CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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The new project was coming handy, having everyone at their toes as it seemed to be a very important client. Claire was inside her Superior’s office, handing over the presentation materials.

"I included the previous designs, as Lydia suggested," she told him without any enthusiasm. Handling paperwork was a bummer for her.

"This is good, Levy," said Nathan—a slender man, tall with low-cut hair.  He was smiling, impressed. "But I have some bad news for you." His face suddenly turned mirthless.

Claire frowned. "What news? Don't tell me you're not taking me with you."

He'd promised to let her participate this time. What a fool she was to believe him!

"That's exactly it," he replied. "Someone else is taking this project, so you won't need to assist me anymore. Sorry, Levy."

"No, you can't be serious, Nathan," Claire snorted. "I worked my ass off for this presentation, just so I can finally get out of this boring office and do something real. Why are you doing this to me?"

Nathan was sitting at the edge of his office table. "Relax, Claire, it wasn't my decision to make," he said gently.

"Yeah, right." Claire nearly rolled her eyes. Nathan chuckled. "I knew it.” She couldn't mask the disappointment.

"But on the bright side, you've been assigned to a bigger project." Nathan beamed.

"Really? What project?" Claire asked skeptically.

"I'm getting there," Nathan said while dropping off the table. "Normally we don't take newbies in these kinds of projects, but I think you've been exceptionally asked to be included in the preliminary planning." He strode towards his chair.

Claire scowled, bemused. "Okay, Nathan, now you're leaving me behind." She took a seat, as he did. "What's the project and who's the client?" she urged.

"The remodeling project of Maryrose street," he answered.

Maryrose street? The name did ring the bell. Where had she heard it again?

"Wait. Is it a project from SK group?" Claire asked with a surprised look.

"Exactly. But how do you know that? I just found out this morning myself," Nathan inquired, and Claire shrugged innocently.

Boy, you don't want to know. She thought.

"Well, it's not important, Nathan," she replied vaguely. "Just tell me more about the project, and who included me." She sat straight.

Nathan woke his computer. "I'm not exactly sure, but it was a direct order from above," he answered. "But maybe you can tell me, Levy." He glanced at Claire.

"Tell you what?" She was wary.

"Who has your back?" Nathan asked teasingly. He was very friendly, and to everyone.

Ryan Stevens? Claire questioned herself inwardly, and it was conclusive as to no one else came to mind.

"You're talking nonsense." She rose up her feet, evasively. "So, who do I ask about the details? It's obvious you won't be my teammate, right?"

"No, no, no, you're stuck with me again, I'm afraid. And just so you know, you'll only be an observer," Nathan said.

"I knew it was too good to be true," Claire murmured under her breath

Nathan laughed softly.  "As you already know, SK group is the major shareholder of Starlight, which means only the best and experienced designers will work on this project."

"Wait, what? Starlight is a part of SK?"  Claire was shocked.

"Oh, that wasn't necessary for you to know. It only slipped. Just get ready, tomorrow you and I will go to SK to do the presentation before we visit the site," Nathan stated.

"Me, too?" Claire's eyes widened.

"Yes. Nine o'clock," Nathan said.

What kind of game was Ryan playing now? Claire wondered. And he's technically her boss? Huh, what a joke! She laughed to herself as she exited Nathan's office.

The next day Claire woke up quite early and started rummaging through her closet in search for a perfect outfit to wear. She was always careful about her dressing, but for some reason, she wanted to look her best this morning.

After some time she decided to wear a white chiffon blouse, and a black umbrella skirt; professional and elegant. An hour passed and she was ready. Hurriedly, she snatched a handbag and some documents she'd been working on last night.

Outside she found Jorge climbing into his car and he kindly offered to give her a ride. She obliged without fretting; by now she and Jorge were really warming up to one another, so it wasn't as hard as before.

"Why don't you just use one of the cars? You always ride a cab," asked Jorge as they left the house.

