CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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The kiss refused to leave Claire's lips. Amatory blushes kept flushing on her cheeks at the mere remembrance of Ryan's mouth taking charge of destroying her any possible resolution to keep herself sexually uninvolved as she'd been for the past few years.

Oh no, this wasn't healthy! Claire shook her head to do these thoughts away.

"Ryan is just an alluring little beast who's nothing but one hell terrific kisser who wants you to fall for his stupid charms that's not going to work," she was mumbling to herself, her thoughts over Ryan restless.

"What's not going to work?" A voice snapped her from her trance. She nearly jumped from her seat, feeling busted.

"Bruno!" she scolded and his playful grin was what regarded her bewilderment.

He took a seat. "Well, I heard you talking to yourself about something that's not going to work and I got curious. Having problems?" he quizzed, a slight concern on his face.

A problem? No. It was more of a situation where she had to immediately snap out of it. Claire smiled softly at him.

"It's nothing, and you're late," she said casually, changing the subject.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, beautiful. The traffic was so bad and I still couldn't miss the chance of seeing you. Did you wait long?" Bruno asked.

"Not long. How are you?" Claire sipped her juice once again, nearly downing the glass as the heat was a bit higher.

"Great." Bruno smiled sweetly, staring at her closely. He then frowned, as though recalling something. "I have to meet Ryan in a few minutes and I can't stand him," he finally said.

"Oh?" Claire uttered, the mention of his name hitching her breath. She gulped the rest of her juice instantly. "Well, okay. What's important is that you're fine and I've seen you." She forced a smile.

"Yeah but I wanted to hang out with you," Bruno said regretfully. "So, how about we go together if you don't have plans? I mean, we can just have lunch and talk and I'll be more than pleased." He grinned, hopeful.

"No, I can't." Claire was skeptical about it. Ryan was going to be there and recalling how she eased herself in his arms last night and gave her chills.

He probably thought she was slutty, she pondered and remorse spiked.

"Oh, come on!" Bruno was insistent. "Just one hour and we'll be done. No, just thirty minutes! I just want to—" He ran a hand through his hair, suddenly perplexed.

Claire scowled at that, unable to fully understand him in general.

"Bruno, are you scared of your brother?" she uttered her exact thoughts, staring at him inquisitively as he tapped his fingers restlessly on the table. "This is exactly what happened the last time you took me to your house. You wanted a side kick when meeting your family. What's going on with you? Why are you afraid of them?"

Bruno gulped, his eyes filled with an indescribable feeling of something heavy he was holding inside.

"Because . . . because I'm the reason why our mother died!" Bruno snapped, his eyes darker, guilty registered throughout his face.

"What?" Claire was totally lost.

Bruno took a nervous sigh, shutting his eyes at the painful memory that seemed to be haunting him. When he flashed them open, they were glowing with distant tears. It was weird.

"I had a fight with my mother the day she died," he started, his gaze on his fingers that interlaced on the table until he shifted onto Claire's face. "I was just a foolish college guy who thought I had it all together. I wanted to live as I pleased and she was constantly on my back asking me to join the company and help Ryan," he continued.

Claire couldn't say a thing as her heart was already beating faster.

"Again we had an argument that evening over the same thing. But it was different this time because for once she gave in. She told me to pursue anything I wanted." He smiled bittersweetly, wiping his eyes subtly while at it. "I was so happy that we somehow spoke the same language, and so was she. What I didn't know was that it was going to be the last conversation I was ever going to have with her."

"How did she die? And why do you think it's your fault?" Claire inquired softly, sadness engulfing her being.

"She'd bought me a new camera and she wanted to give it to me," Bruno uttered, his voice laced with thick melancholy and pain. "I left her bedroom and suddenly heard her calling. I was downstairs and she was approaching with a big smile, holding the camera box while rushing through the stairs. She tripped and fell." Tears fell in his eye and he huffed painfully.

"Oh my God!" Claire placed her palm on the mouth, shocked. "Did she die from the fall?" She was horrified.

"Yeah. In my arms while telling me to live my dream and take many pictures. She fell but she couldn't let the camera fall," Bruno breathed and Claire squeezed his hand softly.

"I'm so sorry," she said. "Really I'm sorry but it's not your fault, Bruno. It was an accident and I'm sure your grandfather . . . Your brother, too . . . They all think so. They love you. I can tell from the way they received you that day," she uttered sincerely, smiling softly at him.

"I feel like I took something precious from them, Claire. I can't even look them in the eyes without feeling guilty." He sniffed.

