CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Ryan took a seat behind his office desk and skimmed through some documents.

"This is good enough," he said pointedly, regarding the contract Harry had been working on. "And what's the emergency?" He turned towards Doris, who had been watching him taciturn.

She sighed audibly and said, "I'm afraid Clancy has got you this time." She sat straight.

"What?" Ryan frowned.

"Where did you go, and without telling anyone?" Doris snapped angrily. "I've tried to reach you, but it seems you were too busy to answer!" She frantically rolled her eyes.

"Tell me about Clancy, what happened?" Ignoring the lady, Ryan turned to Harry for information.

This was way more important for him.

"Well," Harry started, but when Doris got up stoutly like an angry wife, he had to stop his speech.

"Sit down, Doris!" Ryan demanded.

"I don't think you need me here, so why should I stay?" she replied harshly while reaching for the door handle.

"I said sit down, Director Marcos!" Ryan snapped aloud, his voice supreme. "I'm the CEO of this company, don't ever forget that!" he added, and the entire office went cold.

Doris clenched her fists tightly for a second or two. And then she walked back reluctantly after a deep sigh.

"Well, it seems like Clancy made a bigger offer, and they're selling him the land," Harry said, staring at Ryan whose face was now expressionless. He was thoughtful. "I snooped around and I learned they're sealing the deal tomorrow. So what do we do?"

"And it looks like someone is leaking our intelligence from the inside," Doris added, back to her composure. 

Indeed. This had happened twice already. Ryan reclined back in his seat and silence filled the air. He seemed to be thinking hard, his jaw clenched.

"About the mole, I'm letting you deal with it, Doris," he said, and she nodded. "Clancy—that scheming son of a bitch. We're not going to do anything," he finally stated.

"What?" Doris and Harry exclaimed in unison.

"I thought you wanted that land badly, and you promised the board that it's going to be our next project," Doris said, her voice apprehensive.

"I know. But I'm not doing it, period." Ryan stressed. None of the two could get him. "But I want you to spread the news that we're raising the bid," he uttered.

Doris sat straight. "That way he'll also raise?" she asked, and Ryan nodded agreeably. "Huh? You want him to pay more than necessary?" She frowned, trying to understand.

"And then you back out? But you'll also be on the losing end, don't you think?" Harry remarked.

"I'll take that," Ryan said with a wicked smile.

"But that's crazy, Ryan. You never let anyone screw your target, so then why?" Doris asked.

"Sometimes shit happens, I guess. I'll think of a contingency plan," Ryan said while shutting the papers.

"And the Havana deal?" Harry asked urgently.

"I'll review the contract at home," Ryan replied. "If there's nothing else, I'll get going now." He glanced at his watch.

"You're leaving? What about dinner? You promised we'd go out tonight," Doris asked, and Harry excused himself with a knowing grin.

Ryan fetched the documents and rose up his feet. "Something came up, Doris. Some other time, maybe." He moved out of his seat.

Doris scowled hard, displeased with his answer. "What's going on, Ryan? You've been acting really strange lately," she asked gently while heading to the exit.

"Nothing is going on, you're just being paranoid," Ryan replied coolly. "You should go home early today, and relax a bit. You're working too hard." He smiled at her.

Doris flushed.. "First you lash at me, and now you're being nice? How lovely!" She opened the door, followed by Ryan right behind her.

"Work is work," he said.

"Yes, Mr. President." Doris rolled her eyes. They walked past Ryan's secretary post. "Oh, so how much will you offer to beat Clancy? I bet you'll have to pay a fortune to get the land," she suddenly uttered loudly enough for the secretary to hear, and Ryan laughed.

"Whatever it takes," Ryan replied. "You're something else," he added, a few seconds later.

"What? I always find her suspicious," Doris remarked.

"Could be. That's why I let you handle it." Ryan pressed the elevator button, and they both walked in after a short moment.

"What plan do you have for the evening?" Doris quizzed, her eyes straight onto Ryan's.

"Important," he answered coolly while fishing for his phone.

Doris' face blanched. "Nameless?" she asked, staring into space.

"Yeah," Ryan murmured and silence scooped them until the ride ended.

"About this morning, did you know that Claire works for Starlight?" Doris asked out of the blue.