"I don't know. Maybe I love the fact that I get time to relax while someone else drives, and I think my license has expired," she muttered truthfully.

"Well, I think having a car is a necessity," Jorge remarked, "especially now that you're working." He glanced at her, and she only smiled.

Between speaking of their work and a little bit of a favor Claire had to ask on behalf of Gena, the two found themselves into a conversion somehow. At last they arrived at Starlight where she got out of his car.

"Thanks, Jorge,” she whispered.

"Don't mention. Have a nice day," he  returned with a small smile.

Once in the office Claire headed immediately to see Nathan for their upcoming appointment at SK headquarters. The whole thing kept driving her nuts, but she knew she had to be brave and do her job.

Ryan or not, her professional life was all that mattered right now.

"Oh you look great, Levy." Nathan flushed upon seeing her approaching his office.

"Thanks, Nathan. I hope there's no last minute change," Claire teased, but meaning it.

He chuckled. "Not at all, ma'am, relax. We're leaving soon, and just a reminder, you're only going to observe." He was packing some files into the cabinet.

"I know, Nathan, you don't have to rub it to my face." Claire rolled her eyes.

By ten in the morning the two were already at SK headquarters, a long silver-grey skyscraper engraved with the bold SK sign. They approached the reception desk to confirm their appointment, which was only several minutes due.

"We're from Starlight," said Nathan to a pretty receptionist lady.

Claire was wandering her eyes around, admiring the huge and fancy lobby. A few busy figures with employee's badges kept walking in a hurry. The receptionist made a call and after a while she flashed a smile.

"Go ahead to the 24th floor, there's a hall on the left and you'll find a conference room," she politely told them, and Nathan thanked her with his best smile.

Inside the elevator is where Claire's heart began pounding heavily against her chest. Was she nervous? She had no idea on how this  morning was going to end, in case Ryan was really behind her involvement in the project.

She braced the straps of her red handbag as though her life depended on it, while checking her black platforms that started to sting her feet—quite unusual. Perhaps from the anxiety . . .  or not? She found herself blowing out some air.

"You okay, Levy?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," she answered.

Finally the elevator doors split open and revealed a very quiet floor with hallways on either side. They took a left one and immediately reached the large conference room that seemed totally unoccupied.

After a few minutes someone unexpected approached. It was Doris, and Claire couldn't contain the shock. What was she doing here? Was she working for Ryan as well? A million questions surged into Claire's brain.

"Sorry, did you wait long?" Doris asked while putting her things on a large table that contained bottles of drinking water on each seat.

"Not at all," Nathan replied, and she walked over towards him.

"Hi, I'm Doris Marcos. The Director of Public Relations." She shook Nathan's hand.

"Nathan Panther," he replied.

"Pleasure," she replied and then turned towards Claire. "I didn't know you work at Starlight. What a coincidence, huh?" she said, and there was a little bit of sarcasm in the sound of her final remark.

Claire couldn't care less. She was only surprised. So he worked with his girlfriend in the same office? It was a lot to take it in but she stayed poised.

"I know, right?" She forged a smile as her eyes met Doris'.

Recalling that she had slept with her boyfriend made her feel uncomfortable around—like a conscious hypocrite would.

"Need some coffee or tea?" Doris offered, but none of the two obliged.

The glass door swung open again. Ryan, Harry, and other three men entered the room. Claire's heart skipped a beat when she saw him. Harry looked a bit surprised to see her. He smiled subtly. As for Ryan, he was indifferent. He took a seat across from her, his eyes gleaming.

The presentation started upon Ryan's instructions. He didn't bother with  introductions. Nathan began explaining the slides on the projector, during which Ryan's eyes were almost fixed on Claire, and she returned with a glare. He was distracting her, damn it! Always a jerk.

By the time Nathan was done with the presentation, everyone was nodding in agreement while exchanging murmurs. Everyone except Ryan who stared at the projector with an unimpressed look. He seemed to be thinking, and Claire couldn't leave his eyes.

