CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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"Get in," Ryan ordered quietly, holding the car door open.

"And if I don't?" Claire retorted, glaring menacingly at him.

He smirked. "If you don't I'll kidnap you. And I'm not bluffing," he replied, his voice casual yet demanding.

"Oh? I'd love to see you try," Claire uttered, challenging him.

Ryan broke into giggles, certainly finding her amusing. "Claire, I'm not in the mood to play with you in the parking lot. Just get in the car and let's talk."

"We have nothing to talk about, though, do we?" Claire insisted, sounding serious.

Ryan leaned toward her, and in response she reclined back onto the car. "Just get inside the car, Claire. Unless you want me to shut your smart mouth right here in the daylight. Is that what you want?" he whispered into her ear, ignoring whoever was passing by.

Claire's breath hitched at the warmth of his breath in her ear. It was arousing and she wasn't ready to succumb to it.

"You're such a fuckwit!" she muttered, panting softly.

"A fuck what?" Pulling back, Ryan began laughing delightedly. "Oh, Claire.” He was indeed entertained.

"I have to go back to work, Ryan. Unlike you, I have important things to do." Claire tried to move but he stopped her, his hand gripping hers. "Ryan—"

"You're not going back. Not today." He opened the door and he was no longer kidding. "Please get inside, Claire. Let's not argue because I'll never let you win."

“But I have to—”

"Oh, come on!" Deftly, Ryan sent her inside the car and the door shut heavily afterwards. "That will do," he uttered with a smile.

"Ryan!" Claire knocked on the window. "Open the door, you jerk!" Her eyes trailed him as he rushed towards the driver and slid in. “Ryan—”

"One hour," Ryan interrupted her, shutting his eyes as though he's overwhelmed with something. "Just one hour and I'll drive you back to wherever you want to go." He now glanced at her.

One hour? Claire huffed. What for?

"And why should I comply with your demand, huh? And where are you taking me in that one hour?" she snarled.

"You'll soon find out," Ryan answered gently and pulled the seatbelt.

"Fuck you! You're crazy in the head, that's what you are!" Claire said sternly.

Ryan paid no attention to her ranting, other than smiling. Before starting the car, he fished his cellphone from the suit jacket and made a call.

"Yes, it's me," he said bossily. "Claire Levy won't return to work today. I need her to do something important." It didn't take long until the call ended.

"What do you think you are doing? Are you crazy? What do you mean I'm not going back to work and that you need me? What for?" Claire whined, her eyes surprised and raw.

"Crazy again?" Ryan mocked, smiling wickedly. "I thought you already had an answer for my mental state by now. Just shut up, Claire, it will do you good." He ignited the engine.

"You're sick!" Claire grunted. "So very sick!"

"Yeah, seatbelt!" Ryan said.


"Put on the damn seatbelt!" he repeated.

"Fucker!" With a heavy frustrated sigh, Claire complied.

They rode in that style until they arrived at their destination. The car entered into an underground parking lot of a gigantic building in a fancy neighborhood.

"Now what? Where are you taking me?" Claire asked as Ryan unlocked the doors.

"Just follow me," he said, making an exit.

"Can't you fucking tell me with words?" Claire demanded, glaring at him.

"I can't believe you're starting this again." Ignoring her useless resistance, Ryan pulled her out of the car.

Outside, he led her towards the private elevator that was somehow hidden. Claire didn't question despite frowning like a child. The door slid open and they both entered.

"Fine, you can kill me here and no one will know," Claire muttered.

Ryan couldn't contain his laughter. "You're so stubborn, I swear," he breathed while entering the passcode for the elevator to start.

Claire didn't respond. Crossing her arms on the chest, she waited impatiently until the elevator ascended up to the foyer of an exquisite penthouse. She sauntered in, her eyes darted outside through the wide ceiling-tall window.

She felt like she was in a tower, the blue sea streaming from a distance. Resuming her gaze back, she realized how big the place was. Quite modern and posh, furnished in silver-grey and white. It was luxurious and so Ryan-like, without a doubt. 

Feigning indifference, Claire faced him. "And may I know what this place is?" she asked in a serious tone of voice.

