CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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"That jerk!” Claire was standing in front of the vanity mirror in the ladies' room, breathing capriciously. 

The sight of Ryan arriving with his awfully beautiful girlfriend kept reminding her on how stupid she'd been by far. What the hell was she thinking getting too comfortable with him? She admonished herself.

The reflection of herself slowly began to calm her, and eventually drew a small and confident smile. She was beautiful, too, and didn't need anyone's approval to believe that. With her looks; tall, long golden hair, tanned skin and proportionate figure that fitted any type of clothes she wore; she could have had any man she desired.

"But why Ryan Stevens, huh?" she thought out loud, agitated. Sighing, she opened her silver clutch and obtained her powder kit. 

It didn't take long until she exited the bathroom, all refreshed. She had to stop thinking of Ryan! It was a stern mental reminder as she made her way through the small hall leading to the ballroom, only to bump into the same person she's trying hard to avoid.

"Follow me," Ryan uttered gently, holding her arm. 

"What the fuck, Ryan!" she snapped, unable to understand how and when he was stalking her into the bathroom.

"Stop making a scene, Claire. We need to talk." He was leading her toward the elevator, paying no attention to whoever could possibly see them.

"You're the one who's looking for a scandal, Ryan! Are you out of your mind? Let me go." Claire tried to pull herself out, but his grip tightened around her wrist. "Ryan!" She glowered at him.

"Gosh, she's so stubborn," Ryan muttered. Luckily someone was stepping out of the elevator, hence they just walked in without any delay.

Once inside the elevator cabin, closed and alone, Claire detached herself forcefully from him. "You're such a brute!" she barked angrily.

"I'm sorry," he breathed, his face suddenly serious and calm.

"Sorry? Oh please!" Claire rolled her eyes, catching a breath. "And what do you want now? Tired of playing the perfect boyfriend and in need of a new toy? Ryan, I don't know what you want from me but I got to be back there. My friend is waiting."

"Well, I think your friend is in better hands as we are speaking," Ryan said matter-of-factly. "I doubt that she's even thinking of you at the moment, and I don't need a new toy."

"Nonsense!" Claire retorted, crossing her arms on the chest.

"You look so beautiful tonight," Ryan said with a smile, devouring her with his eyes. "I couldn't stop staring at you."

Yeah right! But he couldn't even say it when his girlfriend was around and now he wanted her to believe him? Claire scoffed while rolling her eyes at him.

"I'm not falling for your sleazy lines, Ryan. And I don't have anything to discuss with you." She strode forward and reached for the keypad displayed with floor numbers. 

"What are you doing?" Ryan scowled.

"I'm leaving," she said dryly. Her finger was almost touching the lobby button but failed upon Ryan's hold of her hand. "Damn it! What do you—"

"I won't let you go until we talk," Ryan breathed into her ear, trapping her body onto the golden wall of the elevator, eyeing her mouth lasciviously.

"I swear, Ryan, if you try to k—"

"What will you do if I try to kiss you?" He grinned down at her, stroking her inviting lips painted in hot pink. "Tell me, Claire." He then brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, sending shivers down her spine.

"Don't touch me!" Claire moved her face, deep inside stirred by his sultry advancement.

At the same moment, the ping of the elevator pause was heard, and the doors parted. An old couple walked in, urging the two to keep a safe distance. They all nodded to one another, a soft greeting.

"You haven't seen the crazy yet, Claire," Ryan whispered, standing at the back with her.

"Shut up!" Claire hissed and he chuckled. He was still holding her hand and she couldn't retaliate with the audience. "Don't touch me," she mouthed.

Ryan grinned. "What can I do?" he breathed softly into her ear. "I love touching you." His hand was now onto her naked back, caressing the softness of her skin.

Holy fuck! Claire didn't hate it, on the contrary, but she couldn't allow it either.

"Stop, Ryan!" She tried to move but he held her firmly by the waist. The old woman turned around upon their movement.

They both smiled at her.

The elevator had another stop and it appeared to be the final destination for Ryan. He gently, like a real spouse does, pulled Claire out of the cabin after a small smile towards the old couple.

"Ryan, where is this place?" Claire's eyes widened frantically at the sight of a quiet hallway with dim golden-lights and a number of doors on its both sides.

"Somewhere private where we can talk without interference." He revealed a key card from his jacket as they approached one of the doors.

"No, Ryan. I'm not going in the hotel room with you!" Claire said as he swept the card. "I'm going back!"

"Of course you're coming," Ryan said softly, holding her hand. "Haven't you said I'm crazy? Well, this is what crazy means!" He sharply lifted her in his arms like a bride and pushed the door in.

"Ryan!" Claire wriggled her legs around. "You jerk, put me down!" she kept shouting. He laughed delightedly as they advanced inside. "Ryan!"