"That's why you ran away? You told me you've been around Europe for two years, roaming from place to place."

"Yeah. I needed to find the courage."

"Well then, the fact that you're back means you did find that courage," Claire said placidly. "Use it. Forgive yourself because they don't hold anything against you and I'm sure you can feel it. You want me to go with you, fine. I can do it one last time." She grinned.

"Really?" Bruno chuckled, somehow back to his normal equilibrium.

"Totally. As long as you're buying the food," Claire teased.

"No, we'll make my brother buy it. He's rich," Bruno muttered and they both laughed.

Moments later they were at SK lobby, waiting for Ryan. It took only two minutes for him to show up. Claire held her breath as he appeared from the elevator in the company of a gorgeous woman. She was familiar, Claire's mind was photographic.

The mall. She was the woman from the mall, Claire reckoned while studying her.

She was dressed in a black office dress, coated with a pale-pink blazer. Around her long neck was a cream pearl necklace that matched perfectly with her long pumps with similar color. Her hair, shiny and raven, was splendid.

As for Ryan, he was in a black custom suit which defined his position flawlessly. They were, without a doubt, a perfect match in everyone's eyes. Well everyone, except Claire's upon recalling the kiss last night.

How pathetic of her to have kissed him like that! Anger filled her heart.

"Claire?" Ryan regarded her in such style, astounded to see her. "Where did you get her?" he asked Bruno, a bit surprised to see them together.

"She was my date today," Bruno yanked a playful hand around Claire's shoulder.

"Claire?" Ryan's gorgeous companion uttered, her eyes thoughtful. "Claire. Oh, it's that girl, right?" She faced Ryan stoutly. "The one you saved that night?" she added, smiling broadly as though it was something pleasant.

Claire firmed her eyes at both Ryan and 'his woman' without a word. So he had told her about the rescue? She was somewhat begrudging about it, and Ryan's eyes couldn't leave hers.

"Hi, Claire. I heard a lot about you from Ryan," the other woman said, smiling "I'm Doris, Ryan's girlfriend. And to this stupid punk . . . I'm a big sister who's about to slap his face hard!" She moved towards Bruno but he slipped away laughingly.

"Stop it, Doris!" he begged, both loitering around Ryan like kids.

"Seriously! You've been here without even calling me? That's very rude and I won't forgive you!" Doris snarled, but much to Claire's discomfiture she was hardly paying attention to those two.

Her eyes were on Ryan, who was staring back at her blankly, his face like a desert. 

"Okay, okay. You can also me later but not in front of everyone," Bruno said and Doris' face suddenly softened. "What? Are you going to cry now?" he breathed, nearing her.

"I missed you," Doris said and pulled him into a hug. This time both Claire and Ryan faced the two. "I'm glad you're back."

"Me, too," Bruno muttered and Claire smiled at the scene.

They all cared about him, and she was happy to prove him wrong.

Ignoring the sentiments resembling a scene from the movie, Ryan asked, "How about we go to that lunch now that you've all hugged enough?" His voice was monotone and cool.

"Great! Shall we, Claire?" Bruno offered his full attention back to Claire.

No, she wasn't going to spend another minute with the guy who kissed her knowing he had a girlfriend. What a jerk! Claire thought.

"I'm sorry, Bruno, but I'm afraid I have to go," she said urgently. "I forgot something important and I think you're in safe hands now."

"What?" Bruno frowned, foiled.

"I'm sorry," Claire mouthed at him, beseechingly.

"What a shame, huh?" Doris remarked. "We'd have loved to have lunch together . . . that way he can tell us about his intention toward you." She provokingly eyed Bruno.

"Stop your crookedness, Doris!" Bruno hissed, and it was so evident that the two seemed to love bickering.

However, Ryan's disposition wasn't as sassy as theirs, upon Doris's insinuation. His lips twitched.

"Seriously, can't you stay, Claire?" Doris insisted.

"Maybe some other time." Claire smiled tightly.

Doris seemed persistent. "Are you sure? It won't—"

"She said she has things to do!" Ryan snorted. "Are we going to spend the rest of our lives discussing this? Because I only have ten minutes left." He now checked his watch.

Fucker! Claire cursed inwardly.

"He's right," she uttered, glaring at him gravely. "Enjoy your meal, and it was a pleasure meeting you," she told Doris and turned around. "Jerk," muttered as she walked past Ryan.

And he heard it clearly enough.

"Claire, wait!" Bruno followed her. "Hey, I'm sorry if we've imposed too much," he said wittingly.