"My home," Ryan answered while shrugging out of his jacket, followed by the neck tie, and threw them on the plush, white L-shaped couch.

"Your bachelor pad, you mean? I'm sure it's where you bring all your bimbos for a good fuck!" Claire snorted, rolling her eyes.

"What?" Ryan laughed heartily. "A good fuck?"

"Yes, I'll give you that, Ryan. You're good in that department. But do you want me to be a plus one? You already had me once, aren't you satisfied?"

"My goodness!" Ryan sighed. "For starters, Claire, I don't have a bachelor pad. This is where I sleep every night, and you can see every trace of me if you look carefully. Would you like a house tour?" He was serious.

"Ugh!" she grunted, dropping heavily on the couch.

"And second," said Ryan while unbuttoning his utterly white shirt. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you, and that was never a one-night-stand for me."

"Yeah, right." Claire reclined back, rolling her eyes.

As if she believed the jerk.

Ryan smiled. "You're so pretty when you sulk. Want something to drink?" He was now heading towards the large open kitchen unraveled after the living room.

Nothing was mundane in this house.

"No. What if you drug me?" Claire said loudly. "Just tell me why you brought me to your home, as you claim, while I should be working like every other normal person out there." She couldn't stop appreciating the interior design of the place.

The paint job was splendid, the furniture quite on point, the arrangement simple yet elegant, it was just amazing. She loved it.

Ryan returned with a bottle of water in hand. He opened and gulped a half of it, seating himself down while watching her with interest.

"What?" She snorted.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Ryan asked. I've called you twice this weekend and you deliberately chose to ignore all of my calls, and even my texts."

"Oh, you mean your two missed calls and one message?" Claire replied sarcastically, and Ryan squinted his eyes. "You must have really tried your best to reach me with those sleazy attempts of yours, huh?" 

"What do you mean?" Ryan huffed, sitting more comfortably.

"I mean three trials and you're here complaining?" Claire muttered under her breath, and he raised an amused eyebrow.

"So you think it wasn't enough? Do you prefer I called you nonstop and sent you a bundle of texts instead?" He smiled boyishly.

Claire got up, flustered. "No, I never said that," she replied stoutly.

"Oh, you didn't?" Ryan gazed up at her, grinning.

"Yes, I'm only saying that you could have—" She halted. "Wait, you're only trying to evade the main issue here, aren't you?" Her voice was accusing.

"Meaning?" Ryan was enjoying the show.

"Why are we even discussing this?" Claire demanded, stunned.

"Because you want to?" Ryan answered with a sweet smile, folding his arms across the chest.

"Of course not! Ryan, just tell me what's all this about so that we can get it over with. Because I'm not in the mood to play your games," Claire told him strictly.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to spend time with you."


"Because I missed you," he said truthfully, his voice low and gentle.

A small silence stretched between them as they both eyed one another.

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Claire uttered, unable to fathom anything he was trying to pull. "Who do you think I am really? A slut with no dignity? A hooker you can have whenever you feel bored?"

"None of that," Ryan prompted coolly.

"Oh, I know." Claire laughed, biting her bottom lip. "A poor Cinderella who is mistreated by her evil stepmom, and one day she finds a hiding shelter in the arms of the Prince charming, is that it?"

Ryan's lips twisted at her final remark, displeased. "I haven't thought of you as any of that, Claire," he said softly.

He had a girlfriend. A reminder made Claire weak despite the strange sensation she'd entertain whenever she was alone with him.

"Please, Ryan, let me go," she begged softly.

"Claire," Ryan uttered, and that cynic air was all gone. "The truth is—"

"Let's finish the project peacefully and go to where we truly belong," Claire said. "Yes, I admit that you've managed to shake me up for a moment, and I forgot my place, my principles, and even my dignity. But you know what? That's as far as I'm willing to go, Ryan. It's difficult resisting you, that I admit, but don't make this even harder for me, please."

She wasn't going to win against him, Claire knew this for a face. But she also knew he was capable of doing that for her. If he stopped seeing her, everything would be back to normal.