"Okay, there." Ryan dropped her off once they were inside. "Claire, can't you just calm down for a second so that we can talk?" he beseeched while shutting the door.

"No, I don't wanna talk to you!" she snarled. "Look, people are waiting for us outside, and especially you, Ryan. So please, let's get out of here, huh?" She pleaded.

"They can go to hell for all I care," Ryan said, no trace of mockery.

"Yeah, right," Claire mumbled while fixing her cramped dress, slightly defeated.

"What's your deal with Bruno?" Ryan asked out of the blue, gripping a remote controller after dropping his cell phone and wallet on the coffee table.

"What?" Claire frowned.

"I mean, are you two dating or something?" Ryan flicked the lights on with the remote.

Smirking, Claire replied, "And why would you care about that, huh?" She glared sternly at him.

Ryan charged closer and held her firmly. "No, I don't care. I just don't like the idea of you giving my brother the wrong impression just so that you can hurt me."

Hurt him? That never crossed her mind at all. However, it didn't sound like a bad idea if it meant that much.

She pulled herself out of his grip at last, and took a deep sigh. "I could never use your brother to hurt you," she told him. "I care for Bruno very much, and just so you know, not every relationship has to involve fake kisses and hugs."

"What do you mean by fake kisses and hugs?" Ryan snorted, his tone displeased.

"You know perfectly well, you asshole! Just like yours for instance," she snarled angrily and moved away from him. "And is this where you bring your conquests?" She scanned the sleek hotel room.

She had no idea why he had one in the first place.

"You're really testing my patience, Claire!" Ryan sighed.

"Think whatever you want.” She snorted. "Besides, why does it even matter to you? Bruno was the one who invited me here, unlike you who had all the opportunities in the world but still didn't. Oh, I know! How could you, with your beautiful girlfriend involved?" Her voice was pure sarcasm.

"I wanted to invite you but I learned Bruno has done it already. I was slow I guess," Ryan muttered and he was now undoing his seemingly expensive Rolex watch.

"Stop your sleazy excuses, Ryan," Claire said. "You know, I should be with Bruno right now, and not inside this God-forsaken hotel room with you." She attempted to walk past him, but he stopped her briskly.

"Please don't go, Claire." He hugged her from behind. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Why would you make it up to me?" Claire smirked. "You and I have nothing together, Ryan."

"Really?" Ryan whispered to her ear, smiling. "Do you really think we have nothing, Claire? Are you absolutely sure?"

Her breath hitched and the sudden cold enveloped her skin at his salacious touch. And damn his voice . . . It was deep and hoarse, sexy even.

"Yes, and it's the truth," she uttered, eyes shut. It was undeniable that she felt something strong whenever they were together, and this closeness was even dangerous.

"Why are you trying to deny what you want, huh?" Ryan held her more tightly, caressing her side with one hand. "Or should I say, what your body wants?" he whispered as his hand rose upward, cupping her breast. "See? Your nipples are hard and I haven't even tasted them. Fuck, you're so beautiful."

Oh no! Clamming her eyes, Claire tried her best to regain control of her body and mind. She wasn't going to succumb to his fervency, was she? Swiftly, she spun around to face Ryan, without breaking his grip around her.

"Do you realize what a jerk you are?" she asked, catching a breath, her eyes on his.

"I am?" Ryan smirked, and there were a million fireworks when he did that.

The jerk was beautiful.

"Yes, you are," Claire returned with clenched teeth, ignoring her beguiled thoughts. "So you brought me here just to have my body? Is that what you want from me?" Her face turned serious.

"I never said that I only want your body, Claire. Perhaps I want all of you," Ryan muttered and deftly held her close to his chest, startling her. "Don't you want to know how it feels like having me deep inside you? How my real kisses taste, and all the things I could do to you?" he breathed into her hair, gripping her body possessively, desire filled in his voice.

Claire moaned softly at the gesture, her breast crushed by his hard chest. "No, I don't," she uttered, her voice hardly audible. Ryan kept teasing her, sliding the sleeves of her dress off her slender shoulders, kissing each shoulder blade in turn. "Ah . . ." She tipped her head back into the hollow of his neck.

"I want to see them without this," Ryan muttered as he cupped her barely covered teats, no bra securing them, just the soft fabric of her dress. "I'm taking this off," he said.

"Ryan, no." She held his hand to stop him from undressing her, undecided whether it's what she really wanted or not.

In response, Ryan whirled her swiftly so her back mingled with his chest. She moaned again, loudly, and his hand was once again squeezing her breasts, his lips on her neck, kissing and sucking her skin, hard, wanting.

