CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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An immaculate white sheet covered her perfectly nude body, Ryan's arms wrapped around her. The feel of his warmth was relaxing, she mentally admitted as her strength was almost drained after the unplanned sex she'd just had with him. 

Did she really fuck him? She shut her eyes and quickly bolted from his cocoon. How could she allow it to happen? Remorse pooled in, but quickly got disrupted by the chirp of her phone inside the forsaken clutch on the floor.

"What?" Ryan frowned, sounding as though he wasn't ready to get up from this bed . . . And from this moment.

"I'm not sure what to think or feel. Should I thank you?" Claire muttered, sitting in bed while holding the sheet roughly to her chest, her back facing him.

"For what?" Ryan's voice was accompanied with a sigh as he moved closer. Claire could only hear him shifting. "Are you mad at me now?" He sounded sarcastic.

Claire had no answer. Perhaps she was mad at herself.

Without saying a word, she stood up and began gathering her stuff. The dress was just like all of her things, lying on the fluffy, seemingly expensive silver rug. She picked it, then the silver clutch.

"Claire?" Ryan called, but she responded with silence.

She was now opening her clutch in which her phone was secured. She frowned at the sight of several missed calls from Gena, and one from Bruno. Two texts were again from Gena, demanding about Claire's whereabouts.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath, fully aware of the mess she was probably in.

She grabbed her rolled pantie, a nasty reminder of the person who pulled it down her thighs some moments ago. Damn, she wasn't going to get rid of this night, was she? It drove her nuts as she made a call to Gena while slipping into the bathroom for a leak.

"What's wrong with you, Claire?" Gena snapped. "You are taking this tendency of making me worry too seriously, huh? I can't see you anywhere, you're not picking my calls, and Ryan is nowhere to be seen either. Where are you, girl?"

Claire clasped her lips into a fine line, sighing. "I'm fine, Gena. Don't worry. I'll be down in a few minutes." She shut the bathroom door.

"You'll be down? Where are you?" Gena was curious from her voice alone.

"I'll see you later," Claire said softly, facing herself in the bathroom mirror.

"Wait," Gena uttered. "Are you okay, though? You kind of sound strange."

Claire smiled fondly. "I'm okay, just wait for me." She hung up.

Alone at last, Claire's hand found her neck and softly rubbed it. She could still feel Ryan's kisses on her skin, the caresses, the biting of her flesh that left one red mark on her right breast. She had to stop thinking of him. No, she was going to stop it right now.

Returning to the main room, she found Ryan fully dressed already. He was shrugging into his jacket, oblivious of her presence. She watched him, his body moving splendidly, and he was a work of art. A masterpiece, that is.

But he's a jerk, Claire! She sternly reminded herself. He'd found what he wanted from you and you willingly gave it to him. Now wait and see how he goes through the other door and erase this evening like many others he'd had in his bachelor life.

Not once in her life had she imagined herself having random sex with anyone. Especially with someone she had no relationship of a sort, nor any type of arrangement with similar design. She was going insane.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ryan asked, startling her. "Do you want to murder me? Or miss me already." He fastened his watch, matching towards her.

"Shut up, and get out of my sight!" Claire moved out of the bathroom door and headed further into the room.

Ryan caught her on the way. "Don't tell me you're regretting now." He tried to hold her hand.

"Don't touch me, Ryan!" Claire bellowed.

"Uh-oh, someone is mad, huh?" Ryan muttered, hardly affected by her outburst.

She should kick him and leave this place, but why was she still in his brace whenever he'd touch her? Claire sighed. Was she this weak over men? Or just this man in particular?

"Shouldn't you be trying to win over the investors for your grand project you mentioned in your speech? Or with your girlfriend, maybe, instead of singing your victory song for getting under my panties?" Claire whined, gazing up at him.

Ryan's lips stretched into a smile, and then into a laughter. "Seems like you were listening to my speech so intently, huh?" he said amused, his arms hugging Claire from behind.

"Don't be cocky, Ryan!" She broke free from his embrace. "Everyone else heard the speech, so it wasn't that interesting."

"Well, I don't need to kiss their asses for them to open their wallets. The project itself is a goldmine, Claire, so they're probably fighting to pour their money as we're speaking," Ryan said, and meant all of it. 