Claire smiled. "Don't be silly, you've nothing to apologize for." She knew it was the truth.

"Really? Because you seem upset, and I feel like I'm responsible for that."

Responsible? He had no idea who was responsible for her being upset.

"I'm okay, I just remembered several issues to resolve and they kinda drive me crazy," she lied.

"I get it. Next time, maybe?" He smiled sheepishly.

"Sure, next time," she answered. "Bye." She smooched him on the cheek and turned her toes.

"Just call me then, okay?" he casually added.

It was pouring heavily later at night. Unable to get a sleep, Claire walked out of bed and dropped on the comfy couch near the window. Sighing, her mind went back to that afternoon when Doris introduced herself as Ryan's girlfriend. She couldn't let it go.

"Cut it out, Claire! It's not like you love him or something," she breathed, wondering why she was getting invested into that jerk.

Could it be due to his rude manners? Or his personality changes; sometimes warm, sometimes cold? She couldn't quite understand a thing, but it was a clear fact that she was affected by him.

Ryan had a girlfriend, she made a mental reminder, and it only drove her crazy. Why did she have to kiss him that night? It all started with that stupid kiss, she snapped inwardly.

Thinking of him, she stretched her hand and unplugged her cell phone from its charger. She stared at it thoughtfully for a while, pondering. What was she doing? Her heart pounded fast.

"No, Claire. You'll only get hurt." She could hear the voice telling her but her body had a mind of its own. He sent Ryan a text.


You sleeping?


She placed the phone aside, for she wasn't really expecting any reply. However, she was surprised to hear the beep a few seconds later. She grabbed the phone quickly and his reply was 'Not yet'.

Claire smiled. Wasn't this crazy yet exciting? Was the hell was she looking for? Trouble? She paused, thinking, pondering hard, and suddenly there was an incoming call . . . From him.

"Ryan?" she muttered, eyes on the screen, and carefully picked up. "Hello," she breathed.

"Were you waiting for my call?" Ryan asked, his voice calm.

"Why would I? I just happened to have my phone close, that's why," Claire argued, sitting straight.

Ryan chuckled. "Why are you still awake?" he quizzed.

"I think I'm developing insomnia." Claire rolled her eyes.

"Really? I'm also a victim so maybe I should recommend you to my therapist." His tone was provoking, his words smooth. "Shall I send you her address?"

"Her? No thank you!" Claire scoffed.

"But why? I promise she is the best." Ryan was definitely smiling right now, she could imagine, and the sight was still arresting.

Fuck, couldn't she throw him out of her mind! Claire sighed frustrated.

"I bet she is," she mocked, "or else why would you meet her if you're still awake by now?" Her voice was rather accusing.

"Why did you leave in such a hurry earlier?" Ignoring her sarcasm, Ryan changed the subject.

He just had to ask! The audacity he had! Claire smirked.

"Did you want to enjoy seeing the girl you just kissed the other night making a friendly chat with your girlfriend?" she snapped, her wound reopened.

"Oh, so you left because of Doris?" Again, Ryan's voice was mocking.

"No, I left because of me," Claire recoiled, and it was her stupidity sending him a text.

"And what about you and Bruno? The girl who just kissed me the other night hanging around with my brother as his date? What do I make out of that?" Ryan sounded different, odd even.

It was Claire's turn to laugh. "Are you jealous, by any chance?" She even got the energy to get up and move toward her bed.

"Jealous? You can wish all day long, Claire. I'm just asking," Ryan said wickedly, and it was annoying.

"Well, fine! If you say so," Claire retorted. "Are you in the bathroom hiding from your girlfriend right now?" She lied down.


"Oh, could it be that you're bold enough to even talk in her presence?"

Were they living together? Claire wished to ask him.

"I'm all alone, Claire. And I don't have any reason hiding in the bathroom," said Ryan flatly.

"I see. And I guess you find me so absurd right now," Claire muttered.


"The fact that I'm talking to you right now, it's absurd. At least after what I learned today, I should stay away from you, right?"

"Why would you do that?" Ryan queried.

Fuck! Was he serious?

"Because I'm being a bitch right now. Calling and texting a guy with a girlfriend in the middle of the night is nothing but stupidity. I'm sorry, have a goodnight." She was mad, at herself mostly.

"Wait," Ryan said briskly and she obliged. "I like talking to you, Claire. I'm not sure if there's any problem with us talking, though. Is there?"

Fuck him!

"Ryan, goodnight." She hung up, feeling so frustrated. "Nothing wrong? Is he serious?"