"Listen, Claire," said Ryan in a soft voice. He stood up so that they're closer. "I'm not playing—"

"I'm done with this!" Claire snapped. "I can't afford to be the other woman, and especially the evil one." She furiously grabbed her handbag and headed to the exit.

"So this is all about Doris?" Ryan snapped back, and she stared back at him, wondering what was really the matter with him.

"Yeah, it's all about her," she retorted. "So can I go now?" Her voice was harsher.

"Are you feeling guilty or something?" Ryan asked.

Was he serious? Claire let out a smirk and bit her lip savagely.

She'd started to think he was really out of his mind. Was it possible that she was dealing with a mental patient? Asylum mental? She asked herself inwardly, but couldn't bring herself to believe he was in need of a shrink.

"Do you even love her? You girlfriend?" Claire asked.

"Does it matter?" Ryan queried.

"It was a stupid question, wasn't it?" Claire laughed sinisterly. "Because I don't think people like you even know what love is, let alone how to love someone."

A heavy silence settled as Ryan's jaw tightened.  He suddenly looked different, pained even, but none of his reactions impressed Claire. He slowly began undoing his shoes, and then his socks, wordless. He seemed thoughtful. 

What was he thinking of?  Claire wondered.

"Let's say you're right." Ryan sighed, his eyes dark. "But what if Doris wasn't my girlfriend? Would you have spared me the drama?" He stood up.

"The drama? You think this is a drama?" Unexpected pain shot in Claire’s heart.

"Yes," Ryan replied crisply while marching closer, barefoot. "Women are so good in thinking they know what love is, but in reality, you're the first creatures who introduced betrayal in the world. In the name of love." He was disdainful.

"You're fucked up!" Claire gritted her teeth. ‘You bastard!" She began walking towards the exit.

"You haven't answered my question!" Ryan barked. "Would things be different if she weren't my girlfriend?"

Claire stopped, clenching her fists hard. Taking a deep breath, she slowly whirled back. "If I say yes, what will you do? Will you leave her for me?" she asked.

Ryan was silent, inexplicably silent, totally unable to tell what he was thinking.

"Claire . . ." He ran his palms on his face, perplexity laced in his voice.

"See? You can't even answer that," Claire muttered. "Just let me go, Ryan. And forget about me as I will you."

"Do you want me to leave her?" Ryan asked.

"Can you?" she retorted.

"Do you? Do you want me to do it, Claire?" He insisted.

Was that what she wanted? Another woman to be abandoned for her sake? Claire thought.

"No! Just do nothing, you asshole!" she barked to his face and reached for the door that couldn’t open as she wanted it to.

"You won't be able to get out of here, unless I let you," Ryan said right behind her.

"Open the door, Ryan." She briskly turned around to confront him—only to bump into his chest.

"You'll never escape me no matter how hard you try, because you've walked into a place you shouldn't have the moment you kissed me that night," Ryan whispered, placing his forehead against hers, hauling her waist.

"Don't try any funny business with me, Ryan." Claire jerked away. "Open the damn door!"

"And what will you do if I don't? Tell me, what will you do?" he whispered into her ear, teasing her.

"Fuck, Ryan, open the door!" Claire snapped. "Let me—" Ryan's lips were on hers, shutting her up with a tight hold of her body, possessively as always. "Ry— She kissed him back.

The kiss was strong, wild, and she couldn't contain the urge it ignited in her. She slowly, and gradually, yielded to Ryan's sweet torture and sensual assault. Their lips mingled, tongue to tongue. God, he was a damn kisser!

"Can't you—" Ryan spoke amidst the kiss. "Just be as quiet—" he added. "Like this?" He lifted her briskly, and she encircled her legs about around his waist, lost in his kiss.

Fuck, why was she so weak over him? Claire cursed inwardly as he carried her back to the living room.

"I hate you, Ryan. You're the fucking beast and I shouldn't be here." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and continued having the taste of his lips as he heavily dropped her on the couch.

"I love being the beast," Ryan ripped off her blouse, making the buttons splatter helplessly. "And you don't need to love me, Claire, just don't walk away."

