CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Just as Claire had anticipated, the job was finally hers. She started working for the construction company she'd once interned at. With that her life got somewhat busy and three weeks went by. All of her emotional baggage regarding her father was already water under the bridge.

At least she hardly thought of the past since that trip, and it was good.

Recalling that she'd missed a call from Bruno due to a tight headline, which had everyone in the office going nuts, Claire returned his call as soon as she arrived home. They were keeping in touch from time to time, apparently, and she was happy whenever they talked.

"Hi, beautiful," Bruno uttered sassily upon her simple hello.

"Hi, how are you?" Claire replied while dropping her bag on the bed, feeling beat.

"I'm good, I just miss you," he remarked coolly, his breath sound.

"Me, too." Claire flushed.

"Actually, I'll be over there tomorrow. Can we meet, just to see your face?" Bruno's voice was teasing as always, making her giggle like a teenager.

He was a comic, and Claire enjoyed the sound of his sweet talk.

"Um, sure," she relented, for she had no reason to object anyway. "I'll be free around lunch time, so just call me." She stepped out of her one heel . . . and then the other.

"Right on time, beautiful," Bruno answered, pleased. "And thanks for calling, huh? I hope everything is going well with your new job." They continued talking over ordinary stuff.

At the end of the call, Claire made a decision to go out for some air. She would constantly feel overwhelmed being inside the house, but after a little walk and alone time she'd always feel better. Evenings felt more appealing than the daylight.

Outside she met her step brother, who was just returning from work.

"Hi, Jorge. Everything okay?" asked Claire, smiling softly at him.

"Yeah, just tired and my car had some issues," Jorge prompted calmly as his personality strongly suggested. He was a cool guy, a man of few words. "Where to?" he asked.

"Around." Claire shrugged. "I need a breather, I guess." 

Jorge nodded. "Well, I'm gonna get some rest. Take care," he said and advanced inside.

Sullenly, Claire strolled around the calm neighborhood, coming across a few residents and cars passing by. It was a normal distraction she needed. She stopped by the park and took a seat at the wooden bench. Her mind was free for a while, and only focused on the twinkling stars smiling down at her.

It was peaceful.

A sigh coupled with a faint smile escaped her lips, and only the sound of her phone buzzing was able to bring her back to Earth. She fetched it out from the pocket of her slacks and looked at the screen. She was utterly puzzled to see the name 'RYAN THE JERK' beaming brightly.

What the hell? She scowled, for he was the last person she was expecting to call her. Definitely not today.

She stared at the screen for a few seconds and swiped hesitantly. "Hello?"  Her voice was careful.

"Hello, how are you?" Ryan replied.

Claire was a little wary. "I'm good. Is everything alright?" she queried, squinting her eyes. "I mean, this is all too strange . . .  you calling me."

"Why? Can't I call you?" Ryan remarked after a brief pause, his voice too calm as though he was having a so not good day.

Or was it just her imagination? Claire couldn't trust herself on this.

"No, it's not that." She took a sigh, combing her hair with her fingers. "Okay, never mind." She almost rolled her eyes. "Where are you?" It just slipped and regret pooled in her.

Why would she want to know of his whereabouts? What for?

"Still in the office. You suddenly came to my mind so I gave you a call," Ryan answered in what sounded like gallant.

Claire rolled her eyes. "Really? I'm honored! Getting a call from the big shot Mr. Ryan Stevens? I should probably put a reminder," she teased him, her voice laced with sarcasm, and they all laughed.

"Are you at home?" Ryan asked upon some seriousness.

"At the park, in our neighborhood, trying to clear up my head." Claire's eyes wandered around, regaled by the sight of people walking tiredly to their homes.

"Okay," Ryan breathed feebly. "Would you mind having dinner with me?" he asked her straightaway.

Dinner? His sudden invite left Claire rather surprised. It was almost impossible to fathom what to be expected from Ryan. How was he so unpredictable? She wondered.

Calling her out of nowhere and giving out a dinner invitation? Was it normal coming from Ryan the jerk? She just had to stop thinking or else she was only going to lose her mind.

"Um . . . I'm not properly dressed and I don't want to go home right now," she answered, staring at her office attire: A white chiffon blouse tucked into brown slacks. Her flip-flops had just replaced the black pumps she had the whole day.

