Burn's World: A Love Triangle by Eve Rabi - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-Five


I awake around noon on Sunday, shower, wash the cigarette smoke from my hair, then make myself some coffee. Everyone in the house is still in bed. As I do, I think about last night and smile. What a night.

When the doorbell goes, I throw on my silk gown, a present from Tina, wrap a towel around my wet hair and answer it.

Brody is on my doorstep with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

“Brody!” I cry. “Ohmigod! What are you doing here?”

“I came to wish you happy birthday,” he says, as he grabs me and swings me around.

“You travelled a million miles to …”

“Yes! I wanted to see you. I wasn’t going to miss this day even if you turned me away. I came over last night, but you weren’t here.”

“Oh, Brody, I’m so sorry.”

“That’s okay. Serves me right for trying to surprise you.”

“Gosh, I’m so happy to see you,” I say. I motion him into my room, where I shut the door.

He hands me a beautifully wrapped gift. I tear open the wrapper and gasp. “It’s beautiful,” I say as I gently examine the precious silver bracelet. I hand it to him. “Put in on for me.”

He fastens it around my wrist, kisses my wrist and smiles at me.

“Oh, Brody, I just love it. Thank you.”

“Listen,” he says. “My parents don’t know I’m here.”

“What? Really? So, like, where are you staying?”

“In a hotel till tomorrow. I check out at ten.”


“Yeah, didn’t want the drama my folks would give me if they found out I was here.”

“Really? You did all this for me?”


I smile and plant a kiss on his lips.

“I love you, Burn,” he says.

“I love you, Brody.” The words come easily and I absolutely mean it.

We sit and chat for a while and he tells me about Bel Air and his new life. “I miss this place but most of all, I miss you,” he says taking me in his arms again.

We cuddle in each other’s arms for more than an hour.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispers.

“Hold on, I have to dress first.”

“Go ahead,” he says, and links his hands behind his head.

“You’re gonna watch me dress?” I whisper.

“Fuck, yeah!”

I giggle. “No, close your eyes!”

He shakes his head.

“Close your fucking eyes, Brody. I’m not gonna let you see me naked!”


“’Cause …cos I’m shy, okay?”

“Burn is shy?” He looks at me with one closed eye. “I don’t buy it. Will it help if I got naked too?”

I shove him onto the bed and laugh. “Fuck off.”

“Okay, I’ll try not to look.”

I chuckle and grab my body butter. As I apply the body-butter to my arms, he stands up and takes it from me. “That’s not how you do it. Let me show you.” With his body, he nudges me towards my long mirror and stands behind me.

“Drop your gown.”


“Drop it.”

I drop my gown to just below my shoulders. Slowly, he applies the butter to the back of my neck and shoulders, then plants several kisses on my neck, turning my knees into Jell-O. With a sigh, I sink back against him. He tugs down my gown, exposing my breasts. He scoops more butter and applies it to the front of my neck. Then, with his eyes on mine in the mirror, his hands travel down to my breasts.

Slowly, he massages them, causing my nipples to harden. I suck in my breath, then bite my lower lip. Fuck, this is good. Really sexy and I feel a stirring between my thighs.

I groan and bite my lip as his slippery hands move slowly, but purposefully over my belly and down my thighs, pulling me tighter against him and pressing my ass against his hard-on. The thin fabric of my panty and gown allows me to feel the heat and intensity of it. Another tug and my gown is thrown behind me.

Then, with his eyes still fixed to mine, his fingers slip into my panties.

My body involuntarily jerks at his intrusive and unfamiliar touch, and I have the urge to clamp my thighs around his fingers.

Slowly he moves them around, eliciting moans from me. When it dips into me, a sigh of deep pleasure escapes me. My neck turns towards his face on my shoulder, inviting a kiss. He slides his tongue into my mouth and we kiss long and deep. With one hand on my breast, the other between my thighs and his tongue probing my mouth, I’m unable to think.

Never before had I experienced such pleasure and it makes me scared and delirious at the same time.

“Brody,” I murmur. “What are you doing to me?”

His response is to swing me over to the bed and push me onto my stomach.

He jerks off his shirt, fights off his jeans and straddles my ass. He massages more body butter onto my back, the back of my thighs, my feet. His touch leaves my whole body tingling for more.

Then he pulls down my panties just a little and massages my butt. Kneads slowly but firmly. I love it so much, I don’t want him to stop at all.

But he does. He rolls me onto my back and slides his tongue into my mouth. I snake my arms around his neck and kiss him back, my body arching to meet his.

He untangles himself from my arms and continues his massaging – my neck, my breasts, my stomach, my thighs.

Then he rolls down my panties and abandons them at my knees. I hold my breath. I don’t want him to stop what he’s doing. I want to lie back, grab hold of the headboard and just revel in this beautiful abandonment.

With a smile, he kisses my lips, my neck, my breasts, my stomach and his lips disappear between my thighs. I gasp, grab his head and writhe under him. I’m so out of control, I actually feel embarrassed. God, I want him so much right now! “Brody, Brody, Brody!” I gasp. “Oh God!”

He reaches up to put his finger on my lips to silence me.