Ryan scowled, but showed no hint of being surprised. "I did know she works there, but I didn't know she would come." He dialed a number on his phone

"Is that so? Well, I—"

"I really need to leave, Doris, see you tomorrow," Ryan told her curtly. "And I expect you'll find the traitor soon." His phone was now on the ear.

"Okay, I will, but— " she started, but he was already leaving, making her sigh with a frustrated laugh. "What is it that you're hiding, Ryan?" she thought out loud.


A feeling of being watched was what managed to wake Claire from her deep slumber. Yawning, she flashed her eyes open with difficulty. Surprise spiked as she found the duvet on her body, feeling warm. Ryan was here, she thought. He'd been here for too long maybe, for it was already dark outside.

Gingerly she sat up, desperately searching for him. He was on the loveseat couch near the main window, seated lazily, or exhaustedly, watching her with a faint smile. She pulled off the duvet and dropped her feet down on the carpeted floor. A scowl settled on her face at the sight of him.

"You said you won't take long and look what time it is," she complained when her eyes stuck on the alarm clock. It was seven, and the rain was making its slow entrance once again.

Sighing heavily, Ryan rubbed his eyes in a subdued manner. "I couldn't wake you," he said, his voice too calm. Claire narrowed her eyes at that. She couldn't understand his unusual mood. 

Something was amiss.

She slowly held her horses and sat next to him. "Ryan, is everything okay?" she calmly asked.

"It's nice seeing you calm for a second." Ryan smiled indulgently, stroking the strands of her hair. "Can I hug you?" he asked, and it was quite surprising.

"Um, sure," Claire uttered, confused.

Ryan pulled her for a tight embrace which clearly defined that he wasn't okay. "I love your warmth," he breathed.

"Um, what's the matter, Ryan? Did something happen at work?" Claire pried, intending to understand the situation.

"Hmm?" he murmured, his eyes shut.

"Hey, talk to me, please. I'm really worried now."

"You are?" Ryan returned, and that mischievous gleam was back into his eyes.

"Yes, Ryan. Tell me what's wrong."

Smiling, Ryan said, "Okay, I'll tell you what's wrong."

"Good." Claire smiled back.

They both got comfortably settled in the bed, Ryan's head resting on Claire's lap.

"It's about work," he started. "Jeez, I don't usually discuss my problems with anyone, and here I am, ready to whine like you."

"I'll let you whine today, so tell me everything, and let it off your chest," Claire told him, her fingers delving through his hair in a soothing manner, and he quickly relaxed.

"Well, I've been looking into this land . . ." Ryan explained the facts and how he'd lost the deal that was so close to being signed.

"Gosh, what a bastard that Clancy is," Claire snapped, and he laughed at her mad tone of voice. "So, you already have another project in mind for Montesby?" she asked.

"Yeah, by next year Montesby will be a part of the Government's Redevelopment Plan. Starting with the construction of a subway." Again he got engrossed into details, and Claire loved listening to his plans and visions of grandeur.

"Wow. And how the hell will you finance and manage another one?" she queried.

"In this industry, Claire, you can't let your guards down. It's one late move and you're out. So timing is also a merit, plus, I'm not the one financing the project."

"Oh yeah? And who does?"

"Rule number one, never use your own money in Real Estate business," said Ryan, and Claire smiled with a raised eyebrow.

"What's rule number two?" she asked.

"Use only other people's money," he replied.

"That's the same thing." She laughed, her eyes staring down at him.

"That's the whole point." Ryan laughed as well. "If you snooze you lose, no one will sit around waiting for you to finish your damn project until they sell their land to you," he explained.

"Okay, but you can always find a replacement, no? Montesby is huge, with very good land."

"You're right, but it won't be the same. When I set my eyes onto something, I hardly change. So, having to let it go is kind of a blow to me."

"My father used to say that in any challenge lies a hidden opportunity," Claire said. "And it's not a defect by being flexible, you know. Losing is a part of any game."

Ryan smiled. "I know, I just hate losing."

"Who does?" Claire wiggled her brows laughingly. "But like you said, Real Estate is like gambling, so being careful isn't a weakness at all," she added, and Ryan looked amusedly at her.