"What is properly dressed? Are you naked by any chance?" Ryan asked.

"Hell no!" Claire said stoutly and she could hear his amused laughter "Okay, fine! Don't say I didn't warn you when you find out tomorrow in the newspaper that The mighty president of SK was spotted with a shabby girl across the street."

"No, that can't happen. I'm not a celebrity, Claire." Ryan didn't seem to mind at all.

"Alright, prepare a taxi fare because I'm penniless right now." Claire stood up, grinning at this suddenly easy conversation between them.

How unexpected!

"Any more excuses?" Ryan queried.

"None?" She frowned, then smiled.

The taxi pulled over in front of Ryan's office building. She was already familiar with the place even though she had never stepped inside. Ryan's arrival took only a minute. She smiled at him at the memory of their conversation some moment ago.

What was happening? It's only a week ago that they couldn't even talk during that two-hours ride and now she was going to have dinner with him? Ryan smiled back at her, dazzling, and her trance shattered as he moved over, looking dashing in business casual.

Claire gulped, his sight arresting. 

Smirking, Ryan walked over toward the driver and handed him a single bill for the fare. "Keep the change," he muttered, eyes devouring Claire without subtlety.

"Thank you, sir!" The driver smiled in awe, heading back into his taxi, probably feeling lucky.

"That was so generous, boss," Claire teased as they remained alone.

"You must be in a good mood today and I think you look okay." Ryan smiled, ignoring the sarcasm, focused on her outfit.

"Of course," Claire remarked, "only if you want people to think we're heading for a business dinner."

"It's chilly. Let's go. My car is over there," Ryan urged, grinning at her remark.

The restaurant Ryan took her was cozy yet posh. The ambience was private, golden-yellow lights and soft piano music accenting the atmosphere. They took a table-for-two with candlelight in the middle. It was . . . exotic.

Claire dared not make a comment on that. Ryan had been taking several business calls while handling the steering wheel earlier, and yet another one came while they were checking the menu; but he ignored it this time.

"Maybe it's important?" Claire muttered.

"I hardly believe it can beat this moment," Ryan replied gently, his eyes smiling down at her with an alluring gleam.

She shouldn't let his charms bewitch her, Claire thought, for he was nearing an aphrodisiac attraction now that he looked at her—something intense.

"I wonder how burdensome it is to be the center of attention like in your position," Claire said casually, averting her thoughts.

She was able to learn that Ryan was the president of SK through Gena, who dug up the information online and took no time to fill her in.

"Hard at times," Ryan answered with a pause, sitting straight. "Carrying responsibilities over a thousand employees on your shoulders, fulfilling clients' demands, tight deadlines and stuff; I can't say it's simple. But I've got a reliable team so it's been moving regardless. I can't complain." He sounded passionate about what he did.

"I can only imagine," Claire remarked softly. "I'll have salad, please," she told the maître d' when he approached to take their order.

"A steak for me, medium rare," Ryan said, his tone sublime. "Wine?" He asked Claire.

"Um, sure," she replied haphazardly.

"And one of your finest bottles. No, Cabernet will do," Ryan said.

"Yes, sir." The maître d' nodded and left.

Once in privacy, Ryan returned his full attention back to Claire. "And you? How's work? You told me you got a job?" He placed his palms on the table, facing her.

"It's great," she prompted with a sigh, fixing her pose into more comfort. "I'm still learning. Well, I'm done doing what I truly love but . . . Maybe in time?" She wasn't as happy with the job.

Ryan squinted his eyes, a little bemused. "Interior designing?" he quizzed and Claire affirmed.

"Yes, I want some field work. Not sitting in the office making tea and handling copies!" she lamented. "I mean, I'm an interior designer, right? Not a secretary."

Ryan was looking intently at her, taking in all the complaints she had without feeling bored. He was in fact enjoying listening to her.

"That's how the large companies work," he seriously retorted, tapping his strong fingers on the table. "Unless, you can try small firms with little bureaucracy." He shrugged, the idea so not in his tasteful list.

"I know, but I need to learn some things first, I guess. And I don't have a contracting license yet, so maybe when I get it I won't stand making coffee for them," Claire stated seriously.