His tongue moves faster and suddenly, my body shudders. Like someone’s turning me topsy-turvy but in slow motion. Never before have I experienced a sensation like this, and I feel weak from it.

Brody beams.

When my body stops shuddering, I look at him. “Where did you learn to do that?”

He shrugs, then plants a kiss on my lips. “There’s more.”

“Oh, yeah?”


“But, I want you inside of me,” I whisper.

He positions his elbows on either side of my face, his hard-on pressed against my stomach. “Say ‘please fuck me.’”

I hold his face. “Brody, fuck me.”

“Say ‘Pretty please’”.

“Pretty please.”

“Now say …”

“Brody, shut the fuck up and fuck me. Now!”

With a chuckle, he removes his underpants and frees his erection. He takes my hand and wraps it around his hard-on. He moans with pleasure as I caress it.

“It’s good to finally meet you,” I say. “I mean, I felt you against my thighs, against my ass, against my stomach for more than a year, so it’s finally good to see you face-to-face.”

Brody laughs.

“Fuck me, baby,” I say.

He slaps on a condom, then shoves my thighs aside and enters me.

My scream is silenced with a kiss. I clutch onto him as the pain tears through me. He sandwiches my head between his arms and kisses me as he thrusts deeper into me. “I love you,” he whispers.

“I love … you,” I groan as the pain subsides and we become one.

We rock together until he explodes inside of me.

Afterwards we lie in each other’s arms, smiling like idiots.

“I’m now a woman,” I mutter, more to myself than to him.

He nods and runs his hand over my ass. “You’re my woman now.”

I smile and kiss him again.

When we hear voices, I scramble out of bed and throw on my gown.

“Let’s get out of here,” he says.

“I have to dry my hair,” I say in a breathless voice.

“Don’t worry ’bout it. I’ll dry it for you later,’ he says. “After I shower you and make you cum again.” He winks at me.

“Really? You had me at ‘cum again.”” With a giggle, I quickly throw on a skirt and top and we almost run out of the house.

As we make our way to his hotel, we kiss and fondle each other at every traffic light. By the time we get into Brody’s hotel room, he’s as hard as a rock again and I’m wet as Niagara.

“Your dick is huge,” I say as he rubs up against me.

“I’ll just put half in you until you’re broken in.”

We both giggle at his words.

He tugs off my clothes and resumes his caressing between my legs. I tug off his belt and fight off his jeans, then caress his hard-on. When he moans, it turns me on.

He pushes me towards the bed. I part my thighs and raise my hips to his. He sucks on my earlobes, my neck, my erect nipples as his erection glides into my wetness. It’s easier this time – I’m more relaxed and it’s twice as amazing. Brody is hell-bent on pleasing me. And I like it. A lot.

We spend just about every moment in each other’s arms, loving each other even when we’re not fucking. Brody’s stamina is amazing and he is ready to go again in no time. We giggle as we dot each other’s body with hickeys – creating shapes, patterns and our initials on each other.

Then we shower together and he does what he promised to do – dry my hair.

“I don’t wanna go back,” he says squeezing me to him. “I want to marry you and live with you forever, baby Burn.”

I touch his face. “What about your law degree?”

“I don’t care!” he says childishly. Then more adultly, “Maybe we can get married and I can do it part time?”

I nod, knowing that it wouldn’t work. “What about your dream to be president one day, baby? What about your father’s dreams?”

He thinks about it before he speaks. “Come with me to Bel Air,” he says. “We’ll live in sin till we can work it out.”

“I…what about Angel, baby? How do I take her away?”

He doesn’t have an answer for me. It’ll have to be like it was for more than six months. I don’t look forward to the loneliness. Also, it bothers me that he had condoms in his wallet. It bothers me that he’s so skilled in bed. I don’t know what to think.

“I can’t have this long-distance relationship, Brody,” I say.

“What do you mean?”

“Look, I love you and all, but it’s too much pressure on you and too much pressure on me to handle a relationship like this.” I lean over and give him a kiss. “When we see each other, we’ll take it from there.”

“So what you’re saying – I’m free to see other girls?”

I look at the floor. “I don’t want you cheating on me and I don’t want to cheat on you.”

“Listen, if I work really hard, maybe I can transfer here with ease. I want you to wait for me.”

“I think I will, Brody, but let’s just take things as they come.”

“But …but do you love me?”

I take his face in my hands. “With all my heart, baby. You’re my first love.” I kiss his lips. “Not to mention my first fuck, my first orgasm, the popper of my cherry …”

I straddle him and shove my breasts into his face. “I’m gonna suffocate you with them.”

He laughs and kisses me back. “What a way to go. I love your tits.”

We are interrupted by his ringing cell phone. “My mom,” he says.

I get off him and I scout around for my phone. I left it behind. Shit! Anyway, I’ll handle my calls when Brody leaves. I don’t want anything to ruin my time with him.

We eat, sleep and make love and stay in each other’s arms. We’re enough for each other. Monday morning comes too quickly for both of us and both of us are in tears over our parting.

After a million kisses and umpteen promises, he finally drops me off. “I love you, baby Burn,” he yells as he drives off. “Always!”

As I watch him drive off, a feeling of emptiness washes over me.