying. It is a romance with Beyondness. There sure is a man and he is blessed to have a woman in his life, who complements him and consciously paves pathways for him. They understand and jointly nurture the artistry of the magicality of mutuality. There is brilliance of romance between them. However, this story of man and woman is not primarily about their romance. It is about their combined romance with probabilities. They journey, Beyond…; in absolute and perfect nakedness; in prized possession of innocence, honesty and simplicity…