"I think you're right," he said.

"Hey listen," muttered Claire. "Since people will be moving in, it means not all of them will move to stay; some will come to stay, some will only visit and leave."

"And?" Ryan got attentive.

"Montesby is like a historical town and a tropical paradise in the same place," she continued. "Do you know that there's an amazing spot for scuba diving over there?"

"No, I had no idea." Ryan rose up and sat straight, smiling. "You seem to know a lot more about the place than I do."

"A little. My parents lived by the beach as you've seen my house, They told me a lot of stories about the place. Also my grandfather used to be a fisherman, so I know a few spots for eco-tourism as I used to join him during holidays."

"Okay, Ms. Challenge, where are you heading? Because I know that twinkle in your eyes. Go on, tell me already," he cried.

"Oh, well, my point is, other than houses and apartments, I think Montesby needs a hotel," she blurted out. "Tourists come by so often, but do you know where they stay? In some low quality boutique hotels with less than a hundred rooms, or in some local inn's, and sometimes in a few boarding houses."

"Oh, really now?" Ryan was intrigued.

Damn, she was indeed getting into his head right now.

"The bottom line is, there's a need, a real need for great accommodation. A place they can call home far away from home, and I know it's people like you who can make it happen, Mr. Stevens."

"So you want me to build a hotel?" Ryan retorted.

"Yes. A fancy hotel with the best rooms, a nice resort and other stuff that I don't know." She laid down, placing her head on Ryan's lap. "My turn," she muttered.

"You're right, I guess," Ryan said, smiling at her last remark.

"Look, I'm just saying, okay? I know hotels haven't been your thing other than investing in a few, but it's good to be a game changer, I believe."

"A game changer." Ryan smiled fondly at her. "Well, that's genius, baby!” Excitement filled his gleaming eyes.

Claire blinked twice. "It is?"

"Of course it is. How could I not think about it? A grand hotel in Montesby," he muttered, thoughtful. "I can already picture where it will be, somewhere near the sea."

"Yeah, that sounds lovely."

Ryan started describing his visions and Claire enjoyed the sight of him in his element. He was like a young enthusiastic boy, full of passion and ambition.

"Fuck, you're so smart." He kissed her briefly. "I knew from the moment I saw you that you're fucking smart, aside from being sexy and beautiful."

"Thanks, I guess?" Claire uttered.

Everything was going well, until Ryan's phone buzzed and Claire learned it was a call from Doris. Ryan excused himself and walked out of the bedroom, leaving her right where she was.

That was her cue, back to reality, Claire thought while feeling the rage. She had to leave, and never return. Ryan got back about five minutes later, and found her already at her feet.

"What are you doing?" he asked while closing the door behind him.

"I'm dressing up. Are you blind or something?" she answered curtly while fixing the oversized shirt of his.

"I know you're dressing up, but why?" He walked in, frowning.

"So that I can go home? This is your house, remember?"  Claire glanced at him scornfully.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Here we go again. So you want to go right now?" He sauntered toward her.

"Yes, right now." She had to fetch her skirt, her heels . . . her blouse? Damn, she had no blouse.

"Like that?" Ryan stared at the shirt she was  wearing, amused.

"If possible, yes!" Claire snorted.

Ryan sighed heavily. "Is this about the call? Jeez, Claire. We were talking about office matters, so why are you behaving like this?" His voice was no longer teasing.

"I don't care," Claire said. "I'm not even sure what I'm doing here in the first place."

Ryan strode toward her. "You're here because we both want to be here. I don't want you gone, and I feel like I'll go nuts if you try to do it?" He hauled  her body closer.

Sharply Claire inhaled some oxygen upon his embrace, her back against his hard chest  She stilled in his arms, feeling the warmth. "Is this how you deal with Doris and all other women you fuck around?" she asked.

"I don't fuck around with just anyone," Ryan whispered, and then kissed her neck. She tilted her head in response. "Believe me," he added.


"Oh, so I should be grateful, right? That the mighty Ryan Stevens has his dick on me?" Claire

"Aren't you?" Ryan smiled, nuzzling her hair. "Just admit it, Claire, you don't want to go anywhere but here?" He gripped her softly across the chest with one arm, causing her to stay utterly put.