"So full of yourself." She rolled her eyes. "I need to shower. At least I shouldn't have this just-fucked-up look when I go down."

Ryan chuckled. "I think your just-fucked-up look suits you best. In fact, I feel like going another round with you."

"Asshole!" Claire spat.

Ryan was suddenly serious, his gaze intense toward her, looking thoughtful. "I've imagined fucking you so many times since you kissed me that night. You can't blame me for that, can you?" he asked simply, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

"So that's what I am to you? A sex object?" Claire thought aloud, displeased. Madly, she lunged towards him and muttered to his face, "Screw you, bastard!"

"I never thought of you that way, Claire. Don't put your words into my mouth." Ryan said, his tone accused and wounded.

"Just go away, Ryan. It doesn't matter what I or you think about the matter." She headed to the bathroom.

"Oh God," Ryan  breathed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Claire—"

"This night is over. You can go ahead and pop the champagne for hitting another climax with the dumb girl," Claire said, and disappeared into a shower room.

When she came out, some minutes later, Ryan was gone. She felt relieved and empty at the same time. She slipped into her dress and heels, before applying some powder and lipstick.  She was good to go when she checked herself in the mirror.

The ride in the eleven was lonely. She smiled at the memory of Ryan and his games right inside this cabin. Smiling? Why the hell was she smiling at this stupidity? She chastised herself and pretended this evening didn't happen.

At the lobby the doors parted and she stepped out of the elevator. However, much to her horror, she pumped into Doris. Her heart skipped a beat. She felt startled but not guilty. No, that was the last feeling she was ready to succumb to, despite knowing she was wrong.

"Hey, Claire. Enjoying the party?" Doris asked with a big smile.

"Um, yeah it's cool," Claire replied, discomfort lacing her voice. She just slept with her boyfriend, dammit! "Well, I'll get back to it. Good evening." She smiled tightly at Doris.

"Good evening," Doris replied.

Walk head high. What's done is done. Claire did as her thoughts led her, ignoring Doris' gaze that was definitely stalking her. The brunette was clearly putting her on the tabs. She could feel the hypocrisy in her voice.

"Oh, you're back. And you look great. Mind telling me where you have been in the middle of the party?" Gena snarled as soon as Claire had grabbed a seat in silence.

Luckily, Gena was alone at the table.

"Nowhere, I was just getting some air," Claire replied, lying flatly. "I think I'm done with this party and I need to be in bed." She plucked champagne flutes from the passing waiter.

"Really? You were outside?" Gena asked, but Bruno appeared and her inquiries were cut short.

"Hey, beautiful," he uttered. "Playing hide and seek? Where have you been?" he asked, leaning over Claire's shoulder from the back of her seat.

Gena raised a knowing eyebrow at that. She wasn't easy to fool, especially after noticing that her best friend wasn't the only one gone.

Something was fishy.

Ryan was also gone, and around the same time. One plus one makes two, and she knew the two were together somewhere.

"I went out for some air, but I hope I didn't miss much." Claire forced a smile and stuck with the same story.

"Not really," Bruno replied, smiling back gently. "Let me just steal her for a while—do you mind?" He suddenly directed the request to Gena.

"Not at all," Gena returned with a big smile as Harry reappeared again with drinks. "Take your time," she told Claire in a whisper

Bruno led Claire towards the table where Mr. Stevens was seated. As always, the old man was extremely delighted to have her audience. He smiled brightly upon seeing Claire, and she saw him.

"I'm so happy you could make it, Claire, and you look very beautiful," said Mr. Stevens, and to Claire's horror, Ryan was seated just across from her.

Why was heaven so busy putting this man on her path whenever she'd go?

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Stevens." She smiled, trying to ignore the distraction. "Congratulations for this big day! I'm positive it means a lot to you."

"Oh thank you, my child. I'm just an old man now who takes pleasure in seeing my two grandsons continuing my legacy," Mr. Stevens remarked, and the two boys exchanged looks upon the comment.

They talked for a while, during which Claire and Ryan kept interacting subtly in a strange manner, as though they had a lot to throw at each other but they had no time and means to do it. She couldn't wait to leave the table just to stop his mocking eyes from eating her alive.