Ryan smiled at how determined she sounded.  They continued talking about this and that for a long time. They laughed, they got serious, and kept talking, but mainly about work and career they've chosen.

"You can start your own company later on once you've proven to be the best in the field or to yourself," Ryan told Claire at some point while sipping his red wine.

"You think? Can I really do it?" Claire needed to hear his opinion for some reason.

"That depends on you, and what you can offer." He smiled, and the talk kept flowing flawlessly.

They left the restaurant about an hour or so later. Ryan offered Claire a ride home, and this time she relented without thinking twice. It was around nine-thirty when they hit the road.

"Why don't you have a driver or those macho guys stalking your back like a tale? Like other big bosses in the movies," Claire suddenly asked as the silence stretched for a short while, and he laughed hard at it.

"Maybe you should stop watching those movies, filling your head with fantasies," he said. "I love my privacy and I only trust my driving skills, so I don't need a driver or a bodyguard."

His glance towards her was wild, a mixture of amusement and something else Claire could never put her finger on. It was not a particular one a guy gives a woman he's interested in, and it wasn't the indifferent one either.

"Sure!" Claire shot him a stop-bragging look, and almost rolled her eyes.

But then again, she realized Jorge was also the same on the privacy agenda. He had relocated their father's driver as soon as he took the presidency. He wasn't a fan of VIP life and all the flash and it seemed like Ryan was the same.

However, it was so evident that Ryan was someone who liked power and exercising authority. He looked so; the way he talked, handled things, and even the aura he exuded. Well, maybe there was more to learn about him.

"Do you live with your family?" Ryan asked after a long silence, disrupting Claire and her overthinking.

"Um, kind of. My step mom and his son," she answered.

"Your parents?" he queried, even though he didn't look as curious.

"In heaven maybe, if they lived well enough during their time on Earth." She smiled, and looked away.

"I see," said Ryan and didn't want to ask more. As much as Claire seemed like talking to him, she didn't want to say more, either.

"Thanks for today, Ryan. I had a great time, and the dinner was awesome," she breathed, meaning it.

Ryan's lips tugged into a warm smile, glancing at her. "I'm glad. I thought I was totally boring."

Him boring? No, it wasn't even close to being the case. Well, he wasn't as charming as his young brother, but there was something about him that wouldn't bore her even if they stayed locked up in a room.

What? Claire cleared her head quickly, scowling mentally. Why was she giving him too much credit lately? He was just an arrogant rich dude with a clear mission to impress the ladies he took out, she reminded herself.

"Oh, so you are modest, too?" she muttered, resuming the conversation.

"Maybe," Ryan replied with a soft chuckle, and it took her breath away.

They finally arrived at Claire's and she bid him goodnight right away. Opening the door to leave, Claire felt this strange urge, or some kind of sensation she never felt before. It was almost nostalgic, and she wished she would never leave the car.

What was this, though? She wondered, her body hot and cold at once. She glanced at him, and his eyes were shimmering down at her, his lips parting slightly as though he wanted to say something.

"Um—" Claire started but nothing more could fly out. She

"Everything okay?" Ryan asked upon her hesitation, frowning a bit. "Claire, what—" He was about to ask if she had forgotten anything when she suddenly hurled back towards him and planted her lips onto his, startling him.

Claire didn't want to end here. She wanted to kiss him, suddenly, and she did it without thinking. Was it an impulse? She had no idea, she was simply kissing him, and he didn't object. But it didn't take long as she immediately pulled back, flushing.

"I . . . I don't know what came into me, I'm sorry!" she said remorsefully, back into her senses.

Ryan smirked, his breath stirred. Saying no word, he also took her in the same manners, grabbing her waist swiftly, holding her tight. She gasped, their gaze locked up salaciously. His eyes flew down on her lips in flames, and she was completely stunned without knowing what to expect.

"Next time," he said haltingly, his eyes twinkling down mockingly, "don't steal a kiss like that." He pressed her harder onto his chest. "Especially to another guy." His words were almost threatening, and then exciting.

Giving Claire no time to react, he quickly invaded her lips, kissing her ferociously, wanting, desire filled in the force of his tongue, and power of mouth to dominate hers. Fuck, he was a terrific kisser, so hot, and Claire felt the heat, her body responding easily.

On no! Did she want more of him?