"I won't question your delirium, Ryan, so you can think however you want," Claire answered.

She was striving not to fall for this strong man who had her under his skin. It was an undeniable truth that Ryan unleashed several feelings in her at once. She was angry, then she was not. She wanted to move, then her body wouldn't let her.

How was she going to escape his web?

Resting his chin on Claire's shoulder, Ryan's free hand travelled down her bare thighs, playing with the hem of her shirt fabric, and slowly kissed her earlobe. She flexed, shutting her eyes instantly as her body reacted to his strong, expert fingers.

"I'm not being delirious. I know you want me, just as I want you, Claire," he told her.

"Ryan, please, just let me leave already," she moaned, her breath heavy.

Fuck, she had no pantie! How was she this slutty and reckless in the beast's cave?

"Really?" Ryan slid his indecent hand at the apex of her thighs. "Are you scared to give in?"

"I'm not scared of anything," Claire breathed, devouring the betrayal of her legs that parted subtly to give him the access to her precious reserve. "What makes you think I can't resist you, huh?" Her voice was barely a sound.

"You're trembling in my arms right now," Ryan whispered. "And I know you're so turned on as it shows right here between your beautiful legs. And damn, you're not wearing anything. Naughty girl." He gilded his finger inside her wet core, smiling proudly.

She'd been aroused way before his return from the office. Claire was sure of this upon the lewd thoughts she'd been having while lying in his bed.

"No, I'm not. Please, stop this game," she muttered.

"But you begged me not to stop earlier this afternoon, and you were so obedient," Ryan said, biting her neck sensually, kissing it, his finger rubbing her sex.

"Shut up." The heat was rising in her body and she refused to stay still.

"Don't you like it? Wanna make a bet that you'll soon want more?" Ryan continued stroking his finger inside her

"No, I won't," she uttered between her breaths, "because I won't play your game."

"But we're playing already," Ryan tantalized her with the kisses.

"Ryan, don't—" she breathed unevenly, and he sped up the pace. "Oh God!" She clung onto him, her hand yanking his neck backward.

"Don't what, Claire?" He tilted her face from behind. He kissed her lips harder, briefly, and then repeated, "Don't what? Tell me!"

"Don't stop," she cried, panting soundly, the pleasure immense.  "You jerk! I want you. Right now!" Briskly, she spun around and pulled his face for a kiss . . . long and ferocious.

"Hungry little thing, huh?" Ryan grinned, accepting the war, squeezing her butt to his liking, and his mouth was once again dancing with hers. "Fuck, come here!" He deftly lifted her onto his shoulder, with one arm, and dropped her on the bed.

"Damn you, beast!" Claire screamed out gleefully, and he

"You fucking drive me crazy, Claire!" He pulled his polo shirt over the head, watching her.

"And you're fucking crazy already," Claire replied while peeling the shirt off, impatiently. "We're both crazy." On her knees, she moved toward him.

Ryan's lips twisted into a libidinous grin, pleased by the capriciousness of hers. "You're perfect," he muttered, appreciating her naked body, everything to his liking. "And foul-mouthed." He stepped out of his pants as he began kissing her all over again.

"Mmm," she hummed into his mouth, pressing harder onto him. She wasn't going to last longer, she wanted him, and she knew he wanted her, too. Her hand found his erection, already hard and firm.

"Oh shit!" Ryan groaned, and both pulled apart, watching one another with desire.

"This is the last one," Claire breathed, stroking his length. His hand was rubbing her hair, mouth ajar, eyes married, intoxicated. "You won't have me again, Ryan." She bends over to take him into her mouth.

"No, Claire. If you do that I'll come in your mouth," he groaned.

"I didn't stop you, did I?" Claire uttered defiantly, surprising herself.

What was happening with her? She mentally scolded.

"Fuck, Claire!" Ryan laughed nervously, his body trembling at her sensual assault. "I'm definitely fucking your mouth if you keep defying me like that, I'm warning you."

"I dare you." She kept stroking him, biting her bottom lip coquettishly . . . deliberately pushing him deeply into the ocean of lust and carnal.

"Damn you! Suck me, baby!" Ryan's eyes shone, and Claire's grin widened.