When someone came to speak with the old man, Claire used the opportunity to slip away by wishing them well for the rest of the night. She kindly thanked Bruno for the invitation, and asked Gena to leave, which the latter unwillingly obliged.

Harry offered to give them a ride. It seemed to have worked magic, the moment shared with Gena upon Claire's absence. They rode in silence, however; at least Claire did. As for Gena, she was busy making small talk.

"So, you also work as a private attorney even though you work for SK?" Gena asked, seemingly impressed by his being a lawyer.

"Yes, Gena. So, if you need a lawyer, just give me a call," Harry replied, teasing her. "Oh, but I have to warn you—I'm very expensive."

"Oh, don't you worry, I'll probably need a lawyer soon," said Gena, making Claire shake her head to the sides.

"You're so funny." He smiled and his dimples turned alight.

"Pleasure," Gena uttered.

Harry's car pulled over at Gena's apartment several minutes later.

"Thanks, Harry," Claire muttered as she exited.

"Anytime," Harry answered with a big smile, one reason to understand Gena's constant blushing this evening.

The Asian was definitely arrested by this charming black law enforcer. Claire smiled as she left them alone. She headed straight inside and whipped her clothes unceremoniously. The bed was the only thing she needed right now so that everything would go back to normal when the daylight oozed.

The following morning she woke up late from the fatigue. Luckily it was Sunday and she had no plan for the day. A sleazy breakfast of cereal and milk was the only thing available. Gena was grinning stupidly over the texts and she was busy with her own thoughts to pay any attention to the Asian.

"Hey? Having a silent oath? You're not even eating." Gena abandoned her phone and fixed her attention towards Claire.

"I had sex with Ryan," Claire muttered out of the blue, causing Gena to choke on her cereal as she had just taken a spoonful. "Right during the party," she added, glancing up at her.

"You did what? Oh my God! I knew something was up but I never imagined it could be this extreme." Gena tossed the food aside, enticed.

Claire let out a short sigh. "I don't know how to explain," she uttered.

"From the start, maybe?" Gena urged.

Claire chuckled lightly. "Well, I just ended up in his hotel room somehow, with him. We were arguing about stuff. And during the arguments we just . . . We just did it. We had sex." She bit her bottom lip coyly.

"Okay," Gena uttered. "How was it? Tell me! Tell me how the sex was, tell me!" she cried.

She was ever-curious.

"It was great?" Claire flushed at the memory of Ryan's control over her body, all flips and twirls . . . Boy, his kisses and touches. She felt the heat. "No, it's the best I've ever had." She eyed Gena, who was practically jumping with excitement.

"Wow! I mean wow!" Gena snapped gleefully. "And, what else?"

Claire shrugged her slender shoulders. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Gena pouted.

"I'm not sure." Claire laughed at the reaction given. "What else other than the fact that I fucked someone else's man, and I'm officially a home wrecker."

"Oh come on, Claire!" Gena argued.  "It's not like they're married or something, right? Anyone could notice how Ryan kept staring at you as though you're the only woman in the ballroom."

"Oh please!" Claire rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious, Claire. I don't think you should feel bad about it," Gena insisted. "Like you said, it just happened." She reclaimed her bowl of cereal.

"I'm just glad you're not judging me, best friend," said Claire with a weak smile. "That's the last thing I'd want to hear after what happened last night." She reclined back in her seat, exhausted.

"Why would I judge you? I'm happy that you're finally out of your shell." Gena was excited actually, her grin bigger.

"I guess." Claire sighed. "And you? What's going on with the hot chocolate? I know you have been texting with him all morning."

It was Gena's turn on the hot seat, and she beamed like a flashlight.

"Oh girl, Harry is awesome!" She grinned dreamily, flushing crimson all over her face.

"Really now? What have I missed? Are you in love already?" Claire sat straight, a smile curved in her lips.

"Yeah, I think I like him, but I'm still getting to know him. I honestly don't have much to tell as we only met yesterday," Gena answered matter-of-factly.

"You? Getting to know someone? That's a first." Claire giggled.

"Hey, he is an interesting one," Gena argued. "I should try to act decent from now on. Besides, he's single, so at least I don't have to put up with the other woman drama."

"Oh thank you very much for the helpful reminder!" Claire snorted.

"Oops! That came out wrong. My bad!" Gena said teasingly, meaning so less of it.