"I don't like it," he said crisply.

All eyes in the room turned on him, surprised.

"Excuse me?" Nathan prompted.

"I thought it was great," said Doris, looking at Ryan. "I like the designs. They are trendy," she added.

"It's mundane. Not what I envisioned," Ryan said while tapping the table with his perfect fingers.

"What?" Doris huffed a laugh.

Why wasn't she surprised? Claire shifted her eyes towards the last slide on the projector. Begrudgingly, she couldn't disagree with Ryan despite his obtuseness.

"It's trendy, but not exactly what I would define fancy," Ryan said as he sat straight, his gaze condescending.

Swallowing hard, Nathan looked a bit taken aback, and Claire felt the need to intervene.

"What is it that you don't like, Mr. Stevens? You wanted the luxurious, modern, and fancy designs, and that's exactly what was prepared." She stood up, suddenly confident, and took small steps around the table.

"Is it?" Ryan tagged, serious in manners, but Claire wasn't going to let him intimidate her.

"Maybe not. We all have different perceptions after all." She decided to dance his tune while advancing to his vicinity quite nonchalantly. "So tell us, what is it that you have envisioned for the interiors of your grand condominiums?" She faced him.

Ryan smirked, amusement evident on his face. He was having fun.

"What does fancy mean to you, Ms. Levy? Or better yet, what do you term as fancy to your eyes?" he asked her with a smile while challenging her gaze.

There was a stiff tension in the room, and the rest of the others had no idea that it was beyond what met the eyes—but the two knew it so well.

"To me it means taste, uniqueness, and timeliness," Claire sternly answered, making Ryan lift an amused eyebrow. "Something I can easily consider paying a fortune for, not because I can, but rather because it completes me, and also compliments my taste," she added, without breaking eye contact.

"Well said, Ms. Levy." Ryan smiled sinisterly. "Now tell me, as a designer yourself, and not as an employee of Starlight, are you okay with the designs you've just suggested to us? Can you actually advise me to go on with it?"

Jerk! Claire cursed inwardly.

She knew almost perfectly where Ryan's concerns lied, despite the odds. She probably had the same thoughts as his, from the beginning of the presentation to the end.

However, she couldn't stop feeling like he was challenging her on purpose.

With a sigh, and a little thinking, Claire stared at the projector and its contents displayed, and then at Nathan who nodded at her to say whatever she had in her mind.

"Yes, I would advise you to go on," Claire said calmly. Her remark raised a few murmurs, and an indifferent look from Ryan, who eyed her fixedly. "But, I have a suggestion regarding what you may probably want." She smirked at him.

"Go ahead," Ryan affirmed.

Claire took a deep breath, wearing a professional look. "I'm sure what you've envisioned is something luxurious but capable of fitting everyone's taste, am I correct?" she asked while taking the remote from Nathan.

"Could be." Ryan shrugged, and squared his shoulder to sit more attentively as she rewind some slides.

"Just because it's expensive, doesn't mean everyone with money will buy, unless it fits their taste. In the end, fashion and style are two different things.” Claire’s sole focus was on Ryan, even though she couldn't stay at one place as she explained.

Ryan looked immersed, eyes gleaming and tentative on her.

“A young businessman may want to live in a modernly furnished penthouse, but a retired politician may probably want a classic mansion somewhere remote. That doesn’t mean one lacks taste and another has plenty—it’s only a matter of preference.” Claire continued. "So then, we shouldn't focus on trends or anything of the sort, but rather on taste."

"What?" Doris muttered, glaring crossly at Claire.

Claire didn't fret, especially with Ryan's nod supporting her statement.

"Some rich people like classic houses, some modern, some prefer color splash, some prefer light or plain. So, why don't we incorporate them all?" Claire asked.

"How so?" Doris questioned, seemingly annoyed.