"You want to go?" he whispered, his mouth ajar at the intoxicating feel written in his stormy eyes.

God, she wasn't going to make it safe and sound—Claire could feel it. Her hormones were clearly betraying her.

Ryan twirled her back to face him. She was panting heavily, hardly holding his gaze. Damn, she wanted him.

"You want this, don't you, Claire?" he asked boldly, staring deeply into her eyes. "Tell me to stop right here and I will. Tell me!" He was panting as well, holding her still.

Stop? Did she really want that?

"No," Claire uttered softly. "You already have me, you jerk!" She furiously wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

Ryan grunted, startled by the sudden turn of her mien. She was a wild cat, and he seemed to love her crawls. Her tongue was demanding and relentless in his, as she pushed him against the wall.

"Fuck, Claire!" Ryan grinned delightedly, taking her thigh up about his waist, caressing it roughly and possessively via the slit of her dress. She was still kissing him hard, stroking his furious length beneath the pants. "Oh!" he rasped, using the slit to slide his hand inside her.

"Ah!" Claire bawled when he suddenly tugged her tiny pantie, and swiftly slid his finger inside her. "Ry—" She hugged him, her lips on his neck as he began gliding her most sensitive female core.

"So wet, baby," Ryan uttered, his voice proud and enticed. "And so tight. When was the last time you were touched, huh?" he asked.

Four years ago? Claire muttered inwardly but scowled outwardly.

"None of your business," she breathed, rocking her waist smoothly at his sweet penetration, stroking her in and out.

"Hmm, that's fair," Ryan muttered and retreated his finger abruptly. "I'm peeling this off." He began undressing her.

Was she seriously doing this? Despite being drunk in lust, Claire couldn't stop taking a step back now that she was  naked . . . Only a pair of black, lace panties covered half of her succulent bottom.

"Holy fuck!" Ryan gasped, deranging her from her trance. "You're so beautiful, Claire." He was staring at her anew, his gaze scorching with desire, lust, and something else that wasn't easy to fathom.

Claire couldn't help flushing. She slowly reached for his shirt, eyes on his, and held the remaining buttons that needed to be undone. She undid one after the other, watching his chest rising and falling. She was unhurried with her moves, and he was impatient.

"I shouldn't be here," she said to him wittingly. "I'm the other woman, right? Will you have another tomorrow?"

Ryan scowled. "Claire—"

"Don't bother answering. It's a one night stand, after all. I'll try it once." She peeled his shirt off and beheld the sight of his glorious chest. Holy cow! Her heart jumped at the workout zeal portrayed in each contour of his sculpted abs. "You're delicious." She kissed his pecks.

Unable to hold it, Ryan clutched her face and took her lips in his possession. He pushed his tongue deeply and relentlessly. He was hungry, and nothing could stop him this time. He flipped her to face the wall, briskly, and kneeled down to kiss her sex from behind, parting her legs.

"So fucking sexy," he muttered, and Claire cried feeling his tongue inside her.

This was new! She never felt this beautifully assaulted before, her face against the wall, paying no attention to this minor detail, just his rolling tongue inside her, and then his finger.

"Ah!" She shut her eyes, relishing the feel, and his speed was driving her crazy. "Ryan!" she moaned loudly, an overwhelming pleasure building in her stomach, threatening to burst out.

What the heck was this? She wanted to let it go, but Ryan pulled out suddenly. He twirled her back and reclaimed her lips. He was a sexy beast, Claire confessed while kissing him back, more needy than before. Wordless, Ryan  rushed her towards the bed and briskly stepped out of his pants.

"You are not the other woman!" he snapped, but Claire's eyes were on his fully loaded weapon, barely holding her legs together at the holy sight of it. "Loving it?" He smirked as he clambered into bed.

"No?" Claire returned dryly, lying.

"Really? Let's see!" Ryan pulled her down to his level and parted her legs. "Let's see how you feel when I fuck you slowly," he breathed and kissed her all over again, pushing himself deeper without haste.

"Oh!" Claire moaned at the feel, taking his length smoothly until it reached the end, filled. She hugged his neck, and he gently flexed back, then pushed in, and back . . . His eyes deeply into hers. "Ryan," she muttered, her voice soft, feeling everything to the core.

"Yes, baby," he replied, and again rested his lips on hers, shutting her moaning. He was gentle, taking her slowly, until she felt accustomed to his size, and that's when his pace increased.

"Oh God!" Claire moved in sync, mirroring his speed. And again she felt that strong current in her body, making her breath rag.

"Come with me, Claire! Fuck, let it go!" Ryan grunted, thrusting her mercilessly. He suddenly stilled, his body rigid as Claire hugged him tighter, trembling in his brace. "Argh!" he groaned, getting his ultimate release at the same time she did.