"Ryan, why?" she snapped.

"Because I can," he said, his eyes filled with desire to possess her as he stared at her perfect breasts hiding beneath the white bralette. "Jesus, you're going to kill me!" He peeled off his own shirt that was already unbuttoned.

No, he was going to be the death of her. Claire thought, staring at the sculpted abs of his manly torso that seemed to be accustomed into weight lifting and frequent sit-ups.

"Kiss me," she uttered, and Ryan's hungry mouth was once again on hers, taking her impatiently.

With her hips swaying beneath his weight, Claire felt his length growing. His lustful eyes kept mocking her while kissing and teasing every sensitive part of her body, without undressing. Well, except her ripped-blouse that was lying helplessly on the rug.

"Oh fuck it, Claire!" Ryan grunted. "You drive me nuts." He breathed out, feeling her fingers caressing his back restlessly, kissing his neck, his ears, her lips so demanding.

"You called for it," Claire said, and she was having the best moment of her sexual diary, once again.

She suddenly flipped him over, surprising him, and unbuckled his belt in a swift. She kissed his pecks, and began grinding on top of him, turning his predatory libido awake. Smiling, she tugged the tight waistband of his boxer and freed his length.

It was big, hard, and firm, and Claire's smile widened lustily. She wanted it all for herself. And man, he had it good. She leaned down to kiss his tight stomach, her hand stroking him softly and unhurriedly, feeling it throbbing.

"Oh, Claire," Ryan cried, shutting his eyes at the feel of her tongue on his skin. When he washed them open, her sight was mesmerizing. "Oh, I so want to fuck you in those heels." He was eyeing her pretty legs, caressing them.

"I still hate you," Claire muttered, raising up while tugging her massive hair to one side. Ryan stare was impatient, but soon began smiling when she shifted down, straddling him still, and then drew her head down.

"Jesus!" Ryan groaned, feeling her tongue touching the tip of his manhood, teasing him.

"Shut up," Claire ordered, fixing her hair once again to the side.

"Yes, ma'am!" Ryan chuckled, his hands unhooking the back of her bra so as to free the particulars. "Naughty little thing, huh? Oh damn it, Claire!" he moaned when her mouth filled him in with an up and down rhythm.

"Mmm." Claire hummed as she sucked him hard, deeper to her throat.

"Fuck!" Ryan flexed his hips, pushing up and down while holding her head to lead the movement, while clutching her hair at the same time. "Ah, you're going to make me . . . Oh God!" he groaned, her speed increasing, driving him nuts.

"Ahh!" Claire pulled out, gasping, chuckling at the face he was making.

"Oh, fuck, come here!" Ryan grabbed her and she laid on top of him, his arms gripping her waist and back. "You're so sexy." He pushed his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply. His hands dropped down to her behind, tugging her skirt up, and then her pantie down, just enough to ease his naughty fingers.

"Ryan," Claire grunted into his mouth when he started rubbing her sex, smoothly entering her wet core.

"You're so ready." He grinned. "I want you on top. I want to see your face when you come with me." He made her sit on him, slowly until she fitted.

"Oh!" She bawled, then giggled at the fill of his erection inside her.

It was awesome.

"Good girl." Ryan smiled as he sat up with her, taking her with ease until he's seated in a normal seating posture and she was right on his lap, straddling him, her arms around his neck. "You're so perfect," he breathed, and she was slowly riding him.

"Ah," she murmured, her mouth agape, and he was on her chest, kissing her cleavage. Damn, he felt good. "Ryan," she cried, tossing her head back as he sucked her teats, hardening them in just a tiny tongue touch.

"Oh shit!" Ryan groaned, clutching her slender waist to support her move. She hugged him tighter, moving up and down, circular, over and over again. "Right there. Look what you're doing to me! Fuck!" He was going crazy, and she was speeding up, her moaning loud.

They kept kissing, deeply and harder each time, moving in synergy, holding onto each other tightly. How was she going to stop seeing him now? Claire wondered as her body yielded easily in his advancement. He was the end of her, she could feel it, and even more when she exploded in his arms.