"Like a five-star hotel with different types of suites, it's possible to make homes feel like a slice of heaven for everyone." Claire continued talking while showing examples on the already-made designs on the slides, with the help of Nathan at times.

"And?" Ryan eyed her like a challenge, and she knew his intentions well enough.

She kept calm.

"The bottom line is, we can make designs based on what people want, and not from how expensive you want them to look," she said articulately.

"And what about class? Isn't that the whole point?" Doris asked, and what sounded like a mock. "In the end we want to be exclusive! We're SK, Ms. Levy. We provide the best." She was stern.

Claire smiled. "And of course without degrading class, Ms. Marcos."

"Director," Doris snapped. "Director Marcos."

Whatever, bitch!

"Sure, Director Marcos," Claire retorted, deadpan. "So are you agreeing with us, Mr. Stevens? In the end you're the one with the vision," she asked Ryan with sarcasm.

"Fine," Ryan told her, and she almost couldn't believe her ears. "We'll meet next time, when you have the new designs."

"Oh, sure." Claire smiled, relieved.

"I expect nothing less, Panther," Ryan told Nathan while extending his hand towards him.

"Yes, Mr. Stevens," Nathan said.

"Ms. Levy, I'm looking forward to it." Ryan's eyes were back to Claire, teasing her.

It was the end of the first round. Claire had clearly pissed Doris considering the way she walked past her during the farewells. Well, she wasn't expecting the Director to like her, was she? Again, Claire didn't care. While inside the elevator she stared at her boss, guilted.

"I'm sorry, Nathan, I know you told me to keep it low but—"

"Hey, what are you saying? You saved my ass out there," he replied, laughing. "I heard Ryan Stevens is no joke, but I never thought he's this intimidating. I nearly pissed in my pants."

They both laughed at that.

"So, what are you guys going to do? I might've ruined your work because of my foul mouth," Claire stated remorsefully.

"We'll have to revise the designs, no way out. Besides, we weren't expecting a go-ahead right away, everyone knows how demanding Ryan is," Nathan said.

On that notion Claire had nothing to argue. She'd already known Ryan well enough to understand this fact. They finally reached the lobby, and while heading out, her phone buzzed. She frowned at the sight of the caller's ID.

"What is it, sir?" she asked into the phone, and Nathan halted.

"I'm not your sir." Ryan's voice shot from the phone. "Don't go anywhere, wait for me."

"I have to go back to the office," Claire rebuked. "And if this isn't about work, then please stop wasting my—" She stopped her speech when she saw the approaching guy from the EXECUTIVE ONLY elevator.

"There you are," Ryan said, and she could clearly see his impudent smile.

"You—” She wanted to say something, but he'd already hung up.

Exasperated, Claire witnessed Ryan marching over. He moved boldly, surrounded with his authoritative aura that evidently proved him the boss among everyone else. He stopped right before Nathan, and eyed Claire momentarily.

"You can go ahead, Mr. Panther," he told Nathan. "I have somewhere to go with Ms. Levy."

"Oh, okay," Nathan replied with zero idea of what's going on.

What the fuck! Claire blushed, the highest degree of embarrassment kind of blush. This man was ruining her.

She glared at him upon Nathan's departure. "Seriously, how—"

"Not here, Claire," Ryan uttered softly. "Come on, let's go." He held her hand, but she pulled off savagely.

"Stop it, Ryan! I'm not going anywhere with you. Who do you think you are to order me around, huh?" she snapped, oblivious of the fact there were several SK employees at the lobby, who were currently taking notice of whatever their boss was doing.

Ryan didn't give a damn about them or anyone on the matter.

"Oh, do you prefer I drag you by force or carry you like a sack of rice?" he asked. "Because I can carry you with pleasure." He grinned.

Looking around the place, and all the eyes fixed on them, Claire breathed out heavily. Ryan's cynic smile was intact, and it was infuriating. What was he up to? It was another question when Claire finally relented to his demand.